Phys Ch 6

  1. Define Solution
    Mixture of 2 or more compounds
  2. Define solvent
    component of a solution that which is of the greatest amount
  3. Define Solute
    Component of a solution that which is of a lesser amount
  4. Define concentration gradient
    Difference/change between solute and solvant
  5. Define diffusion
    The random thermal motion of particles. Molecules move faster as temperature increases.
  6. What kind of molecules can easily move through a plasma membrane?
    Small and non-polar molecules.
  7. What molecule is an exception of to (small and non-polar molecules easily moves across plasma membrane)?
  8. Define permeability
    Ability of molecule to travel across plasma membrane
  9. Define osmosis
    Diffusion of water across a membrane
  10. What are two methods molecules can be helped across the membrane?
    Ion channels & protein carriers
  11. Why are ion channels called gates?
    Because they open and close
  12. Define osmotic pressure
    Pulling force of a solution for water
  13. Define Molarity
    Unit of concentration , ratio of solute to water(grams/Liter of water)
  14. What is one gram molecular weight? For Glucose? Sucrose? NaCl?
    Molecular weight of a particle. Glucose =180, Sucrose = 342, NaCl= 58.5
  15. What is 1 mole?
    1 gram weight of a particle. 6.02 x 1023 (Avagadro's number)
  16. Formula for molarity
    1 Mole of Particle/1 L water
  17. Define osmolarity
    Molarity x # of particles of dissociation. The units for osmolarity is Osmols
  18. What is molarity of our body fluids? Our osmolarity?
    p.15M ; 0.30 Osm
  19. Define Tonicity
    Osmotic pressure; pulling force of water; tension
  20. Define isotonic
    Same osmotic pressure
  21. Define isosmotic
  22. In medicine, isotonic refers to the osmolarity of what?
    body fluids
  23. How to make isotonic solution of NaCl?
    .3 osm/2 = .150 M; .150M x 58.5 = roughly 9 grams of NaCl/1L water
  24. Define regulation of blood osmolarity
    • During dehydration, through negative feedback, osmoreceptors in hypothalamus determines either
    • 1. Thirst -> drinking -> increase in water intake
    • or
    • 2. ADH from posterior pituitary -> carried via blood to kidneys -> remove salt to increase water retention
  25. How do large polar molecules get across plasma membrane?
    facilitated diffusion
  26. What are 3 properties of carrier mediated transport?
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Phys Ch 6
Physiology Chapter 6