SAT Vocab List

  1. abase
    v. To lower in position, estimation, or the like; degrade.
  2. abbess
    n. The lady superior of a nunnery
  3. abbey
    n. The group of buildings which collectively form the dwelling-place of a society of monks or nuns.
  4. abbot
    n. The superior of a community of monks.
  5. abdicate
    v. To give up (royal power or the like).
  6. abdomen
    n. In mammals, the visceral cavity between the diaphragm and the pelvic floor; the belly
  7. abdominal
    n. Of, pertaining to, or situated on the abdomen
  8. abduction
    n. A carrying away of a person against his will, or illegally
  9. abed
    adv. In bed; on a bed
  10. aberration
    n. Deviation from a right, customary, or prescribed course
  11. abet
    v. To aid, promote, or encourage the commission of (an offense)
  12. abeyance
    n. A state of suspension or temporary inaction
  13. abhorrence
    n. The act of detesting extremely
  14. abhorrent
    adj. Very repugnant; hateful
  15. abidance
    n. An abiding
  16. abject
    adj. Sunk to a low condition
  17. abjure
    v. To recant, renounce, repudiate under oath
  18. able-bodied
    adj. Competent for physical service
  19. ablution
    n. A washing or cleansing, especially of the body
  20. abnegate
    v. To renounce (a right or privilege)
  21. abnormal
    adj. Not conformed to the ordinary rule or standard
  22. abominable
    adj. Very hateful
  23. abominate
    v. To hate violently
  24. abomination
    n. A very detestable act or practice
  25. aboriginal
    adj. Primitive; unsophisticated
  26. aborigines
    n. The original of earliest known inhabitants of a country
  27. aboveboard
    adv. & adj. Without concealment, fraud, or trickery
  28. abrade
    v. To wear away the surface or some part of by friction
  29. abrasion
    n. That which is rubbed off
  30. abridge
    v. To make shorter in words, keeping the essential features, leaning out minor particles
  31. abridgment
    n. A condensed form as of a book or play
  32. abrogate
    v. To abolish, repeal
  33. abrupt
    adj. Beginning, ending, or changing suddenly or with a break
  34. abscess
    n. A Collection of pus in a cavity formed within some tissue of the body
  35. abscission
    n. The act of cutting off, as in a surgical operation
  36. abscond
    v. To depart suddenly and secretly, as for the purpose of escaping arrest
  37. absence
    n. The fact of not being present or available
  38. absent-minded
    adj. Lacking in attention to immediate surroundings or business
  39. absolution
    n. Forgiveness, or passing over of offenses
  40. absolve
    v. To free from sin or its penalties
  41. absorb
    v. To drink in or suck up, as a sponge absorbs water
  42. absorption
    n. The act or process of absorbing
  43. abstain
    v. To keep oneself back (from doing or using something)
  44. abstemious
    adj. Characterized by self denial or abstinence, as in the use of drink, food
  45. abstinence
    n. Self denial
  46. abstruse
    adj. Dealing with matters difficult to be understood
  47. absurd
    adj. Inconsistent with reason or common sense
  48. abundant
    adj. Plentiful
  49. abusive
    adj. Employing harsh words or ill treatment
  50. abut
    v. To touch at the end or boundary line
  51. abyss
    n. Bottomless gulf
  52. academic
    adj. Of or pertaining to an academy, college, or university
  53. academician
    n. A member of an academy of literature, art, or science
  54. academy
    n. Any institution where the higher branches of learning are taught
  55. accede
    v. To agree
  56. accelerate
    v. To move faster
  57. accept
    v. To take when offered
  58. access
    n. A way of approach or entrance; passage
  59. accessible
    adj. Approachable
  60. accession
    n. Induction or elevation, as to dignity, office, or government
  61. accessory
    n. A person or thing that aids the principal agent
  62. acclaim
    v. To utter with a shout
  63. accommodate
    v. To furnish something as a kindness or favor
  64. accompaniment
    n. A subordinate part or parts, enriching or supporting the leading part
  65. accompanist
