Ch. 13 HMGT

  1. primal cuts
    the primary division of muscle, bone and connective tissue produced by initial butchering of the carcass
  2. subprimal cuts
    the basic cuts produced from each primal
  3. fabricated cuts
    individual portions cut from a subprimal
  4. shrinkage
    the lose of weight in a food du to evaporation of liquid or melting fat during cooking
  5. marbling
    whitish streaks of inter and inter-muscular fat
  6. subcutaneous fat
    (AKA exterior fat) the fat layer between hide and muscle
  7. collagen
    a protein found in connective tissue; it is converted into gelatin when cooked with moisture
  8. elastin
    a protein found in connective tissues, particularly ligaments and tendons; it often appears as the white or silver covering on meats known a silverskin
  9. butcher
    to slaughter and/or dress or fabricate animals for consumption
  10. dress
    to trim otherwise prepare an animal carcass for consumption
  11. fabricate
    to cut a larger portion of raw meat (for ex, a primal or subprimal ), poultry or fish into smaller portions
  12. carve
    to cut cooked meat or poultry into portions
  13. portion control (P.C.)
    meat further fabricated into as small as individual cut
  14. barding
    process of covering surface of meat or poultry with thin slices or pork fat back and tying them with butchers twine
  15. tying and trussing
    hold loss pieces of meat together during cooking and ensures meat retains its shape
  16. larding
    process of inserting a small strip of pork fat into meat with a larding needle
  17. carryover cooking
    the cooking that occurs after a food is removed from the heat source; its accomplishes bu the residual heat remaining in the food
Card Set
Ch. 13 HMGT
Ch. 13 principles of meat cookery