
  1. Nacreous 
     1. (Life Sciences & Allied Applications / Zoology) relating to or consisting of mother-of-pearl2. (Earth Sciences / Minerals) having the lustre of mother-of-pearl nacreous minerals
  2. Quattrocento 
     The 15th-century period of Italian art and literature.
  3. Adamantine 
     1. very hard
  4. Adjuvant 
     1. A pharmacological agent added to a drug to increase or aid its effect.2. An immunological agent that increases the antigenic response.
  5. Advert 
     1. To turn attention. Used with to: The board next adverted to compensation issues.2. To call attention
  6. Agrestic 
     1. rural
  7. Amerce 
     1. Law To punish by a fine imposed arbitrarily at the discretion of the court. 2. To punish by imposing an arbitrary penalty.
  8. Amphibology 
     An ambiguous or equivocal statement.
  9. Amuse-bouche 
     (Cookery) an appetizer before a meal
  10. Anodyne 
     adj.1. Capable of soothing or eliminating pain. 2. Relaxing: anodyne novels about country life.n.1. A medicine, such as aspirin, that relieves pain.2. A source of soothing comfort
  11. Anthropogenic 
     1. Of or relating to anthropogenesis.2. Caused by humans: anthropogenic degradation of the environment.
  12. Aseptic 
     1. a. Free of pathogenic microorganisms: aseptic surgical instruments. b. Using methods to protect against infection by pathogenic microorganisms: aseptic surgical techniques.2. Lacking animation or emotion: an aseptic smile.
  13. Blinkered 
     Subjective and limited, as in viewpoint or perception: "The characters have a blinkered view and, misinterpreting what they see, sometimes take totally inexpedient action" (Pauline Kael).
  14. Bluenose 
     A puritanical person.
  15. Bluestocking 
     A woman with strong scholarly or literary interests.
  16. Bogart 
     1 : bully, intimidate2 : to use or consume without sharing
  17. Breathless 
     b: gripped with emotion c: intense, gripping d: very rapid or strenuous
  18. Cadge 
     To beg or get by begging.
  19. Bricolage 
     Something made or put together using whatever materials happen to be available: "Even the decor is a bricolage, a mix of this and that" (Los Angeles Times).
  20. Cantilever 
     1. A projecting structure, such as a beam, that is supported at one end and carries a load at the other end or along its length.2. A member, such as a beam, that projects beyond a fulcrum and is supported by a balancing member or a downward force behind the fulcrum. 3. A bracket or block supporting a balcony or cornice.
  21. Captious 
     1. Marked by a disposition to find and point out trivial faults: a captious scholar. 2. Intended to entrap or confuse, as in an argument: a captious question.
  22. Casuistry 
     1. Specious or excessively subtle reasoning intended to rationalize or mislead. 2. The determination of right and wrong in questions of conduct or conscience by analyzing cases that illustrate general ethical rules.
  23. Catachresis 
     1. The misapplication of a word or phrase, as the use of blatant to mean "flagrant."2. The use of a strained figure of speech, such as a mixed metaphor.
  24. Cloy 
     v.tr. To cause distaste or disgust by supplying with too much of something originally pleasant, especially something rich or sweet
  25. Celerity 
     Swiftness of action or motion
  26. Colligate 
     1. To tie or group together.2. Logic To bring (isolated facts) together by an explanation or hypothesis that applies to them all.
  27. Comstockery 
     Censorship of literature and other forms of expression and communication because of perceived immorality or obscenity.
  28. Confute 
     1. To prove to be wrong or in error
  29. Congeries 
     A collection
  30. Consecution 
     1. A sequence or succession.2. Logic The relation of consequent to antecedent
  31. Copse 
     A thicket of small trees or shrubs
  32. Cosset 
     tr.v. cos·set·ed, cos·set·ing, cos·sets To pamper.n. A pet, especially a pet lamb.
