bio lab

  1. what is the difference between an animal cell and a plant cell
  2. name the stuff on the microscope, and what is the power of each lens?
    • ocular lens, body tube, arm, course focus adjus, fine course adjus, light switch, irus diaphragm, stage clips, objective lens, nose piece,
  3. Name the feature labeled “A’.
    Name the substance labeled “B”.
    • a. nucleus
    • b. cytoplasm
  4. Give the name of the plant cell organelle that enables it to do photosynthesis
    Give one other organelle of a plant that is not found in an animal cell.

    b. large central vacuole, cell wall, chloroplast
  5. What stage of mitosis is depicted by this model?

    As evidenced by the cytokinesis occurring – is this a PLANTor ANIMAL?

    animal because of the clevage burrow
  6. What stage of mitosis is depicted by this model?

    For this model cell—what will be the number of chromosomes in each of the resulting nuclei?

  7. diffusion
    • The
    • movement of molecules from a region of high molecule concentration

    into a region of lower molecule concentrations
  8. sample of raw potato is placed in a beaker of distilled water. After a period of time, the weight of the sample will be expected to have _____.
    What specific physical property what demonstrated by
    this exercise (“A”)?
    a. increased

    b. osmosis
  9. The diffusion of SOLUTE molecules across a selectively permeable membrane is called __________.
    The diffusion of SOLVENT molecules across a selectivelypermeable membraneis called_________.
    • a. dialysis
    • b.osmosis

    1. If in our DIALYSIS EXPERIMENT we had filled the dialysis bag with a
      Glucose-Iodine Solution and filled the test tube with a Starch solution…

    Where would we have been able to see the
    Positive Starch test?

    What chemical solution did we use to detect the presence of Glucose?
    outside the bag

    b. Benedict’s solution
  10. In our ENZYME LAB:
    What was the name of the enzyme?
    What was the name of the enzyme’s

    b. H2O2 (hydrogen peroxide)
  11. In
    lab you did an experiment with an enzyme.

    What is the main function of enzymes in living organisms?

    B. Give
    one other characteristic/feature of an enzyme.
    organic catalyst, (OPA)

    b. not used up
  12. During
    the enzyme lab, what did we measure to determine how well the enzyme was working? (That is, the production of what molecule?)
    Oxygen bubbles
  13. This
    model is a molecule of?
    TRUE or FALSE: A mutation can result from a change in the order of

    one or more bases on
    the DNA molecule.
    • Deoxyribonucleic acid
    • b true
  14. During protein synthesis - Transcription occurs in the cell's? and what it does?

    During protein synthesis - Translation makes a molecule called ?and happens in the? and what does it do?
    • b.nucleus, to make a copy of the gene in a sequence called mRNA language
    • b.proteins. nucleus, it takes mRNA and builds polypeptides
  15. Ribosomes expose a(n) ___ along mRNA that is "read" by a tRNA molecule.
    gene ---- codon ---- amino acid ----nucleotide ---- anticondon
    tRNA uses its________ to "read" the mRNA.
    gene ---- condon ---- amino acid---- nucleotide ---- anticodon
    • codon
    • b anticodon
  16. A & B refer to the mRNA codon GCU:
    What is the anticodon for the above codon?

    Which AMINO ACID whould be added to growing polypeptide chain?
    a CGA

    b alanine
  17. What is the name of this Algal Division?

    green algae
  18. The plant shown here belongs to which plant division?

    Give one reason why this plant is restricted to moist environments.

    c.plant division for ferns?
    • bryophyta
    • b avascular
    • (no xylem)
    • c. pterophyta
  19. The brown dots on the underside of this leaflet are called _____.

    The fern's sporophyte makes spores by the nuclear division called

    what is a sporangium?
    • sori
    • b. meiosis \
    • c. bag of sori
  20. To
    which Seed-Bearing group pf plants does "A" belong?

    Is "B" Male or Female?
    a gymnosperm

    b female
  21. To which Division do plants A & B belong? (Division = Phylum or give "group name")

    Give one characteristic of the Division to which plants A & B belong.
    NOTE: This is not asking for M or D - GIVE THE DIVISION!

    a angiosperm (Anthophyta)

    b flowers,
  22. The pollinator delivers pollen to the ______of the flower's pistil.

    The pollinator received the pollen from the _____of the flower's stamen.

    b anther
  23. What is the name of the FOOD source stored in the seed?
    What chemical is used to test for the presence of this food.

    b iodine
  24. The shiny, little "blob" growing on this agar plate is, in reality, what type of organism? (common name)

    In which Kingdom is organism "A" a member?

    b monera
  25. What is the common name of this organism?
    What features of this organism allows it to locomote and feed?

    b pseudopods
  26. The disease Malaria is caused by a sporozoan called Plasmodium

    vivax. In which Kingdomis this parasite classified?

    Give the sex and common name of the animal that spreads the

    organism of problem"A" to man.


    • b female
    • anopheles mosquito
  27. a) Has a higher concentration of
    ions or molecules

    b)Has a lower concentration of
    ions or molecules

    c)Has the same concentration of

    ions or molecules
    • a)•Hypertonic –
    • b)•Hypotonic –
    • c)•Isotonic –
  28. a)¨Putting things
    together is called

    b)¨Taking things apart
    is called
    a) anabolism

  29. a)water from the roots to the fronds.

    b)glucose from the fronds to the rest of the plant.
    a)¨Xylem transports

    b)¨Phloem transports
  31. Be able to distinguish between the
    Gametophytes of Mosses & Liverworts.
  32. What advancement
    have Ferns made over Mosses & Liverworts.
    (Features that have made Ferns “more terrestrial”.
  33. What are the Fern’s Sori?
  34. Know
    the Generalized Plant’s Alternation of Generations – Recognize dominant
    generations, spores, gametes, Sporophyte, Gametophyte, mitosis, meiosis,
  35. What is the dominant generation for these two groups of plants? Gametophyte
    or Sporophyte
  36. What advancement have the
    Gymnosperms & Angiosperms made over the Ferns, Mosses, & Liverworts?
  37. Recognize common examples of
    Gymnosperms. (Conifers, Cycads, Gingko,
  38. Be able to distinguish between
    Female Cones and Male Cones
  39. Recognize examples of different
    Angiosperms. (Anthophytes)
  40. Be able to distinguish between
    Monocots & Dicots. (cotyledons,
    floral whorls, roots, leaf venation)
    • mono 3
    • dicots more then 3
  41. Know the floral features of
    a Perfect & Complete Flower.
    Know the functions of the
    floral features too!

  42. .Know the story of Pollination and
    Fertilization for the Angiosperms.
  43. What are the two (2) results of the
    Angiosperm’s Double Fertilization?
  44. Following Fertilization – What is
    the fate of the Ovule?
  45. Following Fertilization – What is
    the fate of the Ovary?
Card Set
bio lab