    n. One who or that which accompanies
  66. accompany
    v. To go with, or be associated with, as a companion
  67. accomplice
    n. An associate in wrong-doing
  68. accomplish
    v. To bring to pass
  69. accordion
    n. A portable free-reed musical instrument
  70. accost
    v. To speak to
  71. account
    n. A record or statement of receipts and expenditures, or of business transactions
  72. accouter
    v. To dress
  73. accredit
    v. To give credit or authority to
  74. accumulate
    v. To become greater in quantity or number
  75. accuracy
    n. Exactness
  76. accurate
    adj. Conforming exactly to truth or to a standard
  77. accursed
    adj. Doomed to evil, misery, or misfortune
  78. accusation
    n. A charge of crime, misdemeanor, or error
  79. accusatory
    adj. Of, pertaining to, or involving an accusation
  80. accuse
    v. To charge with wrong doing, misconduct, or error
  81. accustom
    v. To make familiar by use
  82. acerbity
    n. Sourness, with bitterness and astringency
  83. acetate
    n. A salt of acetic acid
  84. acetic
    adj. Of, pertaining to, or of the nature of vinegar
  85. ache
    v. To be in pain or distress
  86. Achillean
    adj. Invulnerable
  87. achromatic
    adj. Colorless
  88. acid
    n. A sour substance
  89. acidify
    v. To change into acid
  90. acknowledge
    v. To recognize; to admit the genuineness or validity of
  91. acknowledgment
    n. Recognition
  92. acme
    n. The highest point, or summit
  93. acoustic
    adj. Pertaining to the act or sense of hearing
  94. acquaint
    v. To make familiar or conversant
  95. acquiesce
    v. To comply; submit
  96. acquiescence
    n. Passive consent
  97. acquire
    v. To get as one's own
  98. acquisition
    n. Anything gained, or made one's own, usually by effort or labor
  99. acquit
    v. To free or clear, as from accusation
  100. acquittal
    n. A discharge from accusation by judicial action
  101. acquittance
    n. Release or discharge from indebtedness, obligation, or responsibility
  102. acreage
    n. Quantity or extent of land, especially of cultivated land
  103. acrid
    adj. Harshly pungent or bitter
  104. acrimonious
    adj. Full of bitterness
  105. acrimony
    n. Sharpness or bitterness of speech or temper
  106. actionable
    adj. Affording cause for instituting an action, as trespass, slanderous words
  107. actuality
    n. Any reality
  108. actuary
    n. An officer, as of an insurance company, who calculates and states the risks and premiums
  109. actuate
    v. To move or incite to action
  110. acumen
    n. Quickness of intellectual insight, or discernment; keenness of discrimination
  111. acute
    adj. Having fine and penetrating discernment
  112. adamant
    n. Any substance of exceeding hardness or impenetrability
  113. addendum
    n. Something added, or to be added
  114. addle
    v. To make inefficient or worthless; muddle
  115. adduce
    v. To bring forward or name for consideration
  116. adhere
    v. To stick fast or together
  117. adherence
    n. Attachment
  118. adherent
    adj. Clinging or sticking fast
  119. adhesion
    n. The state of being attached or joined
  120. adieu
    inter. Good-by; farewell
  121. adjacency
    n. The state of being adjacent
  122. adjacent
    n. That which is near or bordering upon
  123. adjudge
    v. To award or bestow by formal decision
  124. adjunct
    n. Something joined to or connected with another thing, but holding a subordinate place
  125. adjuration
    n. A vehement appeal
  126. adjutant
    adj. Auxiliary
  127. administrator
    n. One who manages affairs of any kind
  128. admissible
    adj. Having the right or privilege of entry
  129. admittance
    n. Entrance, or the right or permission to enter
  130. admonish
    v. To warn of a fault
  131. admonition
    n. Gentle reproof
  132. ado
    n. unnecessary activity or ceremony
  133. adoration
    n. Profound devotion
  134. adroit
    adj. Having skill in the use of the bodily or mental powers
  135. adulterant
    n. An adulterating substance
  136. adulterate
    v. To make impure by the admixture of other or baser ingredients
