Spanish Vocab Unit 2

  1. un despertador para despertarse
    an Alarm Clock to Wake Up
  2. el jabón para lavarse
    A bar of soap for washing
  3. Una toalla para secarse
    A towel for drying
  4. (el) agua caliente
    bañarse, tomar baño
    ducharse, tomar una ducha
    • Hot water for:
    • a bath, to take a bath
    • -o-
    • a shower, to take a shower
  5. Una tejeras para cortarse:
    las uñas
    los bigotes
    la barba
    el pelo
    • Scissors to cut:
    • nails
    • chin
    • whiskers
    • hair
  6. (el) champú para lavarse:
    el pelo
    el cabello
    • Shampoo to wash:
    • hair
    • head
  7. (unos) rulos para rizarse
    Curlers for curling (to curl) the hair
  8. Un peine para peinarse
    A comb to comb one's hair
  9. Un cepillo para cepillarse el pelo
    A brush to brush the hair
  10. Una secadora para secarse el pelo
    A blow dryer for drying the hair
  11. (el) lápiz de labios para pintarse:
    la boca
    los labios
    • Lipstick to "paint" the:
    • mouth
    • lips
  12. (el) rimel
    (la) máscara de ojos para maquillarse las pestañas
    Mascara, eye mascara to put makeup on the eyelashes
  13. el espejo
  14. el perfume
  15. la colonia (el agua de colonia)
  16. desodorante
  17. la pasta dentífrica
  18. la hoja de afeitar
    razor blade
  19. la crema de afeitar
    shaving cream
  20. la pinzas
  21. el maquillaje
  22. la sombra de ojos
    eye shadow
  23. la laca para el cabello
    hair spray
  24. el esmalte de uñas
    nail polish
  25. levantarse
    to get up
  26. arreglarse
    to fix oneself up
  27. desayunarse
    to have breakfast
  28. vestirse
    to get dressed
  29. ponerse (una camisa)
    to put on (a shirt)
  30. perfumarse
    to put perfume on
  31. quitarse (los zapatos)
    to take off (one's shoes)
  32. acostarse
    to go to bed
  33. Levantarse
    To get up; to stand up
  34. Sentarse
    to sit down
  35. quedarse
    to stay
  36. irse
    to go away; to leave
  37. marcharse
    to go away
  38. darse prisa
    to hurry
  39. acercarse
    to come near, to approach
  40. alejarse
    to move away
  41. moverse
    to move; to budge
  42. pararse
    to stop (at a place)
  43. Words to get one's attention (4 total)
    Perdón, Dispense, Disculpe la molestia, Con permiso
  44. To apologize (4)
    Perdón, Disculpe, Lo siento mucho, Mil disculpas
  45. cerrar
    to close, shut
  46. comenzar
    to begin, start
  47. despertar
    to wake (someone) up
  48. empezar
    to begin, start
  49. pensar
    to think
  50. quebrar
    to break
  51. defender
    to defend
  52. descender
    to descend, go down
  53. encender
    to light; to turn on
  54. perder
    to lose; to miss (a bus)
  55. querer
    to want; to like, love
  56. almorzar
    to have lunch
  57. contar
    to tell, relate
  58. costar
    to cost
  59. encontrar
    to find, meet
  60. mostrar
    to show
  61. probar
    to try; taste
  62. recordar
    to remember
  63. sonar
    to ring, sound
  64. soñar
    to dream
  65. devolver
    to return, give back
  66. mover
    to move
  67. oler
    to smell
  68. poder
    to be able to; can
  69. resolver
    to solve
  70. soler
    to be used to, accustomed to
  71. volver
    to come back, return
  72. advertir
    to warn, advice
  73. mentir
    to lie
  74. preferir
    to prefer
  75. sentir
    to feel; to be sorry
  76. dormir
    to sleep
  77. morir
    to die
  78. pedir
    to ask for
  79. reír
    to laugh
  80. repetir
    to repeat
  81. seguir
    to follow
  82. servir
    to serve
  83. sonreír
    to smile
  84. oler present tense
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Spanish Vocab Unit 2
Vocabulary for Spanish III Unit 2