  33. Cozen 
     v.tr.1. To mislead by means of a petty trick or fraud
  34. Croesus 
     A very wealthy man.
  35. Demulcent 
     adj. Serving to soothe or soften. n. A soothing, usually mucilaginous or oily substance, such as glycerin or lanolin, used especially to relieve pain in inflamed or irritated mucous membranes.
  36. Desultory 
     1. Having no set plan
  37. Detritus 
     1. Loose fragments or grains that have been worn away from rock.2. a. Disintegrated or eroded matter: the detritus of past civilizations.b. Accumulated material
  38. Esurient 
  39. Didactic 
     adj. 1. Intended to instruct.2. Morally instructive.3. Inclined to teach or moralize excessively.
  40. Disambiguate 
     To establish a single grammatical or semantic interpretation for.
  41. Disconsolate 
     1. Seeming beyond consolation
  42. Disquisition 
     A formal discourse on a subject, often in writing.
  43. Dolorous 
      Marked by or exhibiting sorrow, grief, or pain.
  44. Dotage 
      A deterioration of mental faculties.
  45. Doyen 
     A man who is the eldest or senior member of a group.
  46. Elide 
     1. a. To omit or slur over (a syllable, for example) in pronunciation.b. To strike out (something written).2. a. To eliminate or leave out of consideration.b. To cut short
  47. Eristic 
     adj. Given to or characterized by disputatious, often specious argument.n.1. One given to or expert in dispute or argument.2. The art or practice of disputation and polemics.
  48. Excogitate 
     To consider or think (something) out carefully and thoroughly.
  49. Ex cathedra 
     With the authority derived from one's office or position: the pope speaking ex cathedra
  50. Excursive 
     Of, given to, characterized by, or having the nature of digression.
  51. Exiguous 
     Extremely scanty
  52. Fatidic 
     Relating to or characterized by prophecy
  53. Feckless 
     1. Lacking purpose or vitality
  54. Felicitous 
     1. Admirably suited
  55. Florid 
     1. Flushed with rosy color
  56. Subtend 
     1. Mathematics To be opposite to and delimit: The side of a triangle subtends the opposite angle. 2. To underlie so as to enclose or surround: flowers subtended by leafy bracts.
  57. Folderol 
     1. Foolishness
  58. Gainsay 
     1. To declare false
  59. Garrison finish 
     A finish in a contest or race in which the winner comes from behind at the last moment.
  60. Hoary 
     1. Gray or white with or as if with age.2. Covered with grayish hair or pubescence: hoary leaves. 3. So old as to inspire veneration
  61. Immiscible 
     That cannot undergo mixing or blending: immiscible elements.
  62. Impassive 
     1. Devoid of or not subject to emotion.2. Revealing no emotion
  63. Importune 
     1. To beset with insistent or repeated requests
  64. Insouciance 
     Blithe lack of concern
  65. Interpolate 
     1. To insert or introduce between other elements or parts.2. a. To insert (material) into a text.b. To insert into a conversation. See Synonyms at introduce.3. To change or falsify (a text) by introducing new or incorrect material.
  66. Languor 
     1. Lack of physical or mental energy
  67. Lyceum 
     1. A hall in which public lectures, concerts, and similar programs are presented. 2. An organization sponsoring public programs and entertainment.
  68. Miscible 
     That can be mixed in all proportions. Used of liquids.
  69. Missive 
     A written message
  70. Nescience 
     1. Absence of knowledge or awareness
  71. Nonce 
     The present or particular occasion: "Her tendency to discover a touch of sadness had for the nonce disappeared" (Theodore Dreiser).
  72. Nonpareil 
     1. A person or thing that has no equal
  73. Nostrum 
     1. A medicine whose effectiveness is unproved and whose ingredients are usually secret
  74. Obverse 
     1. Facing or turned toward the observer: the obverse side of a statue. 2. Serving as a counterpart or complement.n.1. The side of a coin, medal, or badge that bears the principal stamp or design. 2. The more conspicuous of two possible alternatives, cases, or sides: the obverse of this issue.3. Logic The counterpart of a proposition obtained by exchanging the affirmative for the negative quality of the whole proposition and then negating the predicate: The obverse of "Every act is predictable" is "No act is unpredictable."
