Key Terms 10/6/10

  1. Alternative Energy
    Any source of energy other than fossil fuels that is used for constructive purposes.
  2. Ampere
    The unit of electric current in the meter-kilogram-second system of units. Referred to as amp and symbolized as A.
  3. Biomass
    Plant materials and animal waste used especially as a source of fuel.
  4. Current
    The net transfer of electric charge (electron movement along a path) per unit of time.
  5. Electrical Energy
    Energy caused by the movement of electrons.
  6. Electricity
    The flow of electrical power or charge
  7. Electromagnetic Induction
    The production of electricity in conductors with the use of magnets.
  8. Efficiency
    The ratio of useful energy output to the total energy input, or the percentage of the work input that is converted to work output
  9. Energy
    A fundamental entity of nature that is transferred between parts of a system in the production of physical change within the system and usually regarded as the capacity for doing work.
  10. Energy Conversion
    Changing one form of energy to another
  11. Environmental protection agency
    An organization that works to develop and enforce regulations that implement environmental laws enacted by Congress.
  12. Fossil Fuel
    A natural fuel such as coal or gas, formed in the geological past from the remains of living organisms.
  13. Generator
    A dynamo or similar machine for converting mechanical energy into electricity.
  14. Geothermal Energy
    The use of heat from within the Earth or from the atmosphere near oceans.
  15. Gravitational Energy
    The state when objects are not yet in motion.
  16. Induction
    The production of an electric or magnetic state by the proximity (without contact) of an electrified or magnetized body.
  17. Inexhaustible Energy
    An energy source that will never run out.
  18. Kinetic Energy
    Energy which a body possesses by virtue of being in motion.
  19. Nonrenewable Energy
    A resource that cannot be replaced once used.
  20. Ohm
    The unit of electric resistance in the meter-kilogram-second system of units. Symbolized as Ω.
  21. Ohm's Law
    States that the direct current flowing in an electric circuit is directly proportional to the voltage applied to the circuit.
  22. Parallel Circuit
    A closed electrical circuit in which the current is divided into two or more paths and then returns via a common path to complete the circuit.
  23. Potential Energy
    The energy that a piece of matter has because of its position or nature or because of the arrangement of parts.
  24. Power
    The rate at which work is performed or energy is expended.
  25. Power Converter
    Changes one form of power to another.
  26. Power Grid
    A system that links electricity produced in power stations to deliver it to where it is needed.
  27. Renewable Energy
    A resource that can be replaced when needed.
  28. Resistance
    The opposition that a device or material offers to the flow of direct current.
  29. Rotor
    The rotating member of an electrical machine.
  30. Series Circuit
    A circuit in which all parts are connected end to end to provide a single path of current.
  31. Turbine
    A machine for producing power in which a wheel or rotor is made to revolve by a fast-moving flow of water, steam, gas, or air.
  32. Volt
    The unit of potential difference symbolized as V.
  33. Voltage
    The potential difference measured in volts. The amount of work to be done to move a charge from one point to another along an electric circuit.
  34. Work
    A result of a force moving an object a certain distance.
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Key Terms 10/6/10
Vocabulary for POE quiz on 10/8/10