Medical Terminology

  1. -Ectomy
    Surgical Removal :o
  2. Dys-
    Bad, difficult, painful
  3. -Algia
    Pain and suffering
  4. Fissure
    A groove or crack like a sore of the skin also a normal fold in the contours of the brain
  5. Erythrocye
    A red blood cell
  6. Eponym
    A disease, structure, operation, of procedure named for the person who discovered or described it first
  7. Endarterial
    Pretaining to the interior of lining of an artery
  8. Edema
    Build up of excessive fluid around the cells in the body
  9. Diarrhea
    An abnormally frequent evacuation of semisoild of fluid fecal matter from the bowel.
  10. Diagnosis
    The process of indentifying a disease of medical condition
  11. Dermatologist
    A physician who specializes in the treatmen of diseases and conditions of the skin
  12. Cyanosis
    Blue discoloration of the skin caused by a lcak of adequate oxygen in the blood.
  13. Colostomy
    The surgical creation of an opening of some portion of the colon through the abdominal wall to the outside surface. The fecal material drains into a bag worn on the abdomen.
  14. Arthralgia
    Pain in a joint
  15. Arteriosclerosis
    An abnormal thickening and loss of elasticity of the wall of the arteries. Commonly called "hardening of an artey."
  16. Appendectomy
    Surgical removal of the appendix
  17. Angiography
    A radiographic study of the blood vessels after the injection of a contrast medium to make the blood vessels visible
  18. Acute
    A condition that has a rapid onset, a severe course and a relative short duration
  19. Acronym
    A word formed from the initial letters of the major parts of a compound term.
  20. -Centesis
    surgical procedure to remove fluid
  21. Abdomin/o
  22. Abdominocentesis
    The surgical puncture of the abdominal cavity to remove fluid.
  23. -Sclerosis
    Abnormal hardening
  24. -rrhexis
    Rupture :l
  25. -rrhage
    Bleeding, abnormal excessive fluid discharge
  26. -Plasty
    Surgical repair
  27. -Otomy
    Cutting/ surgical incision
  28. -Ostomy
    Surgically creating an opening
  29. -Osis
    Abnormal condition or disease
  30. -Itis
  31. Hypo-
    Deficient, decreased
  32. Hyper-
    Excessive, increased
  33. Virile
    Having the nature, properties or qualities of an adult male
  34. Vir
    Virus or poison
  35. Viral
    Pretaining to a virus
  36. Triage
    The medical screening of patients to determine their relative proirity of need and teproper place of treatment
  37. Trama
    Wound or injury
  38. Tonsillitis
    Inflammation of the tonsils
  39. Syndrome
    A group of symptoms that together are characteristics of a specific disorder
  40. Symptom
    Subjective evidence of a disease such as pain or a headache
  41. Supracostal
    Above or outside the ribs
  42. Supination
    The act of rotation the arm so that the palm of the hand is forward or upward
  43. Suppuration
    The formation or discharge of pus
  44. Supination
    Turning the palm or foot upward
  45. Sign
    Objective evidence of diseases such as a fever
  46. Remission
    Improvement of the symptoms of a disease
  47. Pyoderma
    Any pus producing skin disease
  48. Prostate
    A male reproductive gland that surrounds the neck of the bladder and the urethra
  49. Prognosis
    The probable outcome of a disease
  50. Poliomyelitis
    A viral infecion of the gray matter of the spinal cord
  51. Phalanges
    The bones of the fingers and toes
  52. Pathology
    The study of disease
  53. Palpitation
    A pounding or racing heart
  54. Palpation
    An examination technique n which the examiner's hands are used to feel the texture, size, consistency and location of certian body parts
  55. Otorhinolaryngology
    Study of the ears, nose and throat
  56. Neuritis
    Inflammation of a nerve
  57. Neonatology
    The study of the development and disorders of newborn children
  58. Natal
    Pretainning to birth
  59. Myorrhexis
    The rupture of a muscle
  60. -Pathy
  61. My/o
  62. Myopathy
    Describes any pathologic change or disease of muscle tissue
  63. Myelopathy
    Any pathologic condition of the spinal cord
  64. Mycosis
    Any abnormal condition or diesase caused by a fungus
  65. Lesion
    Any damage to a tissue. Marks, spots moles or other problems of the skin
  66. Laceration
    A torn, ragged wound
  67. Intramuscular
    Pertaining to within the muscle
  68. Interstital
    Between but not within the parts of a tissue
  69. Inflammation
    Swelling, redness, warmth and pain. A body tissue's protective response to injury
  70. Hypotension
    Abnormally low blood pressure
  71. Infection
    Invasion of the body by a pathogenic organism
  72. Hypertension
    Abnormally high blood pressure
  73. Hepatomegaly
    Abnormal enlargement of the liver
  74. Hemorrhage
    Severe bleeding usually from damage to a blood vessel
  75. Gastr
  76. Gastrosis
    Any disease of the stomach
  77. Gastroenteritis
    Inflammation of the stomach and the intestines, usually producing symptoms of nausea, vomiting and diarrhea
  78. Gastritis
    Inflammaiton of the stomach lining
  79. Gastralgia
    Any stomach pain
  80. -Necrosis
    Tissue death
  81. Diagnosis
    The indentification of a disease
  82. Hepatitis
    Inflammation of liver
  83. -Malacia
    Abnormal softening
  84. Rihnorrehea
    Runny nose
  85. Al
    Pretaning to
  86. Nat
  87. Peri
  88. Appendicits
    Inflammation of the appendix
  89. Megaly
  90. Cardiomegaly
    Enlargement of the heart
  91. Ather/o
    Fatty substance
  92. Ab-
    Away from/off
  93. Arthrotomy
    Surgicla incision into a joint
  94. Myel/o
    The bone marrow and spinal cord
  95. Fistula
    An abnormal passage uaually between two internal organs or leading from an organ to the surface of the body
Card Set
Medical Terminology
Chapter 1 Vocab