Falcon 2000 Memory Items #2

  1. Weight Limitations
    • Max Ramp Weight: 36,700 lb
    • Max Takeoff Weight: 36,500 lb
    • Max Landing Weight: 34,500 lb
    • Max Zero Fuel Weight: 28,660 lb
    • Max Payload: 5990 lb
  2. Max Operating Altitude
    47,000 ft
  3. Max/Min Cabin Differential Pressure
    • +9.3 psi
    • -0.3 psi
  4. Max Weight Baggage Compartment
    • 1600 lbs
    • 61.4 lb/sf
  5. Max Coat Compartment Weight
    81.9 lb/sf
  6. Max Operating Speed - Vmo Mmo
    • 0-10,000 ft: 350-370 kts
    • 10,000-25,000 ft: 370 kts
    • 25,000-47,000 ft: .86 - .85
  7. Vfe
    • Slats Flaps 10 - 200 kts
    • Slats Flaps 20 - 160 kts
    • Slats Flaps 40 - 160 kts
  8. Max Flap Altitude
    20,000 ft
  9. Vlo
    • Vlo - 190 kts
    • Mlo - .70 m

    • Vle - 245 kts
    • Mle - .75 m
  10. Vmca
    • Vmca - 90 kts
    • Vmcg - 98 kts
  11. Max Windshield Wiper Speed
    Max DV Window Speed
    215 kts
  12. Max Tire Speed
    195 kts (ground speed)
  13. Max/Min Pressure Altitude for takeoff
    -1000 ft / +10,000 ft
  14. Maneuvering Load Limits
    • Flaps Up - +2.64 to -1.0 g's
    • Flaps Down - +2.0 to 0 g's
  15. Max Runway Slope
    +/- 2.0%
  16. Max Tailwind Component
    10 kts
  17. Max Demonstrated Crosswind
    35 kts
  18. Min Autopilot Altitudes
    Non Precision Approach
    • ILS RA operative: 70 ft
    • ILS RA inoperative: 160 ft
    • Cruise: 1,000 ft
    • NP Approach: 250 ft
  19. Max DC Voltage
    29.5 V
  20. Max Engine Generator Output
    In Flight
    On Ground
    • Stabilized - 400A
    • 5 Sec - 800A
    • 40 Sec - 600A
    • 160 Sec - 500A
    • Ground - 300A
  21. Battery Temp Limits
    • Amber Light - 120 deg F
    • Red Light - 160 deg F
  22. Fuel Quantity
    • 1814 gal
    • 12,155 lbs
  23. Min Fuel Temp
    • 3 deg above freezing point
    • -37 deg C
  24. Max Fuel Dissymetry
    2,200 lbs
  25. Max Fueling Pressure
    50psi / 3.5 bars / 350 kPa
  26. Thrust Ratings
    • Takeoff - 5,880 lbs
    • Max Continuous - 5,613 lbs
  27. Max ITT Engine Starts
    • Ground Start - 815 C
    • Airstart - 890 C
    • Restart Max - 150 C
    90 deg.
  29. Cabin Annunciator
    10,000 +/-500
  30. Maximum Passengers
  31. Noise Levels
    • Takeoff - 79.4 dB
    • Approach - 93.1 dB
    • Sideline - 86.4 dB
  32. Max Crosswind Icy Runway
    5 kts
  33. IRS Alignment Limitations
    • 78 deg 15' N
    • 78 deg 15' S
  34. Approved Fuels
    • Jet A
    • Jet A-1
    • JP-8
    • JP-5
  35. Jet B / JP-4 Limitations
    • M1903 AC Only
    • Alt limited to 23,000' w/BP Failure
  36. Approved Hydraulic Fluids
    • AIR 3520
    • MIL-H-5606
  37. Brake Kinetic Energy Limit
    15,000 kJ per brake
  38. Engine N1/N2 Limits
    • Max N1 T/O - 96.7%
    • Max N1 Cont. - 96.7%
    • Max N2 T/O - 106%
    • Max N2 Cont. - 104.9
  39. Engine Vibration Limits
    • N1 - 1.0"/sec
    • N2 - 1.5"/sec
  40. ITT Limits
    • Max T/O (APR) - 890
    • Normal T/0 - 864
    • Max Cont. - 861
  41. Windmilling Airstart ITT Limits
    • 970 (10 sec)
    • 1,000 (2 sec)
  42. Engine Start Time Limits
    • Start to Lightoff - 22% N2+10 sec.
    • Lightoff to Idle (Ground) - 60 sec.
    • Lightoff to Idle (Airstart) - 90 sec.
    • Lightoff to Idle (Windmilling) - 180 sec.
  43. Starter Cutout Limit
    53.6% N2
  44. Approved Oils
    • GE Spec. D50TF1
    • AlliedSignal Spec. EMS 53110
  45. Oil Pressure Limits
    • Normal Range: 60-85 psi
    • Transient (3 min): 100 psi
    • Minimum (Idle): 30 psi
    • Cold Start (Oil < 0 deg) 2.5 min max: 135 psi
  46. Oil Temp Limits
    • Max: 138
    • Minimum: 30
    • Transient (3 min): 155
    • Cold Start: -40
  47. Max APU Gen Output
    • Transient (1 min): 350A
    • 0-10,000: 300A
    • 10-25,000: 250A
    • 25-35,000: 200A
  48. ECU OVHT
    220 deg
  49. APU EGT Limits
    • Start - 974
    • Stab - 746
  50. APU N1 Limit
  51. Max Alt APU Eng Start
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Falcon 2000 Memory Items #2
Falcon 2000 Memory Items