AP Language and Composition Vocacb_4

  1. Affable
    (Adj.) Courteous and pleasant, sociable, easy to speak to

    Synonyms- Genial, Amicable, Agreeable, Cordial
  2. Aggrandize
    (V.) To increase in greatness, power, or wealth; to build up or intensify; to make appear greater

    Synonyms- Augment. Amplify, Enhance, Exalt
  3. Amorphous
    (Adj.) Shapeless, without definite form; of no particular type or character; without organization, unity or cohesion

    Synonyms-Formless, Unstructured, Nebulous, Inchoate
  4. Aura
    (N.) That which surrounds(as an atmosphere); a distinctive air or personal quality

    Synonyms- Ambience, Atmosphere
  5. Contraband
    • (N.) Illegal traffic, smuggled good
    • (Adj.) Illegal, prohibited

    Synonyms- Illicit, Bootleg, Unlawful
  6. Erudite
    (Adj.) Scholarly, Learned, Bookish, Pedantic

    Synonyms- Profoundly educated, well-read
  7. Gossamer
    • (Adj.) thin, light, delicate, insubtantial
    • (N.) thin,light cloth

    Synonyms-Filmy, Diaphanous, Sneer, Airy, Feathery, Gauzy
  8. Infer
    (V.) To find out by reasoning; to arrive at a conclusion on the basis of thought; to hint, suggest, imply
  9. Inscrutable
    (Adj.) Incapable of being understood; inpossible to see through physically

    Synonyms- Impenetrable, Incomprehensible, Enigmatic
  10. Insular
    (Adj.) Relating to, characteristic of, or situated on an island; narrow or isolated in outlook or experience

    Synonyms-Narrow-minded, parochial, provincial
  11. Irrevocable
    (Adj.) Incapable of being changed or called back

    Synonyms- Irreversible, unrecallable, unalterable
  12. Propensity
    (N.) a natural inclination or predilection toward

    Synonyms- Natural bent, proclivity, penchant
  13. Querulous
    (Adj.) Peevish, complaining, fretful

    Synonyms- Petulant, touchy, cranky, irritable
  14. Remonstrate
    (V.) To argue or plead with someone against something, protest against, object to

    Synonyms-reason against, expostulate
  15. Repudiate
    (V.) to disown, reject, or deny the validity of

    Synonyms- Disavow, abjure, renounce
  16. Resilient
    (Adj.) able to return to an original shape or form; able to recover quickly

    Synonyms- Springy, Elastic, Bouyant, Bouncy
  17. Reverberate
    (V.) to re-echo, resound, to reflect or be reflected repeatedly

    Synonyms-Rumble, thunder, boom, echo
  18. Scurrilous
    (Adj.) Coarsely abusive, vulgar or low, foul-mouthed

    Synonyms- Obscene, Filthy, Abusive, Vituperative
  19. Sedulous
    (Adj.) Persistent, Showing industry and determination

    Synonyms-Assiduous, tireless, indefatigable
  20. Sleazy
    (Adj.) thin or flimsy in texture; cheap; shaddy or inferrior in quality or character; ethically low, mean or disreputable
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AP Language and Composition Vocacb_4
October 7, 2010 Vocab Section 4