  75. Oleaginous 
     1. Of or relating to oil.2. Falsely or smugly earnest
  76. Outsized 
     Unusually large, weighty, or extensive.
  77. Panegyric 
     1. A formal eulogistic composition intended as a public compliment.2. Elaborate
  78. Encomium
    praise or laudation
  79. Paralogism 
     A fallacious or illogical argument or conclusion.
  80. Parsimonious 
     Excessively sparing or frugal.
  81. Pecksniffian 
     Hypocritically benevolent
  82. Pelagic 
     Of, relating to, or living in open oceans or seas rather than waters adjacent to land or inland waters: pelagic birds.
  83. Peregrine 
     1. Foreign
  84. Peroration 
     1. To conclude a speech with a formal recapitulation.2. To speak at great length, often in a grandiloquent manner
  85. Plinth 
     1. A block or slab on which a pedestal, column, or statue is placed.2. The base block at the intersection of the baseboard and the vertical trim around an opening.3. A continuous course of stones supporting a wall. Also called plinth course.4. A square base, as for a vase.
  86. Portmanteau 
     A word formed by merging the sounds and meanings of two different words, as chortle, from chuckle and snort.
  87. Prescind 
     v.tr. To separate or divide in thought
  88. Prodigal 
     1. Rashly or wastefully extravagant: prodigal expenditures on unneeded weaponry
  89. Propitiatory
  90. Prolix 
     1. Tediously prolonged
  91. Pulchritudinous 
     Characterized by or having great physical beauty and appeal.
  92. Rebarbative 
     Tending to irritate
  93. Reify 
     To regard or treat (an abstraction) as if it had concrete or material existence.
  94. Reprobate 
     n.1. A morally unprincipled person.2. One who is predestined to damnation.adj.1. Morally unprincipled
  95. Reproof 
     The act, an instance, or an expression of reproving
  96. Reticle 
     A grid or pattern placed in the eyepiece of an optical instrument, used to establish scale or position.
  97. Samizdat 
     1. a. The secret publication and distribution of government-banned literature in the former Soviet Union.b. The literature produced by this system.2. An underground press.
  98. Superannuated 
     1. Retired or ineffective because of advanced age: "Nothing is more tiresome than a superannuated pedagogue" (Henry Adams). 2. Outmoded
  99. Tantara 
     1. a. A trumpet or horn fanfare.b. A sound resembling such a fanfare.2. A hunting cry.
  100. Thrasonical 
  101. Truncheon 
     1. A short stick carried by police
  102. Vacuous 
     1. Devoid of matter
  103. Mother of pearl 
     Nacre, also known as mother of pearl, is an organic-inorganic composite material produced by some mollusks. It is strong, resilient, and iridescent. Pearls and the inside layer of the pearl oyster shells and the freshwater pearl mussel shells are made of nacre.
  104. Wan 
     1. Unnaturally pale, as from physical or emotional distress.2. Suggestive or indicative of weariness, illness, or unhappiness
  105. Scrim 
     2 : a theater drop that appears opaque when a scene in front is lighted and transparent or translucent when a scene in back is lighted3 : something likened to a theater scrim
  106. Limn 
      1 : to draw or paint on a surface 2 : to outline in clear sharp detail : delineate 3 : describe
  107. Gild 
     tr.v. gild·ed or gilt (glt), gild·ing, gilds 1. To cover with or as if with a thin layer of gold. 2. To give an often deceptively attractive or improved appearance to.
  108. Pall 
     2. A coffin, especially one being carried to a grave or tomb.3. a. A covering that darkens or obscures: a pall of smoke over the city.b. A gloomy effect or atmosphere: "A pall of depressed indifference hung over Petrograd during February and March 1916" (W. Bruce Lincoln).
