Statistics Definitions

  1. Personal experience
    events that we describe with phrases such as 'I saw it with my own eyes' or 'hands on'
  2. Empirical methods
    Those based on first-hand experiences of the world
  3. Norm
    A usual or expected practise
  4. Rationality
    Involves adhereing to a system of reasoning (usually standard logic)
  5. Rationalism
    A faith that rationality is the best guide to decision making
  6. Empiricism
    A doctrine that ascribes superior truth-status to things that have been directly observed or manipulated over things that cannot be observed or manipulated
  7. Distortion
    some kind of systematic descriptive area
  8. Confusion
    • The qualitative version of distortion
    • Mistaking one thing for something else
  9. Incompleteness
    Information that is absent or uncertain
  10. Topical uncertainty
    how the researcher is to describe the object of their investigations
  11. Investigative uncertainty
    Concerns research questions and hypotheses
  12. Methodological uncertainty
    Refers to the design of the study and whether it will serve our purposes
  13. Design uncertainty
    The overall method to be used in the study
  14. Internal uncertainty
    Whether the researcher can interpret the outcomes of the study correctly
  15. External uncertainty
    Whether the study's results can be generalised to another population
  16. Exploratory studies
    Deal primarily with topical and investigative uncertainties
  17. Descriptive studies
    Focus mainly on investigative uncertainty
  18. Explanatory studies
    The prinipcal objects are reasons, causes and interpretations. Concentrate on statistical and intepretive uncertainties
Card Set
Statistics Definitions
Stats definitions