
  1. Augemtative and alternative communication (AAC)
    • -treatment considers the manifestation of a disorder and how activities and participation are impacted
    • -focuses on understanding how the disorders affects individual's daily lives and identifying ways to help them participate more fully in society
  2. multimodal
    • -effective communication
    • -people us a combination of communication modalities to meet their intended communication goals
  3. complex communication needs (CNNs)
    • -emphasizes the importance of speech, language, and/or cognitiveabilitis for a person's participation in society rather than focusing solely on the disorder
    • -what sever communication disorders are referred to
  4. AAC system
    • consists of four different components that are used to enhance communication:
    • -symbols
    • -aids
    • -strategies
    • -techniques
  5. Symbols
    • -something that stands for something else
    • -classified as aided or unaided
    • -can be acoustic, graphic, manual, or tactile
  6. Aided symbol
    • requices a device or accessory that is external to the body to transmit a message
    • Ex: drawing a pic, pointing to photographs
  7. Unaided symbol
    • requires only one's body
    • Ex: speaking, gesturing, signing
  8. Acoustic Symbols
    sounds or tones processed in the auditory system to interpret meaning
  9. Graphic symbols
    printed symbols that are usually represented on paper, boards, or computer screen
  10. Manual symbols
    • produced using the body
    • Ex: gestures, signing
  11. Tactile Symbols
    • can be physically manipulated
    • Ex: braille, or teacher holding up a yogurt cup to symbolize snack time
  12. Static Symbols
    • do not require movement or change to understand their meaning
    • Ex: photograph or illustration
  13. Dynamic Symbols
    • require movement or change to understand their meaning
    • Ex: gestures
  14. Iconicity
    degree to which symbols visually resemble what they refer to
  15. Opaque Symbol
    has little resemblance to what it represents
  16. Aid
    • -refers to the type of assistive device that is used to send or receive messages
    • -aids often supplement speech or writing and can augment input of informaiton
    • -Electronic (Speech Generating Device SGDs) or nonelectronic (no tech or low/light technology)
  17. Strategy
    • -the way symbols are effectivel and efficiently conveyed
    • -AAC strategies are intended to improve message transmission time, support grammatical formulation of messages, and enhance communication rates
  18. Technique
    • the way in which messages are transmitted
    • -how an individual selects or accesses symbols
    • -2 types: direct selection and indirect selection
  19. Direct selection
    • -a direct motor act that is not dependent on time
    • -Four types:
    • -physical pressure
    • -physical contact
    • -pointing without contact
    • -speech or voice input
  20. Physical pressure (direct selection)
    • -depression
    • -individuals select symbols using a controlled body movement to depress a key or apply sufficient pressure for activaiton to occur
    • -can involve a bod part or an instrument attached the body
  21. Physical Contact (direct selection)
    idividuals need only have physical contact with the AAC aid, such as touching a finger to a symbol on a communication board
  22. Pointing without contact (direct selection)
    such as eye pointing
  23. Speech or voice input (direct selection)
    some AAC systems that can be accessed by speech or voice input to activate messages and functions
  24. Indirect selection
    • 3 kinds:
    • -scanning
    • -directed scanning
    • -coded access
  25. Scanning (indirect selection)
    • dual or single switches
    • -with scanning a selection set of symbols is presented in a predetermined configuration by either a communication device or a communcation partner
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