  109. Bandeau 
     1. A narrow band for the hair.2. A brassiere.
  110. Tousle 
      To disarrange or rumple
  111. Balustrade 
     A rail and the row of balusters or posts that support it, as along the front of a gallery.
  112. Sepulchral 
     1. Of or relating to a burial vault or a receptacle for sacred relics. 2. Suggestive of the grave
  113. Gilt 
     adj.1. Covered with gold or gilt.2. Resembling gold, as in color or luster.n.1. A thin layer of gold or something simulating gold that is applied in gilding. 2. Superficial brilliance or gloss.
  114. Evanescent 
     Vanishing or likely to vanish like vapor.
  115. Nimbus 
     1. A cloudy radiance said to surround a classical deity when on earth. 2. A radiant light that appears usually in the form of a circle or halo about or over the head in the representation of a god, demigod, saint, or sacred person such as a king or an emperor. 3. A splendid atmosphere or aura, as of glamour, that surrounds a person or thing. 4. A rain cloud, especially a low dark layer of clouds such as a nimbostratus.
  116. Skein 
     1. a. A length of thread or yarn wound in a loose long coil.b. Something suggesting the coil of a skein
  117. Nave 
     The central part of a church, extending from the narthex to the chancel and flanked by aisles.
  118. Sacristy 
     A room in a church housing the sacred vessels and vestments
  119. Monstrance 
     n. Roman Catholic ChurchA receptacle in which the host is held.
  120. Rookery 
     1. a. A place where rooks nest or breed.b. A colony of rooks. 2. The breeding ground of certain other birds or animals, such as penguins and seals.
  121. Lyre 
     A stringed instrument of the harp family having two curved arms connected at the upper end by a crossbar, used to accompany a singer or reciter of poetry, especially in ancient Greece.
  122. Bemetier 
     holy water
  123. Lilt 
     1. A cheerful or lively manner of speaking, in which the pitch of the voice varies pleasantly.2. A light, happy tune or song.3. A light or resilient manner of moving or walking. v. lilt·ed, lilt·ing, lilts v.tr. To say, sing, or play (something) in a cheerful, rhythmic manner.v.intr.1. To speak, sing, or play with liveliness or rhythm. 2. To move with lightness and buoyancy.
  124. Serge 
     A twilled cloth of worsted or worsted and wool, often used for suits.
  125. Muslin 
     Any of various sturdy cotton fabrics of plain weave, used especially for sheets.
  126. Jonquil 
     A widely cultivated ornamental plant (Narcissus jonquilla) native chiefly to southern Europe, having long narrow leaves and short-tubed yellow flowers.
  127. Repine 
     1 : to feel or express dejection or discontent : complain *2 : to long for something
  128. Jnana 
     absolute insight acquired through study.
  129. Nosocomial 
     acquired or occurring in a hospital
  130. Curtilage 
     The enclosed area immediately surrounding a house or dwelling.
  131. Definiendum 
     A word or expression that is being defined.
  132. Ungulate 
     1. a. Having hooves.b. Resembling hooves
  133. Elephantiasis 
     1 : enlargement and thickening of tissues
  134. Yeasty 
     1 : of, relating to, or resembling yeast 2 a : immature, unsettled *b : marked by change  c : full of vitality  d : frivolous
  135. Muliebrity 
     womanly nature or qualities.
  136. Frazzle 
     Wear away by rubbing.
  137. Strew 
     1. To spread here and there
  138. Sinuous 
     1. Characterized by many curves or turns
  139. Lancet 
     1. Medicine A surgical knife with a short, wide, pointed double-edged blade, used especially for making punctures and small incisions. Also called lance. 2. Architecture a. A lancet arch.b. A lancet window.
  140. Umber 
     1. A natural brown earth containing ferric oxide and manganese oxides, used as pigment.2. Any of the shades of brown produced by umber in its various states.
