Abnormal Psych Test 2.txt

  1. Alarm Reaction
    The physiologic effects (increase in blood pressure, cardiac output, blood flow to skeletal muscles, rate of glycolysis, and blood glucose concentration; decrease in blood flow to viscera) mediated by sympathetic nervous system discharge and release of adrenal medullary hormones in response to stress, fright, or rage
  2. Autonomic Nervous System
    The portion of the nervous system concerned with regulation of activity of cardiac muscle, smooth muscle, and glands, usually restricted to the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems
  3. Anxiety
    Mood state characterized by marked negative affect and bodily symptoms of tension in which a person apprehensively anticipates future danger of misfortune. May involve feelings, behaviors and physiological responses
  4. Panic Attack
    Abrupt experience of intense fear or discomfort accompanied by a number of physical symptoms such as dizziness or heart palpitations. Type 1: Situationally bound (cued); Type 2: Unexpected (uncued); Type 3: Situationally predisposed
  5. Limbic System
    A group of brain structures (including the hippocampus, gyrus fornicatus, and amygdala) common to all mammals; it is associated with olfaction, autonomic functions, and certain aspects of emotion and behavior
  6. Fight/Flight System
    Brain circuit in animals that when stimulated causes an immediate alarm and escap response resembling human panic
  7. Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)
    Anxiety disorder characterized by intense, uncontrollable, unfocused, chronic, and continuous worry that is distressing and unproductive accompanied by physical symptoms of tenseness, irritability and restlessness
  8. Panic Disorder with Agoraphobia (PDA)
    Fear and avoidance of situations the person believes might induce a dreaded panic attack
  9. Panic Disorder without Agoraphobia (PD)
    Panic attacks experienced without development of agoraphobia
  10. Specific Phobia
    Unreasonable fear of a specific object or situation that markedly interferes with daily life functioning
  11. Situation Bound & Predisposed
    Cued panic attacks
  12. Social Phobia
    Extreme, enduring, irrational fear and avoidance of social or performance situations
  13. Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
    Enduring, distressing emotional disorder that follows exposure to a severe helplessness-or fear- inducing threat. The victim reexperiences the trauma, avoids stimuli associated with it, and develops a numbing of responsiveness and an increased vigilance and arousal.
  14. Obsessive-compulsive Disorder (OCD)
    Anxiety disorder involving unwanted, persistent, intrusive thoughts and impulses as well as repetitive actions intended to suppress them
  15. Obsession
    Recurrent intrusive thoughts or impulses the client seeks to suppress or neutralize while recognizing they are not imposed by outside forces
  16. Compulsion
    Repetitive, ritualistic, time-consuming behaviors or mental acts a person feels driven to perform
  17. Comorbidity of Anxiety with other disorders
  18. Psychopharmacological treatments for Anxiety Disorders
  19. Serotonin
    A Neurotransmitter involved in information processing, coordination of movement, inhibition and restraint; it also assists in the regulation of eating, sexual, and agressive behaviors, all of which may be involved in different psychological disorders. Its interaction with dopamine is implicated in schizophrenia
  20. Somatoform Disorder
    Pathological concerns of individuals with the appearance or functioning of their bodies, usually in the absence of any identifiable medical condition
  21. Dissociative Disorder
    Disorders in which the individuals feel detached from themselves or their surroundings and reality, experience, and identity may disintegrate
  22. Hypochondriasis
    Somatoform disorder involving severe anxiety over the believe that one has a disease process without any evident physical cause
  23. Somatization Disorder
    Somatoform disorder involving extreme and long-lasting focus on multiple physical symptoms for which no medical cause is evident
  24. Conversion Disorder
    Physical malfunctioning, such as blindness or paralysis, suggesting neurological impairment but with no organic pathology to account for it
  25. Malingering
    Deliberate faking of a physical or psychological disorder motivated by gain
  26. Pain Disorder
    Somatoform disorder featuring true pain but for which psychological factors play an important role in onset, severity, or maintenance
  27. Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD)
    Somatoform disorder featuring a disruptive preoccupation of instability of interpersonal relationships, self-image, affects, and control over impulses
  28. Depersonalization
    A moment where your perception alters so that you temporarily lose the sense of your own reality
  29. Derealization
    The sense of reality of the external world is lost
  30. Depersonalization Disorder
    Dissociative disorder in which feelings of depersonalization are so severe they dominate the clients life and prevent normal functioning
  31. Dissociative Disorder
    Disorders in which individuals feel detatched from themselves or their surrounding, and reality, experience, and identity may disintegrate
  32. Generalized Amnesia
    Condition in which the person loses memory of all personal information including his or her own identity
  33. Localized Amneisa
    Memory loss limited to specific times and events, particularly traumatic events.
