Latin Test 2

  1. What are the five characteristics of Verbs in order?
    Person, Number, Tense, Mood, Voice
  2. What are the first conjugation endings?
    -o, -s, -t, -mus, -tis, -nt
  3. Latin: me
    English: me, myself
  4. Latin: quid
    English: what
  5. Latin: nihil
    English: nothing
  6. Latin: non
    English: not
  7. Latin: saepe
    English: often
  8. Latin: si
    English: if
  9. Name the four principle parts of the verb amo and its meaning.
    amo, amare, amavi, amatum; to love, like
  10. Name the four principle parts of the verb cogito and its meaning.
    cogito, cogitare, cogitavi, cogitatum; to think, ponder, consider, plan
  11. Name the four principle parts of the verb debeo and its meaning.
    debeo, debere, debui, debitum; to owe; ought must
  12. Name the four principle parts and the meaning of the verb do.
    do, dare, dedi, datum; to give offer
  13. Name the four principle parts and the meaning of the verb erro.
    erro, errare, erravi, erratum; to wander; err, go astray, make a mistake, be mistaken
  14. Name the four principle parts and the meaning of the verb laudo.
    laudo, laudare, laudavi, laudatum; to praise
  15. Name the four principle parts and the meaning of the verb moneo.
    moneo, monere, monui, monitum; to remind, advise, warn
  16. Name the four principle parts and the meaning of the verb salveo.
    • salveo, salvere; to be well, be in good health
    • salve, salvete; hello, greetings
  17. Name the four principle parts and the meaning of the verb servo.
    servo, servare, servavi, servtum; to preserve, save, keep, guard
  18. Name the four principle parts and the meaning of the verb conservo.
    conservo, conservare, conservavi, conservatum; stronger form of servo, to preserve, conserve, maintain
  19. Name the four principle parts and the meaning of the verb terreo.
    terreo, terrer, terrui, territum; to frighten, terrify
  20. Name the four principle parts and the meaning of the verb valeo.
    valeo, valere, valui, valiturum; to be strong, have power, be well
  21. Name the four principle parts and the meaning of the verb video.
    video, videre, vidi, visum; to see; observe, understand
  22. Name the four principle parts and the meaning of the verb voco.
    voco, vocare, vocavi, vocatum; to call, summon
  23. Latin: Labor me vocat.
    English: Labor(Work) calls me.
  24. Latin: Laudas me; culpant me,
    English: You praise me; They blame me.
  25. Latin: Saepe peccamus.
    English: We sin often
  26. Latin: Rumor volat.
    English: Rumors fly.
  27. Latin: Apollo me saepe servat.
    English: Apollo saves me often.
  28. Name the five cases of nouns in order and what their uses are.
    • Nominative, Genitive, Dative, Accusative, Ablative
    • Subject, Possesion, Indirect Object, Direct Object, Object of a Preposition
  29. Name the singular and plural endings for first declension nouns.
    -a, -ae, -ae, -am, -a, -ae, -arum, -is, -as, -is
  30. What must nouns and adjectives agree in?
    gender, number, and case
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Latin Test 2
Things to study for Latin Test 2