  141. Remonstrate 
     v.tr. To say or plead in protest, objection, or reproof.v.intr. To reason or plead in protest
  142. Mellifluous 
     1. Flowing with sweetness or honey. 2. Smooth and sweet: "polite and cordial, with a mellifluous, well-educated voice"
  143. Diaphanous
     1. Of such fine texture as to be transparent or translucent: diaphanous tulle.2. Characterized by delicacy of form. 3. Vague or insubstantial: diaphanous dreams of glory.
  144. Trellis 
     n.1. A structure of open latticework, especially one used as a support for vines and other creeping plants.2. An arbor or arch made of latticework.
  145. Coffer 
     n.1. A strongbox. 2. often coffersa. Financial resources
  146. Gamine 
     1. An often homeless girl who roams about the streets
  147. Rostrum 
     1. A dais, pulpit, or other elevated platform for public speaking.
  148. Dolman 
     A woman's garment having capelike arm pieces.
  149. Vestibule 
     1. A small entrance hall or passage between the outer door and the interior of a house or building.2. An enclosed area at the end of a passenger car on a railroad train. 3. Anatomy A cavity, chamber, or channel that leads to or is an entrance to another cavity: the vestibule to the ear.
  150. Banister 
     1. a. A handrail, especially on a staircase.b. Such a handrail together with its supporting structures.2. One of the vertical supports of a handrail
  151. Melange 
     1. A mixture: "[a] building crowned with a mélange of antennae and satellite dishes" (Howard Kaplan).
  152. Cinch 
     n.1. A girth for a pack or saddle. 2. A firm grip. 3. Something easy to accomplish.4. A sure thing
  153. Careworn 
     Showing the effects of worry, anxiety, or burdensome responsibility: the parent's careworn face.
  154. Triptych 
     1. A work consisting of three painted or carved panels that are hinged together. 2. A hinged writing tablet consisting of three leaves, used in ancient Rome.
  155. Chignon 
     A roll or knot of hair worn at the back of the head or especially at the nape of the neck.
  156. Opalescent
     Exhibiting a milky iridescence like that of an opal.
  157. Roseate 
     1. Rose-colored: the roseate glow of dawn. 2. Cheerful or bright
  158. Spindly 
     Slender and elongated, especially in a way that suggests weakness.
  159. Iridescent 
     1. Producing a display of lustrous, rainbowlike colors: an iridescent oil slick
  160. Karst 
     An area of irregular limestone in which erosion has produced fissures, sinkholes, underground streams, and caverns.
  161. Mote 
     A very small particle
  162. Desiccate 
     v.tr.1. To dry out thoroughly. 2. To preserve (foods) by removing the moisture. See Synonyms at dry.3. To make dry, dull, or lifeless.v.intr. To become dry
  163. Vermillion 
     n.1. A bright red mercuric sulfide used as a pigment. 2. A vivid red to reddish orange. Also called Chinese red, cinnabar.
  164. Fluted 
     having or marked by grooves
  165. Escritoire 
     1. A writing table
  166. Hew 
     1. To make or shape with or as if with an ax: hew a path through the underbrush. 2. To cut down with an ax
  167. Mottled 
     Spotted or blotched with different shades or colors.
  168. Kohl 
     A cosmetic preparation, such as powdered antimony sulfide, used especially in the Middle East to darken the rims of the eyelids.
  169. Tarpaulin 
     1. Material, such as waterproofed canvas, used to cover and protect things from moisture.2. A sheet of this material.
  170. Foolscap 
     1. Chiefly British A sheet of writing or printing paper measuring approximately 13 by 16 inches.
  171. Amphora 
     A two-handled jar with a narrow neck used by the ancient Greeks and Romans to carry wine or oil.
  172. Prow 
     1. Nautical The forward part of a ship's hull
  173. Ampoule 
     A small glass vial that is sealed after filling and used chiefly as a container for a hypodermic injection solution.