  137. adumbrate
    v. To represent beforehand in outline or by emblem
  138. advent
    n. The coming or arrival, as of any important change, event, state, or personage
  139. adverse
    adj. Opposing or opposed
  140. adversity
    n. Misfortune
  141. advert
    v. To refer incidentally
  142. advertiser
    n. One who advertises, especially in newspapers
  143. advisory
    adj. Not mandatory
  144. advocacy
    n. The act of pleading a cause
  145. advocate
    n. One who pleads the cause of another, as in a legal or ecclesiastical court
  146. aerial
    adj. Of, pertaining to, or like the air
  147. aeronaut
    n. One who navigates the air, a balloonist
  148. aeronautics
    n. the art or practice of flying aircraft
  149. aerostat
    n. A balloon or other apparatus floating in or sustained by the air
  150. aerostatics
    n. The branch of pneumatics that treats of the equilibrium, pressure, and mechanical properties
  151. affable
    adj. Easy to approach
  152. affect
    v. To act upon
  153. affectation
    n. A studied or ostentatious pretense or attempt
  154. affiliate
    n. Some auxiliary person or thing
  155. affirmative
    adj. Answering yes; to a question at issue
  156. affix
    v. To fasten
  157. affluence
    n. A profuse or abundant supply of riches
  158. affront
    n. An open insult or indignity
  159. afire
    adv. & adj. On fire, literally or figuratively
  160. afoot
    adv. In progress
  161. aforesaid
    adj. Said in a preceding part or before
  162. afresh
    adv. Once more, after rest or interval
  163. afterthought
    n. A thought that comes later than its appropriate or expected time
  164. agglomerate
    v. To pile or heap together
  165. aggrandize
    v. To cause to appear greatly
  166. aggravate
    v. To make heavier, worse, or more burdensome
  167. aggravation
    n. The fact of being made heavier or more heinous, as a crime , offense, misfortune, etc.
  168. aggregate
    n. The entire number, sum, mass, or quantity of something
  169. aggress
    v. To make the first attack
  170. aggression
    n. An unprovoked attack
  171. aggrieve
    v. To give grief or sorrow to
  172. aghast
    adj. Struck with terror and amazement
  173. agile
    adj. Able to move or act quickly, physically, or mentally
  174. agitate
    v. To move or excite (the feelings or thoughts)
  175. agrarian
    adj. Pertaining to land, especially agricultural land
  176. aide-de-camp
    n. An officer who receives and transmits the orders of the general
  177. ailment
    n. Slight sickness
  178. airy
    adj. Delicate, ethereal
  179. akin
    adj. Of similar nature or qualities
  180. alabaster
    n. A white or delicately tinted fine-grained gypsum
  181. alacrity
    n. Cheerful willingness
  182. albeit
    conj. Even though
  183. albino
    n. A person with milky white skin and hair, and eyes with bright red pupil and usually pink iris
  184. album
    n. A book whose leaves are so made to form paper frames for holding photographs or the like
  185. alchemy
    n. Chemistry of the middle ages, characterized by the pursuit of changing base metals to gold
  186. alcohol
    n. A volatile, inflammable, colorless liquid of a penetrating odor and burning taste
  187. alcoholism
    n. A condition resulting from the inordinate or persistent use of alcoholic beverages
  188. alcove
    n. A covered recess connected with or at the side of a larger room
  189. alder
    n. Any shrub or small tree of the genus Alumnus, of the oak family
  190. alderman
    n. A member of a municipal legislative body, who usually exercises also certain judicial functions
  191. aldermanship
    n. The dignity, condition, office, or term of office of an alderman
  192. alias
    n. An assumed name
  193. alien
    n. One who owes allegiance to a foreign government
  194. alienable
    adj. Capable of being aliened or alienated, as lands
  195. alienate
    v. To cause to turn away
  196. alienation
    n. Estrangement
  197. aliment
    n. That which nourishes
  198. alkali
    n. Anything that will neutralize an acid, as lime, magnesia, etc.
