abnormal psych test 2 ch 5 vocab

  1. depression
    state of abnormally low mood, with emotional, cognitive, motivationl, and/or physical features
  2. mania
    state of abnormally high mood, with emotional, cognitive, motivational, and/or physical features
  3. melancholia
    an early historical term for depression
  4. unipolar disorders
    mood disorders in which an individual experiences only abnormally low moods
  5. bipolar disorders
    mood disorders in which an individual experiences both abnormally low and high moods
  6. mood episodes
    periods of abnormal mood that are the building blocks of the dsm-iv-tr mood disorders
  7. major depressive episode
    a two-week or longer period of depressed mood along with several other significant depressive symptoms
  8. manic episode
    a one-week or longer period of manic symptoms causing impairment in functioning
  9. hypomanic episode
    a less extreme version of a manic episode that is not severe enough to significantly interfere with functioning
  10. major depressive disorder
    the occurance of one or more major depressive episodes
  11. dysthymic disorder
    two years or more of consistently depressed mood and other symptoms that are not severe enough to meet criteria for a major depressive episode
  12. Bipolar I disorder
    combination of major depressive episodes and manic episodes
  13. Bipolar II disorder
    combination of major depressive episodes and hypomanic episodes
  14. cyclothymic disorder
    two years or more of consistent mood swings between hypomanic highs and dysthymic lows
  15. monoamines
    a class of neurotransmitters involved in mood disorders, including norepinephrine, dopamine, and serotonin
  16. monoamine hypthesis
    the hypothesis that depression is partially caused by insufficient neurotransmission of monoamines
  17. cortisol
    a hormone released by the pituitary gland in response to stress
  18. tricyclies
    a "first generation" class of antidepressant medications which increase the availability of both serotonin and norepinephrine
  19. MAOI
    a "first generation" antidepressant; they inhibit the enzymes that oxidize monamines thus enhancing neurotransmission
  20. SSRI's
    a "second generation" class of antidepressant medications that block the reuptake of serotonin from the synapse; used in the treatment of depression and other disorders
  21. ECT (electroconvulsive therapy)
    a biological intervention for severe depression involving sending electric current thought the skull to produce seizures
  22. lithium
    a naturally occuring salt that is the main mood stabalizing medication for bipolar disorders
  23. negative cognitive triad
    irrationally negative thinking about the self, the world, and the future
  24. negative automatic thoughts
    negative thoughts generated by negative cognitive schemas
  25. cognitive distortion
    irrational beliefs and thinking processes
  26. learned helplessness
    cognitive-behavioral theory in which animals give up adaptive responding after prior experience with inescapable punishments
  27. pessimistic explanatory style
    the tendency to make internal, global, and stable explanations of negative events
  28. cognitive triad
    in cognitive theory, the triad consisting of one's self, one's future' and one's world
  29. superego
    in Freud's strucural theory, the part of the mind that ocntains morla judgments and evaluates the self
  30. interpersonal pychotherapy (IPT)
    an influential current treatment for depression that integrates pychodynamic, cognitive, and behavioral components
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abnormal psych test 2 ch 5 vocab
abnormal psych test 2 ch 5 vocab