  174. Thrum 
     1. Music To play (a stringed instrument) idly or monotonously: thrummed a guitar. 2. To speak, repeat, or recite in a monotonous tone of voice
  175. Novena 
     Roman Catholic Church A recitation of prayers and devotions for a special purpose during nine consecutive days.
  176. Stentorian 
     Extremely loud: a stentorian voice.
  177. Fecund 
     1. Capable of producing offspring or vegetation
  178. Novitiate 
     1. The period of being a novice.2. A place where novices live.
  179. Cant 
     1. Angular deviation from a vertical or horizontal plane or surface
  180. Nonplussed 
     A state of perplexity, confusion, or bewilderment.
  181. Loam 
     1. Soil composed of a mixture of sand, clay, silt, and organic matter. 2. A mixture of moist clay and sand, and often straw, used especially in making bricks and foundry molds.
  182. Grimoire 
     a textbook of sorcery and magic
  183. Acanthus 
     1. Any of various perennial herbs or small shrubs of the genus Acanthus, native to the Mediterranean and having pinnately lobed basal leaves with spiny margins and showy spikes of white or purplish flowers. Also called bear's breech.2. Architecture A design patterned after the leaves of one of these plants, used especially on the capitals of Corinthian columns.
  184. Runnel 
     1. A rivulet
  185. Fructuous 
  186. Malapert 
      unbecomingly bold or saucy.
  187. Derrick 
     1 : a hoisting apparatus employing a tackle rigged at the end of a beam 2 : a framework or tower over a deep drill hole (as of an oil well) for supporting boring tackle or for hoisting and lowering
  188. Defalcation 
     *1 : the act or an instance of embezzling 2 : a failure to meet a promise or an expectation
  189. Sedulous 
     Persevering and constant in effort or application
  190. Coeval 
     Originating or existing during the same period
  191. Adventitious 
     1. Not inherent but added extrinsically. 2. Biology Of or belonging to a structure that develops in an unusual place:
  192. Mancipation 
  193. Solecism 
     1. A nonstandard usage or grammatical construction. 2. A violation of etiquette. 3. An impropriety, mistake, or incongruity.
  194. Philology 
     Literary study or classical scholarship.
  195. Condign 
  196. Propinquity 
     1. Proximity
  197. Trammel 
     1. To enmesh in or as if in a fishing net. 2. To hinder the activity or free movement of.
  198. Ambuscade 
     : a trap in which concealed persons lie in wait to attack by surprise
  199. Flagitious 
     : marked by scandalous crime or vice : villainous
  200. Vexillology 
     the study of flags
  201. Asperity
    1 : roughness *2 : harshness of manner or of temper
  202. Parthenogenesis
    A form of reproduction in which an unfertilized egg develops into a new individual, occurring commonly among insects and certain other arthropods.
  203. Inimitable
    Defying imitation; matchless.
  204. Prepotent
    Greater in power, influence, or force than another or others; predominant.
  205. Dichogamous
    Having pistils and stamens that mature at different times, thus promoting cross-pollination rather than self-pollination.
  206. Portentous
    • 1. Of the nature of or constituting a portent; foreboding. "The present aspect of society is portentous of great change" (Edward Bellamy).
    • 2. Full of unspecifiable significance; exciting wonder and awe. "Such a portentous and mysterious monster roused all my curiosity" (Herman Melville).
    • 3. Marked by pompousness; pretentiously weighty.
  207. Roundheeled
    Slang. a woman who yields readily to sexual intercourse
  208. Prehensile
    • 1. Adapted for seizing, grasping, or holding, especially by wrapping around an object. a monkey's prehensile tail.
    • 2. Having keen intellect; insightful.
    • 3. Greedy; grasping.
  209. Alimentary
    • 1. Concerned with food, nutrition, or digestion.
    • 2. Providing nourishment.
  210. Basal
    • 1. a. Of, relating to, located at, or forming a base.