  199. allay
    v. To calm the violence or reduce the intensity of; mitigate
  200. allege
    v. To assert to be true, especially in a formal manner, as in court
  201. allegory
    n. The setting forth of a subject under the guise of another subject of aptly suggestive likeness
  202. alleviate
    v. To make less burdensome or less hard to bear
  203. alley
    n. A narrow street, garden path, walk, or the like
  204. alliance
    n. Any combination or union for some common purpose
  205. allot
    v. To assign a definite thing or part to a certain person
  206. allotment
    n. Portion
  207. allude
    v. To refer incidentally, or by suggestion
  208. allusion
    n. An indirect and incidental reference to something without definite mention of it
  209. alluvion
    n. Flood
  210. ally
    n. A person or thing connected with another, usually in some relation of helpfulness
  211. almanac
    n. A series of tables giving the days of the week together with certain astronomical information
  212. aloof
    adv. Not in sympathy with or desiring to associate with others
  213. altar
    n. Any raised place or structure on which sacrifices may be offered or incense burned
  214. alter
    v. To make change in
  215. alteration
    n. Change or modification
  216. altercate
    v. To contend angrily or zealously in words
  217. alternate
    n. One chosen to act in place of another, in case of the absence or incapacity of that other
  218. alternative
    n. Something that may or must exist, be taken or chosen, or done instead of something else
  219. altitude
    n. Vertical distance or elevation above any point or base-level, as the sea
  220. alto
    n. The lowest or deepest female voice or part
  221. altruism
    n. Benevolence to others on subordination to self-interest
  222. altruist
    n. One who advocates or practices altruism
  223. amalgam
    n. An alloy or union of mercury with another metal
  224. amalgamate
    v. To mix or blend together in a homogeneous body
  225. amateur
    adj. Practicing an art or occupation for the love of it, but not as a profession
  226. amatory
    adj. Designed to excite love
  227. ambidextrous
    adj. Having the ability of using both hands with equal skill or ease
  228. ambiguous
    adj. Having a double meaning
  229. ambitious
    adj. Eagerly desirous and aspiring
  230. ambrosial
    adj. Divinely sweet, fragrant, or delicious
  231. ambulance
    n. A vehicle fitted for conveying the sick and wounded
  232. ambulate
    v. To walk about
  233. ambush
    n. The act or state of lying concealed for the purpose of surprising or attacking the enemy
  234. ameliorate
    v. To relieve, as from pain or hardship
  235. amenable
    adj. Willing and ready to submit
  236. Americanism
    n. A peculiar sense in which an English word or phrase is used in the United States
  237. amicable
    adj. Done in a friendly spirit
  238. amity
    n. Friendship
  239. amorous
    adj. Having a propensity for falling in love
  240. amorphous
    adj. Without determinate shape
  241. amour
    n. A love-affair, especially one of an illicit nature
  242. ampere
    n. The practical unit of electric-current strength
  243. ampersand
    n. The character &; and
  244. amphibious
    adj. Living both on land and in water
  245. amphitheater
    n. An edifice of elliptical shape, constructed about a central open space or arena
  246. amplitude
    n. Largeness
  247. amply
    adv. Sufficiently
  248. amputate
    v. To remove by cutting, as a limb or some portion of the body
  249. amusement
    n. Diversion
  250. anachronism
    n. Anything occurring or existing out of its proper time
  251. anagram
    n. The letters of a word or phrase so transposed as to make a different word or phrase
  252. analogous
    adj. Corresponding (to some other) in certain respects, as in form, proportion, relations
  253. analogy
    n. Reasoning in which from certain and known relations or resemblance others are formed
  254. analyst
    n. One who analyzes or makes use of the analytical method
  255. analyze
    v. To examine minutely or critically
  256. anarchy
    n. Absence or utter disregard of government
  257. anathema
    n. Anything forbidden, as by social usage
  258. anatomy
    n. That branch of morphology which treats of the structure of organisms
  259. ancestry
    n. One's ancestors collectively
  260. anecdote
    n. A brief account of some interesting event or incident
  261. n. A brief account of some interesting event or incident
    • n. A brief account of some interesting event or incident
    • n. Deficiency of blood or red corpuscles
  262. anemic
    adj. Affected with anemia
  263. anemometer
    n. An instrument for measuring the force or velocity of wind
