abnormal psych test 2 ch 7 vocab

  1. dissociation
    a significant disruption in one's conscious experience, memory, sense of identity, or any combination of the three, without a physical cause
  2. depersonalization disorder
    persistent and distressign feelings of being detached from one's mind or body
  3. dissociative amnesia
    pychogenic loss of ability to recall important personal information, usually of a traumatic or stressful nature
  4. localized amnesia
    loss of memory for all of the events that occured withing a circumscribed period of time
  5. selective amnesia
    loss of memory for some, but not all, of the events from a specific period of time
  6. generalized amnesia
    loss of memory for events and information, including information pertaining to personal identity, from the time both before and after traumatic event
  7. continuous amnesia
    loss of memory that begins at a specific time, continues through to the present, and prevents the retention in memory of new experiences
  8. systematized amnesia
    the loss of memory for a certain category of information
  9. dissociative fugue
    sudden and unexpected travel away from home accompanied by forgetting of one's past and personal idenetity
  10. dissociative identity disorder
    presense of two or more distinct personalities or identity states that recurrently control an individuals behaviors
  11. hysteria
    a term once used to describe what are now categorized as dissociative or somatoform disorders
  12. somatoform disorders
    disorders in which physical symptoms are caused by psychological factors
  13. posttraumatic model
    a theory of dissocitaive identity disorder that argues that it results from traumatic childhood experiences
  14. sociocognitive model
    a theory of dissociative identity disorder that argues that it is iatrogenic and/or the disorder results from socially reinforced multiple role enactments
  15. iatrogenic
    a disorder unintentionally caused by a treatment
  16. retrospective
    research based on participants recall of information about events that occured in the past
  17. recall bias
    bias based on distortion in memories for past events
  18. rumination bias
    bias based on the fact that thinking about past event enhances the memory of such events
  19. selection bias
    bias based on researching non-representative samples, such as when studies only investigate research subjects who already have the disorder in question and do not investigate a comparison group without the disorder
  20. information bias
    bias based on researchers only studying variable already believed to be related to the phenomena in question
  21. investigator bias
    bias based on the influence of the researchers expectations or preferences on the studys results
  22. prospective
    research based on data that is collected as the events being studied are occuring, rather than recalling them retrospectively
  23. repression
    a defense mechanism in which specific upsetting thoughts, feelings, or events are pushed out of consciousness
  24. splitting
    a defense mechanism in which one views oneself or others as all-good or all-bad in order to ward off conflicted or ambivalent feelings
  25. identification
    taking on the traits of someone else; sometimes used as a defense mechanism
  26. self-hypnosis
    the ability to put oneself in a trance state; may contribute to dissociative disorders according to some experts
  27. schema-focused cognitive therapy
    therapy for dissociative disorders that focuses on changing cognitive schemas that are based on traumatic childhood experiences
  28. cognitive schema
    patterns of thought used to organize information
  29. hippocampus
    a brain structure involved in the formation of memories
  30. amygdala
    a brain structure which registers the emotional significance of the sensory signals and contributes to the expression of emotion
  31. narcosynthesis
    the use of medication to promote therapeutic remembering; used during WWII to help soldiers remember forgotten traumatic incidents
  32. multi-modal
    a treatment strategy that integrates a variety of theoretical perspectives
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abnormal psych test 2 ch 7 vocab
abnormal psych test 2 ch 7 vocab