    • b. Botany Located at or near the base of a plant stem, or at the base of any other plant part - basal placentation.
    • 2. Of primary importance; basic.
  211. Viscid
    • 1. Thick and adhesive. Used of a fluid.
    • 2. Covered with a sticky or clammy coating.
  212. Parturition
    The act or process of giving birth; childbirth.
  213. Volute
    • 1. A spiral scroll-like ornament such as that used on an Ionic capital.
    • 2. a. A spiral formation, such as one of the whorls of a gastropod shell.
    • b. Any of various marine gastropod mollusks of the family Volutidae, having a spiral, often colorfully marked shell.
  214. Viscera
    • 1. The soft internal organs of the body, especially those contained within the abdominal and thoracic cavities.
    • 2. The intestines.
  215. Inspissate
    To undergo thickening or cause to thicken, as by boiling or evaporation; condense.
  216. Agglutinate
    To cause to adhere, as with glue.
  217. Lacustrine
    • 1. Of or relating to lakes.
    • 2. Living or growing in or along the edges of lakes.
  218. Esculent
    Suitable for eating; edible.
  219. Osculant
    • 1. Biology Intermediate in characteristics between two similar or related taxonomic groups.
    • 2. Closely adhering or joined; embracing.
  220. Gravid
    Carrying developing young or eggs: a gravid uterus; a gravid female.
  221. Eleemosynary
    • 1. Of, relating to, or dependent on charity.
    • 2. Contributed as an act of charity; gratuitous.
  222. Cognate
    • 1. Related by blood; having a common ancestor.
    • 2. Related in origin, as certain words in genetically related languages descended from the same ancestral root; for example, English name and Latin nmen from Indo-European *n-men-.
    • 3. Related or analogous in nature, character, or function.
  223. Lambent
    • 1. Flickering lightly over or on a surface: lambent moonlight.
    • 2. Effortlessly light or brilliant: lambent wit.
    • 3. Having a gentle glow; luminous.
  224. Antipodal
    • 1. Of, relating to, or situated on the opposite side or sides of the earth: Australia and Great Britain occupy antipodal regions.
    • 2. Diametrically opposed; exactly opposite.
  225. Extirpate
    • 1. To pull up by the roots.
    • 2. To destroy totally; exterminate.
    • 3. To remove by surgery.
  226. Glacis
    • 1. a. A gentle slope; an incline.
    • b. A slope extending down from a fortification.

    2. A neutral area separating conflicting forces.
  227. Mickle
    Great. Greatly. (Scottish)
  228. Rakish
    1. Nautical Having a trim, streamlined appearance. "We were schooner-rigged and rakish, with a long and lissome hull" (John Masefield).

    2. Dashingly or sportingly stylish; jaunty.
  229. Davit
    Any of various types of small cranes that project over the side of a ship and are used to hoist boats, anchors, and cargo.
  230. Vitrify
    To change or make into glass or a glassy substance, especially through heat fusion.
  231. Sallow
    Of a sickly yellowish hue or complexion.
  232. Redolent
    1. Having or emitting fragrance; aromatic.

    2. Suggestive; reminiscent: a campaign redolent of machine politics.
  233. Puckish
    Mischievous; impish: a puckish grin; puckish wit.
  234. Synoptic
    • 1. Of or constituting a synopsis; presenting a summary of the principal parts or a general view of the whole.
    • 2. a. Taking the same point of view.
    • b. often Synoptic. Relating to or being the first three gospels of the New Testament, which share content, style, and order of events and which differ largely from John.
    • 3. Meteorology Of or relating to data obtained nearly simultaneously over a large area of the atmosphere.
  235. Paroxysm
    • 1. A sudden outburst of emotion or action. a paroxysm of laughter.
    • 2. a. A sudden attack, recurrence, or intensification of a disease.
    • b. A spasm or fit; a convulsion.