  264. anesthetic
    adj. Pertaining to or producing loss of sensation
  265. anew
    adv. Once more
  266. angelic
    adj. Saintly
  267. Anglophobia
    n. Hatred or dread of England or of what is English
  268. Anglo-Saxon
    n. The entire English race wherever found, as in Europe, the United States, or India
  269. angular
    adj. Sharp-cornered
  270. anhydrous
    adj. Withered
  271. animadversion
    n. The utterance of criticism or censure
  272. animadvert
    v. To pass criticism or censure
  273. animalcule
    n. An animal of microscopic smallness
  274. animate
    v. To make alive
  275. animosity
    n. Hatred
  276. annalist
    n. Historian
  277. annals
    n. A record of events in their chronological order, year by year
  278. annex
    v. To add or affix at the end
  279. annihilate
    v. To destroy absolutely
  280. annotate
    v. To make explanatory or critical notes on or upon
  281. annual
    adj. Occurring every year
  282. annuity
    n. An annual allowance, payment, or income
  283. annunciation
    n. Proclamation
  284. anode
    n. The point where or path by which a voltaic current enters an electrolyte or the like
  285. anonymous
    adj. Of unknown authorship
  286. antagonism
    n. Mutual opposition or resistance of counteracting forces, principles, or persons
  287. Antarctic
    adj. Pertaining to the south pole or the regions near it
  288. ante
    v. In the game of poker, to put up a stake before the cards are dealt
  289. antecede
    v. To precede
  290. antecedent
    n. One who or that which precedes or goes before, as in time, place, rank, order, or causality
  291. antechamber
    n. A waiting room for those who seek audience
  292. antedate
    v. To assign or affix a date to earlier than the actual one
  293. antediluvian
    adj. Of or pertaining to the times, things, events before the great flood in the days of Noah
  294. antemeridian
    adj. Before noon
  295. antemundane
    adj. Pertaining to time before the world's creation
  296. antenatal
    adj. Occurring or existing before birth
  297. anterior
    adj. Prior
  298. anteroom
    n. A room situated before and opening into another, usually larger
  299. anthology
    n. A collection of extracts from the writings of various authors
  300. anthracite
    n. Hard coal
  301. anthropology
    n. The science of man in general
  302. anthropomorphous
    adj. Having or resembling human form
  303. antic
    n. A grotesque, ludicrous, or fantastic action
  304. Antichrist
    n. Any opponent or enemy of Christ, whether a person or a power
  305. anticlimax
    n. A gradual or sudden decrease in the importance or impressiveness of what is said
  306. anticyclone
    n. An atmospheric condition of high central pressure, with currents flowing outward
  307. antidote
    n. Anything that will counteract or remove the effects of poison, disease, or the like
  308. antilogy
    n. Inconsistency or contradiction in terms or ideas
  309. antipathize
    v. To show or feel a feeling of antagonism, aversion, or dislike
  310. antiphon
    n. A response or alteration of responses, generally musical
  311. antiphony
    n. An anthem or other composition sung responsively
  312. antipodes
    n. A place or region on the opposite side of the earth
  313. antiquary
    n. One who collects and examines old things, as coins, books, medals, weapons, etc.
  314. antiquate
    v. To make old or out of date
  315. antique
    adj. Pertaining to ancient times
  316. antiseptic
    n. Anything that destroys or restrains the growth of putrefactive micro-organisms
  317. antislavery
    adj. Opposed to human slavery
  318. antispasmodic
    adj. Tending to prevent or relieve non-inflammatory spasmodic affections
  319. antistrophe
    n. The inversion of terms in successive classes, as in "the home of joy and the joy of home"
  320. antitoxin
    n. A substance which neutralizes the poisonous products of micro-organisms
  321. antonym
    n. A word directly opposed to another in meaning
  322. anxious
    adj. Distressed in mind respecting some uncertain matter
  323. apathy
    n. Insensibility to emotion or passionate feeling
  324. aperture
    n. Hole
  325. apex
    n. The highest point, as of a mountain
  326. aphorism
    n. Proverb
  327. apiary
    n. A place where bees are kept
  328. apogee
    n. The climax
  329. apology
    n. A disclaimer of intentional error or offense
  330. apostasy
    n. A total departure from one's faith or religion
  331. apostate
    adj. False
  332. apostle
    n. Any messenger commissioned by or as by divine authority
  333. apothecary
    n. One who keeps drugs for sale and puts up prescriptions
  334. apotheosis
    n. Deification
