all contain the element C (carbon) and one produced as a result of lif process.
Generally don't contain corbon (a few do) and are generally NOT produced as a result of the life process. (But a few are such as CO2)
Polar Molecule
exhibits polarity- the oxygen end has a slight negative charge and the hyrdrogen ends have a slight positive charge.
Why do the oposite ends of a polar molecule have different charges?
Becasue the shared electrons orbit the more massive oxygen nucleus- giving it a negative charge. Because of this polarity H2O is able the dissolve and distribute any other polar compund throughout organisms bodies.
the attraction of water molecule to each other by the formation of Hydrogen bonds.
Hydrogen bonds
the attractio between the hyrdrogen and end of one molecule to the negative region of another.This allows organsims to maintain a relatively stable temperature regardless of the envromental temperature.
the attraction of water to unlike substances, especially the sufaces of solids.
What are the properties of H2O (water?)
- It is a polar molecule
- Cohesion
- Adhesion
- It expands when is freezes causing it to become less dense
- Capillary Action
- Surface tension
the ability for waterto move upwards against the force of gravity.
*Is done in plants
Surface Tension
the 'skin' that is especially evident at waters surface due to Hydrogen bonding of adjacent H2O molecules.
What do all organic compounds contain?
at leas one carbon element.
How many electrons does Carbon have on its outer shell?
Because of carbons outer shell, what are the most common elements combinded with C and what kind of shape does it form?
It can bond with itself but mostly H, O, & N. It can form virtually any 3D shape.