Chapter 5 quiz 4

  1. 1. places of exit= thorax and lumbar areas (thoracolumbar nervous system)
    autonomic nervous system a. sympathetic nervous system
  2. occipital lobe
    involved in vistion
  3. temporal lobe
    involved in audition ( hearing ) and olfaction (smell)
  4. parietal lobe
    involved in somethesis (pain , touch, pressure, and temp) taste, and kinesthesis (limb position )
  5. frontal lobe
    involved in abstract thinking speech and initation of voluntary movement
  6. 1. diencephalon
    2. telencephalon
    2 parts of the Forebrain
  7. thalamus
    the "great relay center" of the brain. all the senses except olfaction send impules to the thalamus on the way to the cortex
  8. hypothalamus
    regulates the autonomic nervous system controls many basic drives (hunger and thirst)influences endocrine secretions controls the internal enviornment (body temp)
  9. 1. thalamus

    2 parts of the diencephalon
  10. midbrain
    connects the hindbrain and the forebrain
  11. cerebellum-
    involved in motor coordination
  12. pons
    connect the medulla to higher brain areas
  13. medulla
    3 parts of the hindbrain
  14. hindbrain
    3 parts of the brain
  15. medulla
    "vital center" of the brain controls heart beat blood pressure and breathing
  16. Central nervous system
    spinal cord
    • 1. mediates reflexes
    • 2. conducts impuleses to and from the brain.
  17. preganglionic fiber-
    oes from the brain or spinal cord to a collateral ganglion. is relativily long secretes ACH Parasympthetic nervous system
  18. postganglionic fiber
    • goes from the collateral ganglion to the organ to be innervated is realitivly short, secretes ACH
    • Parasympthetic nervous system
  19. Parasympthetic nervous system
    conservation and storage of bodily resourses very active after eating
  20. cranial and sacral areas (cranlosacral nervous system)
    • Parasympthetic nervous system
    • places of exit
  21. preganglionic fiber
    • goes from the spinal cord to the synamptic chain. is relatively short, secretes ACH
    • autonomic nervous system a. sympathetic nervous system
  22. postganglionic fibers
    • goes from the sympathetic chain to an organ to be innervated is relatively short secretes ACH
    • nervous system a. sympathetic nervous system
  23. autonomic nervous system a. sympathetic nervous systemfunctions
    mobalization of bodily resourses "fight" or "flight"
  24. gyrus
    mountain in hemisphere
  25. sulcus or fissure
    vallies in hemisphere
  26. basal ganglia
    involved in motor coordination (affected in parkinsons disease)
  27. limbic lobe
    part of the anatomical substrate for emotions
  28. hippocampus
    • involved in memory (transferring from short term to long term)
    • destroy => memory deficits
  29. Amygdala
    • an excitatory structure
    • destroy => tameness, docility or placidity
  30. septum
    • an inhibitory structure
    • destroy => rage
  31. reticular formation
    • overlaps the forebrain, midbrain, and hindbrain
    • this part of the brain alerts and arouses the cortex
    • many drugs (sleeping pills and stimulants) act on this part of the body
  32. cerebral hemispheres
    basal ganglia
    limbic lobe
    hippocampus amygdala and septum
    • 3 parts of the telencephalon
    • 3 divisons of the 3rd one
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Chapter 5 quiz 4
chapter 5 quiz 4