  335. appall
    v. To fill with dismay or horror
  336. apparent
    adj. Easily understood
  337. apparition
    n. Ghost
  338. appease
    v. To soothe by quieting anger or indignation
  339. appellate
    adj. Capable of being appealed to
  340. appellation
    n. The name or title by which a particular person, class, or thing is called
  341. append
    v. To add or attach, as something accessory, subordinate, or supplementary
  342. appertain
    v. To belong, as by right, fitness, association, classification, possession, or natural relation
  343. apposite
    adj. Appropriate
  344. apposition
    n. The act of placing side by side, together, or in contact
  345. appraise
    v. To estimate the money value of
  346. appreciable
    adj. Capable of being discerned by the senses or intellect
  347. apprehend
    v. To make a prisoner of (a person) in the name of the law
  348. apprehensible
    adj. Capable of being conceived
  349. approbation
    n. Sanction
  350. appropriate
    adj. Suitable for the purpose and circumstances
  351. aqueduct
    n. A water-conduit, particularly one for supplying a community from a distance
  352. aqueous
    adj. Of, pertaining to, or containing water
  353. arbiter
    n. One chosen or appointed, by mutual consent of parties in dispute, to decide matters
  354. arbitrary
    adj. Fixed or done capriciously
  355. arbitrate
    v. To act or give judgment as umpire
  356. arbor
    n. A tree
  357. arboreal
    adj. Of or pertaining to a tree or trees
  358. arborescent
    adj. Having the nature of a tree
  359. arboretum
    n. A botanical garden or place devoted to the cultivation of trees or shrubs
  360. arboriculture
    n. The cultivation of trees or shrubs
  361. arcade
    n. A vaulted passageway or street; a roofed passageway having shops, etc., opening from it
  362. archaic
    adj. Antiquated
  363. archaism
    n. Obsolescence
  364. archangel
    n. An angel of high rank
  365. archbishop
    n. The chief of the bishops of an ecclesiastical province in the Greek, Roman, and Anglican church
  366. archdeacon
    n. A high official administrator of the affairs of a diocese
  367. archaeology
    n. The branch of anthropology concerned with the systematic investigation of the relics of man
  368. archetype
    n. A prototype
  369. archipelago
    n. Any large body of water studded with islands, or the islands collectively themselves
  370. ardent
    adj. Burning with passion
  371. ardor
    n. Intensity of passion or affection
  372. arid
    adj. Very dry
  373. aristocracy
    n. A hereditary nobility
  374. aristocrat
    n. A hereditary noble or one nearly connected with nobility
  375. armada
    n. A fleet of war-vessels
  376. armful
    n. As much as can be held in the arm or arms
  377. armory
    n. An arsenal
  378. aroma
    n. An agreeable odor
  379. arraign
    v. To call into court, as a person indicted for crime, and demand whether he pleads guilty or not
  380. arrange
    v. To put in definite or proper order
  381. arrangement
    n. The act of putting in proper order, or the state of being put in order
  382. arrant
    adj. Notoriously bad
  383. arrear
    n. Something overdue and unpaid
  384. arrival
    n. A coming to stopping-place or destination
  385. arrogant
    adj. Unduly or excessively proud, as of wealth, station, learning, etc.
  386. arrogate
    v. To take, demand, or claim, especially presumptuously or without reasons or grounds
  387. Artesian well
    n. A very deep bored well. water rises due to underground pressure
  388. artful
    adj. Characterized by craft or cunning
  389. Arthurian
    adj. Pertaining to King Arthur, the real or legendary hero of British poetic story
  390. artifice
    n. Trickery
  391. artless
    adj. Ingenuous
  392. ascendant
    adj. Dominant
  393. ascension
    n. The act of rising
  394. ascent
    n. A rising, soaring, or climbing
  395. ascetic
    adj. Given to severe self-denial and practicing excessive abstinence and devotion
  396. ascribe
    v. To assign as a quality or attribute
  397. asexual
    adj. Having no distinct sexual organs
  398. ashen
    adj. Pale
  399. askance
    adv. With a side or indirect glance or meaning
  400. asperity
    n. Harshness or roughness of temper
  401. aspirant
    n. One who seeks earnestly, as for advancement, honors, place
  402. aspiration
    n. An earnest wish for that which is above one's present reach
  403. aspire
    v. To have an earnest desire, wish, or longing, as for something high and good, not yet attained
  404. assailant
    n. One who attacks
  405. assassin
    n. One who kills, or tries to kill, treacherously or secretly
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