sences and perception

  1. stimulus
    any amount to which a cell responds
  2. senses
    the reception of stimuli
  3. perception
    interpretation of a message
  4. kinesthesis; how?
    • sense of possition of body parts.
    • sensory receptors in muscles, tendons and joints
  5. vestibular sense; how?
    • sense of balence
    • semicircular canals, located in inner ear, are filled with fluid that moves as your head moves. cilia are bent and send messages to cerebellum and pons
  6. difference threshold
    minimus amount of difference needed in a stimulus to detect a difference
  7. Weber's law
    the bigger the stimulus, the bigger the change needed for you to notice
  8. pupil
    adjustable opening that light passes through
  9. iris
    colord muscle that regulates dilation of pupil
  10. lens
    changes shape to help focus image
  11. retina
    • multi-layered tissue, light sensitive, begins to process visual information
    • contains light receptor cells
  12. rods
    • allow us to see in dim; processes grey, black and white
    • men have more
  13. cones
    • provide color and detail
    • women have more
  14. fovea
    the central focus point of the retina, surrounded by cones
  15. optic nerve
    caries neural impulses from eye to occipital lobe
  16. blind spot
    point where optic nerve meets retina; no receptors BLIND
  17. cornea
    captures light and bends it into focus
  18. accomodation
    the lense changes shae to focus an image on the retina
  19. retinal disparity
    each eye sees a slightly different image
  20. stereoscoic vision
    "depth perception"
  21. binocular fusion
    the brain puts together the two seperate images to form one
  22. gastalts principles
    • similarities
    • proxemity; overrides similarities
    • connectedness; overrides prox
    • continuity; overrides prox
    • closure
  23. figure
    • what you see in front
    • symetrical
  24. ground
    • figure in the background
    • Asymetrical
  25. skin receptors
    pressure, pain, heat and cold
  26. toungue locations
    • salts; tip
    • sweet; middle tip
    • bitter; back
    • sour; sides
  27. factors influence taste
    smell, texture, tempature
  28. psychophysics
    • study of physical facts of a stimulus
    • such as, how strong
  29. bottom-up process
    stimulus coming in and entering the brain
  30. top-down process
    contructing perceptions from past experiences, expectations, ect
  31. absolute threshold
    the minimum stimulation needed ot detect a stimulus accuratley half the time
  32. signal detection theory
    • predicts our detection of faint stimulus
    • assumes no exact threshold
  33. subliminal
    below the absolut threshold
  34. prime
    unconsciously activating a certain stimulus, preparing
  35. sensory adaptation
    diminishing perception of constant sensations, allows us to focus on what is changing
  36. opponent process theory
    color complament
  37. what influences our ability to detect stimulus
    experiences, expectations, motivation and level of fatigue
  38. selective attention
    focus on conscience awarness of a particular stimulus
  39. binocular cues
    depth perception cues that depend on both eyes; retinal disparity and convergence
  40. convergence
    the more inward our eyes look, the closer it is
  41. monocular cues
    depend on one eye; size, position, clarity, texture, height, motion, linearness, light
  42. phi phenomenom
    two adjacent light blink quickly, it looks like one single light moving back and forth
  43. perceptual constancy
    allows us to see objects as unchanging even is the stimulus changes; shape, size, lightness, color
  44. extrasensory perception
    perception without sensations
  45. telepathy
    mind-to-mind communications
  46. clairvoyance
    percieving remote and distant events
  47. precognition
    percieving future events
  48. psychokinesis
  49. decibles
    the measuring units for sound energy
  50. outerear
    channels soundwaves through auditory canal to the eardrum
  51. middle ear
    vibrations from eardrum are transfered to the cochlea
  52. cochlea
    fluid filled tube that soundwaves trigger nerve impulses
  53. inner ear
    cochlea, semicicular canal, vestibular sac
  54. umami
    meat taste receptor
  55. where are taste receptors locates
    toungue, roof and back of mouth
  56. sensory interactions
    one sense influences another
  57. chemical senses?
    taste and smell
  58. smell receptors are called
    olfactory receptors
Card Set
sences and perception
unit three; test date Wednesday oct 6, 2010