
  1. What are the 10 logical fallacies?
    • Ad Hominem
    • Ad Populum
    • Bandwagon
    • Either/or
    • Equivocating
    • Hasty Generalization
    • Red Herring
    • Slippery Slope
    • Sob Story
    • Straw Man
  2. Ad Hominem
    This is also called attacking the person. When arguing, the statements should be directed at another argument not a person.
  3. Ad Populum
    The argument uses statistics of number of people, because Ad Populum means “for the people,” to establish a fact that may or may not be true. If seventy percent of people believe segregation is moral, that does not make it true.
  4. Bandwagon
    This fallacy assumes that if many people deem something to be truth that, therefore, it must be true.
  5. Either/or
    Everything is black and white. There is no gray area with an issue.
  6. Equivocating
    The words in the argument become too vague because they show the high level of diction rather than supporting the argument. The words can also have two meanings sometimes, which confuse the audience.
  7. Hasty generalization
    Making assumptions without enough proof. From information that may suggest something, the author draws conclusions too soon.
  8. Red Herring
    A concept gets interjected into an argument to distract the audience from the argument.
  9. Slippery Slope
    The argument covers a chain of events usually going from point A to D to G without the middle pieces. Also, the end result is a dire consequence.
  10. Sob Story
    The argument uses too much pathos until the reader does not care about the argument anymore.
  11. Straw Man
    The argument attempts to counterargue with a weak argument from the other side of the argument.
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Mid Term Review