Lineages of Green Plants

  1. Coleochaetes
    • - Green Algae
    • - more advanced than Red Algae and ulvophytes

    • - freshwater algae
    • - plasmodesmata
  2. Ulvophytes
    • - Green Algae
    • - more advanced than red algae

    - like sea lettuce
  3. Stoneworts (Charapyceae)
    • - Green algae
    • - more advanced than red algae, coleochates, and ulvophytes
    • - accumulate CaCO3 on surfaces

    • - plasmodesmata
    • - freshwater algae (shallower areas)
  4. Bryophata (Mosses)
    • - Nonvascular plants (Land plants)
    • - more advanced than liverworts/hornworts
    • - can live in extreme conditions
    • - use rhizoids to stay attached

    -mostly in gametophyte stage
  5. Liverworts
    • - Nonvascular plant (Land plant)
    • - most basic in this group
    • - covered with cuticle

    - mostly in gametophyte stage
  6. Hornworts
    • - Nonvascular plant (land plant)
    • - more advanced than liverworts
    • - have stomata

    - mostly in gametophyte stage
  7. Lycophytes (ground pines, club mosses)
    • - Seedless Vascular plants
    • - basal species
    • - land plant with ROOTS (helps to conduct water/nutrients)
    • - small, close to ground and has spiky stuff

    - mostly in sporophyte stage
  8. Whisk Ferns
    • - Seedless vascular plant
    • - more advanced than lycophytes
    • - lack roots (get it from rhizomes - underground stems - or epiphytes - on other plants)
  9. Horsetails
    • - Seedless vascular plant
    • - more advanced than lycophytes and whisk ferns
    • - in stream banks and marsh edges

    • - can flourish in oxygen-poor soils
    • - hollow reed-like structure... O2 diffuses down stem to roots
  10. Ferns
    • - Seedless vascular plants
    • - more advanced than lycophytes, whisk ferns, and horsetails
    • - large, well-developed leaves (called fronds) --> capture sunlight more effectively
    • - sporophyte dominant phase

    - fern sporangia located underneath fronds
  11. Cycads
    • - Gymnosperm (Seed plant)
    • - most basal
    • - look like palm trees, compound leaves (leaf divided into leaflets)
    • - heterosporous (micro or megasporangia)
    • - use pollen
  12. Ginkgos
    • - Gymnosperms (Seed plants)
    • - more advanced than Cycads
    • - deciduous... dormant during the winter
    • - heterosporous
    • - use pollen
  13. Gnetophytes
    • - Gymnosperms (seed plants)
    • - more advanced than cycads and ginkgos
    • - bizarre structure (two large leaves that continuously grow at ends)

    • - micro/megasporangia in clusters at end of stalks
    • - pollen through the air
  14. Pinophyta (pines, spruces, firs)
    • - Gymnosperms (Seed plants)
    • - more advanced than cycads, ginkgos, gnetophytes
    • - needle-like leaves
  15. Anthophyta (angiosperms)
    • - angiosperms
    • - most common plant on land
    • - contain tracheids and vessel elements
    • - carpel (ovary) and stamen (anther and sperm)
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Lineages of Green Plants
Lineages of green plants