  34. Dissociative Fugue
    Dissociative disorder featuring sudden, unexpected travel from home along with an inability to recall one's past, sometimes with asusmption of a new identity
  35. Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID)
    Formerly known as Multiple Personality Disorder, a disorder in which as many as 100 personalities or fragments of personalities coexist within one body and mind
  36. Alters
    Shorthand term for alter egos, the different personalities or identities in dissociative identity disorder
  37. Gatekeeper physician
  38. Mood Disorder
    Group of disorders invilving severe and enduring disturbances in emotionality ranging from elation to severe depression
  39. Major Depressive Episode
    Most common and severe experience of depression, including feelings of worthlessness, disturbances in bodily activities such as sleep, loss of interest, and the inability to experience pleasure, persisting at least two weeks
  40. Mania
    Period of abnormally excessive elation or euphoria, associated with some mood disorder
  41. Manic Episode
    Lasts about one week and sometimes the patient is hospitalized if severe enough.
  42. Hypomanic Episode
    Less severe and less disruptive version of a manic episode that is one of the criteria for several mood disorders
  43. Major Depressive Disorder Single Episode/ Recurrent Episode
    Mood disorder invilving one (single episode) or more (separatd by at least two months without depression-recurrent) major depressive apisodes
  44. Dythymic Disorder
    Mood Disorder involving persistently depressed mood, with lo self-esteem, withdrawl, pesimism, or despair, and present for at least 2 yearswith no absence of symptoms for more than 2 months
  45. Double Depression
    Severe mood disorder typified by major depressive episodes superimposed overa backgroud of dysthymic disorder
  46. Pathological Grief Reaction
    Extreme reaction to the death of a loved one that involves psychotic features, suicidal ideation or severe loss of weight or energy or that persists more than 2 months
  47. Bipolar II Disorder
    The alternation of major depressive episodes with hypomanic (not full manic) episodes
  48. Bipolar I Disorder
    The Alternation of major depressive episodes with full manic episodes
  49. Cylothymic Disorder
    Chronic (at least 2 years) mood disorder characterized by alternating mood elevation and depression levels that arenot as severe as manic or major depressive episodes
  50. Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)
    Mood disorder involving a cycling of episodes corresponding to the seasons of the year, typically with depression occuring during the winter
  51. Anhedonia
    Inability to experience pleasure, associated with some mood and schizophrenic disorders
  52. Cognitive Therapy
    Treatment approach that involves identifying and alternating negative thinking styles related to psychological disorder ssuch as depression and anxiety and replacing them with more positive believes and attitudes and ultimately more adaptive behavior and coping styles
  53. Suicidal Attempt
    Efforts made to kill oneself
  54. Suicidal Ideation
    Serioius thoughts about commiting suicide
  55. Boarderline Personality Disorder & Suicide
    Cluster B (dramatic, emotional or erratic) personality disorder involving a pervasive patter of inability of interpersonal relationships, self-image, affects and control over impluses
  56. Depressive Attribution Style
  57. Learned Helplessness
    Seligman's theory that people become anxious and depressed when they make an attribution that they have no control over the stress in their lives (whether in reality they do or not)
  58. Prozac
    An SSRI that is a reuptake inhibitor and specifically block the reuptake for serotonin
  59. Valium
    Tranqualizers thatare benzodiazepines.
  60. Hypericum
    Medically used herbs
  61. Thorazine
  62. Lithium
    A Common salt; primary drug of choice for bipolar disorder
  63. Alcohol & Suicide
    Alcohol use & abuse leads to suicide
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Abnormal Psych Test 2.txt
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