  236. Frisson
    A moment of intense excitement; a shudder: The story's ending arouses a frisson of terror.
  237. Armature
    • 1. Electricity
    • a. The rotating part of a dynamo, consisting essentially of copper wire wound around an iron core.
    • b. The moving part of an electromagnetic device such as a relay, buzzer, or loudspeaker.
    • c. A piece of soft iron connecting the poles of a magnet.
    • 2. Biology A protective covering, structure, or organ of an animal or a plant, such as teeth, claws, thorns, or the shell of a turtle.
    • 3. A framework serving as a supporting core for the material that is used to make a sculpture.
  238. Choleric
    • 1. Easily angered; bad-tempered.
    • 2. Showing or expressing anger.
  239. Lissome
    • 1. Easily bent; supple.
    • 2. Having the ability to move with ease; limber.
  240. Spall
    • n. A chip, fragment, or flake from a piece of stone or ore.
    • v.tr. To break up into chips or fragments.
    • v.intr. To chip or crumble.
  241. Lapidary
    • 1. One who cuts, polishes, or engraves gems.
    • 2. A dealer in precious or semiprecious stones.

    • adj.1. Of or relating to precious stones or the art of working with them.
    • 2. a. Engraved in stone.
    • b. Marked by conciseness, precision, or refinement of expression: lapidary prose.
    • c. Sharply or finely delineated: a face with lapidary features.
  242. Sinter
    • n.1. Geology A chemical sediment or crust, as of porous silica, deposited by a mineral spring.
    • 2. A mass formed by sintering.

    v.tr. To cause (metallic powder, for example) to form a coherent mass by heating without melting.

    v.intr. To form a coherent mass by heating without melting.
  243. Obloquy
    • 1. Abusively detractive language or utterance; calumny. "I have had enough obloquy for one lifetime" (Anthony Eden).
    • 2. The condition of disgrace suffered as a result of abuse or vilification; ill repute.
  244. meretricious
    • 1.a. Attracting attention in a vulgar manner: meretricious ornamentation. See Synonyms at gaudy1.
    • b. Plausible but false or insincere; specious: a meretricious argument.
    • 2. Of or relating to prostitutes or prostitution: meretricious relationships.
  245. Fetid
    Having an offensive odor.
  246. Understory
    An underlying layer of vegetation, especially the plants that grow beneath a forest's canopy.
  247. Amanuensis
    One who is employed to take dictation or to copy manuscript.
  248. Dottle
    The plug of tobacco ash left in the bowl of a pipe after it has been smoked.
  249. Bilge
    • n.
    • 1. Nautical
    • a. The rounded portion of a ship's hull, forming a transition between the bottom and the sides.
    • b. The lowest inner part of a ship's hull.
    • 2. Bilge water.
    • 3. Slang Stupid talk or writing; nonsense.
    • 4. The bulging part of a barrel or cask.
    • v. bilged, bilg·ing, bilg·es
    • v.intr.
    • 1. Nautical To spring a leak in the bilge.
    • 2. To bulge or swell.
    • v.tr.
    • Nautical To break open the bilge of.
  250. Brecciate
    to break (rock) into fragments
  251. Logy
    dull or listless
  252. Regolith
    The layer of loose rock resting on bedrock, constituting the surface of most land. Also called mantle rock.
  253. Snick
    • v.tr.
    • 1. To cut with short strokes; snip: snicked off a corner of the material.
    • 2. To make a small cut in; nick.
    • 3. To cause (something) to click: I snicked the door shut.
  254. Moil
    • 1. To toil; slave.
    • 2. To churn about continuously.
  255. Gamesome
    Frolicsome; playful.
  256. Ferule
    An instrument, such as a cane, stick, or flat piece of wood, used in punishing children.
  257. Protean
    • 1. Readily taking on varied shapes, forms, or meanings.
    • 2. Exhibiting considerable variety or diversity: "He loved to show off his protean talent" (William A. Henry III).
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English vocabulary