Vocab 5

  1. Abeyance
    • --a temporary stopping of activity, suspended action, waiting for legal ownership or possesion.
    • Syn:
    • Ant:Activity
  2. Abhor
    • --to shrink away from with horror; feel disgusted for; hate very much.
    • Syn: loathe, detest, abominate, horrify
    • Ant:adore
  3. Acme
    • --the highest point.
    • Syn:climax; culmination; apex
    • Ant:nadir
  4. Acrimony
    • --sharpness or bitterness in temper, language, or manner; acrid quality.
    • Syn:acerbity; asperity
    • Ant:harmony; fervor
  5. Adroit
    • --having or showing skill in using the mind or hands;skillful
    • Syn:deft; ingenious; clever
    • Ant:clumsy
  6. Affable
    • --easy to talk to
    • Syn:approachable; amiable; gracious
    • Ant:inacessible; disagreeable; unpleasant
  7. Amity
    • --peace and friendship; friendly relations
    • Syn:(good will, friendship, harmony
    • Ant:hosility
  8. Ascertain
    • --to find out for certain by trial or research; determine
    • Syn:learn, discover
    • Ant:Waver, put off
  9. Bias
    • --off the straight; give a slanted opinion to: to influence, usually unfairly
    • Syn:prejudice, inclination, bent, partiality, oblique, diagonal, awry, wrong, incline
    • Ant:put off, impartiality
  10. Complex
    • --made up of a number of parts, hard to understand, to chelate
    • Syn:composite, compound, complicated, involved, intricate
    • Ant:simple
  11. Confluence
    • --a coming together fo people or things. Place where to rivers meet
    • Syn: a throng, assemblage
    • Ant:divergence
  12. Conversant
    • -- familiar by use or study; acquainted
    • Syn: skilled, proficient, versed
    • Ant: unfamiliar, uninformed
  13. Covert
    • --kept from sight; secret; hidden; disguised
    • Syn: concealed
    • Ant: open, unconcealed
  14. Covet
    • -- to desire eagerly, to wish for , long for
    • Syn:
    • Ant:
  15. Denigrate
    • --to blacken the character or reputation; defame
    • Syn:sully, stain
    • Ant:praise, clean
  16. Diligence
    • --a working hard; careful effort; being diligent
    • Syn: perserverance
    • Ant:carelessness, laziness
  17. Dotard
    • -- a person who is weak-minded and childish because of old age.
    • Syn:
    • Ant:sage, intelluctual
  18. Dowry
    • --the money or property that a woman brings to her husband when she marries him
    • Syn:dot, natural talent
    • Ant:
  19. Embellis
    • -- to add beauty to
    • Syn:decorate; adorn; ornament; beautify; elaborate
    • Ant:disfigure; deface
  20. Encumber
    • --to hold back, to make difficult to use; fill; block up; obstruct, to weigh down
    • Syn: hinder, hamper
    • Ant: unburden, facilitate, disburden
  21. Ephemeral
    • -- lasting for a brief time, short-lived, transitory
    • Syn: transient
    • Ant:
  22. Exploit
    • -- a bold, unusual act; daring deed, to make use of
    • Syn:
    • Ant:unremarkable event or deed; waste
  23. Fetid
    • -- smelling very bad; stinking
    • Syn: malodorous, noisome, foetid
    • Ant: fresh, fragrant
  24. Grotto
    • -- a cave or cavern made for coolness
    • Syn:
    • Ant:
  25. Incorrigible
    • -- so firmly fixed that change cannot be expected. (in bad ways). cannot be changed or cured
    • Syn:inredeemable
    • Ant:unusual, occasional
  26. Inept
    • -- not suitable; out of place
    • Syn: inappropiate, awkward; clumsy, absurd, foolish, silly
    • Ant:adroit, competent, appropiate, sensible
  27. Invidious
    • --unfair or unjust
    • Syn: hateful; envious; grudging; jealous
    • Ant:pleasan, harmless
  28. Licentious
    • -- loose in sexual activities; immoral
    • Syn: lewd, lustful, lascivious, sensual, wanton, lawless
    • Ant:upright, pious
  29. Lull
    • -- to soothe with sounds or caresses, make calm, peaceful or tranquil
    • Syn: respite
    • Ant:flare-up, rose, upset
  30. Mitigate
    • --to make less in force or degree, to make less severe, make more bearable
    • Syn: temper; moderate; bearable; industry; perseverance
    • Ant:aggravate
  31. Morose
    • --gloomy; sullen; ill-humored.
    • Syn: moody, surly, gruff, harsh
    • Ant:cheery, cheerful
  32. Nadir
    • --the lowest point; time of greatest misfortune or adversity
    • Ant:acme, zenith
  33. Opaque
    • --not letting light through; not transparent, not shining, hard to understand, obscure
    • Syn: stupid, dense, dark, dull
    • Ant:transparent, clear
  34. Palpitate
    • --to beat very rapidly, irregulrly, or strongly
    • Syn: throb, to quiver, tremble, flutter
    • Ant:stop
  35. Remediable
    • --that can be remedied or cured
    • Syn:
    • Ant:
  36. Rue
    • -- to be sorry for, to feel sorrow
    • Syn: regred; repent; deplore; lament; sorrow;
    • Ant:
  37. Subterfuge
    • -- a trick, excuse, or expedient used to escape something unpleasant.
    • Syn: artifice, ruse, tactiturn, adjective, reserved
    • Ant:honesty, out going
  38. Taciturn
    • --saying very little, not fond of talking
    • Syn: reserved
    • Ant: communicative, loquacious, garrulous, voluble
  39. Tangential
    • -- wandering off the subject; diverging
    • Syn: digressive, erratic, marginal
    • Ant: central
  40. Tawdry
    • --Gaudy and cheap; vulgarly ornamental
    • Syn:
    • Ant:
  41. Voluble
    • --ready to talk much; talkative, twining, twisting
    • Syn:
    • Ant:quie, taciturn
  42. Vulgar
    • -- a lack of good breeding, manners, or taste; not refined; coarse; low
    • Syn:inelegant, plebeaian,lowbrow, ignoble, ordinary, bernacular, common
    • Ant:clean, decent, polite, tasteful
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Vocab 5