EMT Test 2

  1. General Impression
    • S ex
    • W eight
    • A ge
    • A ctivity
    • P osition

    Example: 84 yr old female patient approx 100lbs lying supine in the bed alert to EMS arrival.
  2. LOC
    level of consciousness- Are they CAOx3 or 4

    • A lert GCS score -eyes- 4 spontaneous 3-to speach 2- to pain 1- unresponsive
    • V erbal -verbal- 5-oriented 4-confused 3-inappropriate 2- incomprehensible 1- none
    • P ainful -motor- 6-Obeys commands 5-localizes 4-withdrawl 3-flexion 2- extends 1-none
    • U nresponsive
  3. ABC's
    • Airway- open- give supplemental, assist and control
    • -closed (occluded)- open and give o2
    • Breathing- Rate- fast or slow
    • -Quality-shallow, deep
    • -irregular or regular
    • Circulation- pulses-fast or slow and regular or irregular
    • -skin temp- cold or hot
    • cap refill- < 3 sec or delayed
  4. Scene Approach
    • Scene safe
    • BSI/PPE
    • # Patients
    • MOI/NOI
    • Additional resources
  5. Transport Decision
    • Load and GO -Trauma Alerts, Triage Red, Brain attacks
    • Stay and Play- Cardiac Arrest, Triage yellow and green
    Deformities, Contusions, Abrasions, Punctures/Penetrations, Paradoxical motion, Burns, Lacerations, Swelling, Tenderness, Instability, Crepitus
  7. Head to Toe (Trauma)
    • Head
    • Neck-step-off, subcutanous emphysema, JVD, or tracheal deviation
    • Clavicles/Shoulders
    • Chest-expose and look for paradoxical, sym rise and fall or flail chest (3 or more ribs), looking and listening for sucking chest wounds, Auscultate lungs for absence
    • Abdomen- Looking for bruising, bleeding, distention (air in belly), palpating for rigidity (blood build up), distention or tenderness.
    • Pelvis- crep or instability, bleeding, incontinence, priapism
    • Legs one at a time
    • Legs bilaterally: checking for PMS (pulse, motor, and sensory), pedal edema, pedal pulses, push and pull of feet and equality of same, babinski's reflex
    • Arms one at at time
    • Arms bilaterally: PMS, presence and equality of radial pulses, strength of and equality of grips
    • Back- roll and palpate spine, bleeding, weapons

    Transfer to spine board then stretcher
  8. Chief Complaint (CC) Ie; Chest pain
    • O nset Associated
    • P rovacation Symptoms
    • Q uality Pertinent Negatives
    • R adiation
    • S everity
    • T ime
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EMT Test 2