Week 6

  1. alt. bipinnate leaves w/ many leaflets
    • Albizia julibrissin
    • Leguminosae; mimosa
    • *Fruit: legume
    • native Iran to China
    • pollinated by hummingbirds
  2. large shrub, tiny leaves near tip w/ flower buds
    turtle foot leaf
    • Baccharis halimifolia (salt-leaved)
    • Asteraceae (Aster); silverling, sea-myrtle
    • fruit: nutlet
    • dioecious
  3. papery bark,
    leaf base wedge-shaped
    • Betula nigra (black)
    • Betulaceae; river birch
    • fruit: nutlet
    • fruits mature in spring
    • used in landscaping
  4. distinct red capsule
    opp. simple, elliptical, crenate leaves
    • Euonymus americanus (of America)
    • Celastraceae; hearts-a-bustin'
    • *Fruit: capsule
    • deer browse foliage
    • songbirds eat fleshy seeds.
  5. opposite branching
    found in flat, wet bottomlands
    • Fraxinus pennsylvanica (from PA)
    • Oleaceae (Olive); green ash
    • *Fruit: samara
    • emerald ash borer native to Asia, discovered in MI in 2002 killing ash trees in the North
    • wood use same as white ash
    • beavers eat inner bark
  6. tiny, opp. uniform leaves
    pubescent twigs, green drupes now
    • Ligustrum sinense (of China)
    • Oleaceae; privet
    • fruit: drupe
    • native to China, invasive
    • songbirds eat fruits, deer eat foliage, beaver eats bark and twigs, thickets provide escape cover
  7. atl. star-shaped palmate leaves (5-7 lobes)
    • Liquidambar styraciflua (storax-flowing)
    • Altingiaceae (sweetgum family); sweetgum
    • *fruit: capsule
    • most planted hardwood in plantations
    • plywood furn., paneling
    • formerly prized for paneling
    • resin sometimes used in perfume
    • songbirds eat seeds
    • beavers eat inner bark
  8. twining shrub
    opp. leaves
    • Lonicera japonica (of Japan)
    • Caprifoliaceae; Japanese honeysuckle
    • fruit: berry
    • native to Japan
    • invasive
    • deer eat foliage in winter
    • songbirds eat fruit
    • wildlife cover
  9. grass w/ shiny midrib
    • Microstegium vimineum
    • Poaceae; Japanese stilt grass
    • fruit: caryopsis (grain)
    • annual, very invasive
  10. alt. palmate, 5 leaflets, coarsely serrate, entire base margin, little hand-like tendrils
    • Parthenocissus quinquefolia (five-leaved)
    • Vitaceae; Virginia creeper
    • fruit: berry
    • songbirds eat fruit
  11. smooth bark w/ worm trails
    large, opp. cordate, pubescent leaves
    (similar to catalpa)
    • Paulownia tomentosa (densely hairy)
    • Bignoniaceae; paulownia
    • *Fruit: capsule
    • native to China, some consider a weed
    • Japanese love the lumber: furn, instruments, carvings, bowls. leaves used for fodder. planted on mine spoil banks
  12. medium shrub
    3-5 leaflets, prickles
    • Rubus argutus (sharply serrate)
    • Rosaceae; blackberry
    • fruit: aggregate of drupelets
    • most common blackberry
    • wildlife and humans love it
  13. lenticels on stem
    opp. pinnate, serrate, green rachis - looks like celery stalk
    • Sambucus canadensis (of Canada)
    • Adoxaceae; elderberry
    • fruit: drupe
    • songbirds eat fruit
    • leave/twigs toxic
  14. forked tendrils! alt leaves, 3-5 shallow lobes, coarse dentate margin, pubescent underside, ridged angular twig (won't roll in finger tips)
    • Vitis cincerea (ashy gray)
    • Vitaceae; winter grape
    • fruit: berry
    • wildlife love it
  15. unbranched tendril! glabrous leaf underside
    • Vitis rotundifolia (round-leaved)
    • Vitaceae; muscadine grape
    • fruit: berry
    • wildlife love it
    • good for wine (scuppernog)
    • viticulture: growth and care of grapes
  16. canoe paddle fruit
    • Fraxinus caroliniana (of Carolina)
    • Oleaceae; Carolina ash
    • *Fruit: samara (canoe paddle?)
    • our most water-tollerant ash
Card Set
Week 6
Walnut Creek: more bottomland species. disturbed suburban wetland. exotic species abound. Lots of green ash