
  1. t/f every patient should be evaluated individually for dental radiographs
  2. t/f the 8inch PID is more effective in reducing radiation exposure to the patient than the 16inch.
  3. t/f pointed cones should not be used because of increased scatter radiation.
  4. t/f the thyroid collar must be worn for all intraoral and extraoral films.
  5. t/f if necessary the dental radiographer may hold a film in the patients mouth to ensure a diagnostic image.
  6. which of the following describes the use of a filter in a dental xray tubehead

    C. a filter removes low energy xrays (long wavelength)
  7. which of the following is NOT a component of inherent filtration?

    C. a leaded cone
  8. which of the following is the most effective method of reducing patient exposure to radiation?

    A. fast films
  9. which of the following position indicating devices is most effective in reducing patient exposure?

    D. rectangular PID
  10. which of the following devices restricts the size and shape of the xray beam?

    A. collimator
  11. which of the following is used as a collimator?

    A. lead plate
  12. which of the following describes the function of filtration?

    C. reduces low energy waves
  13. which of the following is the recommended size of the beam at the patients face?

    C. 2.75 inches
  14. which of the following terms describes the dose of radiation that the body can endure with little or no chance of injury?

    C. maximum permissible dose
  15. which of the following is TRUE of film badges.

    C. film badges should be worn at waist level when exposing xray films.
  16. provide the requirements for proper filtration:
    a. machines operating at 70kVp or lower require ___mm aluminum
    b.machines operating above 70kVp require ___mm aluminum
    • a.1.5
    • b.2.5
  17. state the angle that the dental radiographer should stand to the primary beam ___-___ degrees
    90-135 degrees (perpendicular)
  18. state the formula for maximum accumulated dose
    MAD=(N-18) X 5 rems/year
  19. wtate the maximum permissible dose for occupationally exposed persons ____ rems/year (____Sv/year)
    • 5.0
    • .05
  20. state the maximum permissible dose for nonoccupationally exposed persons ____rem/year (___Sv/year)
    • .1
    • .001
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ch 5 quiz questions from chapter