psyc exam 1

  1. 1st psyc experiment? who was responsible?
    • experiment about people's hearing
    • wilhem wundt
  2. 3 main levels of analysis
    • biological
    • psycological
    • social culture
    • all equal biopsychosocisl approach
  3. replication
    repeating the essence of the research study
  4. correlation?
    when one trait of behavior is related to or accompanies another we say the two correlate
  5. positive correlation
    a direct relationship meaning two things increase or decrease together
  6. negative correlation
    an inverse relationship as one thing increases another decreases
  7. illusionary correlation
    the the perception of a relationship where no exsit (super stious belief)
  8. study method
    • S tudy
    • Q uestion
    • R ead
    • R ehearse
    • R eview
  9. variables
    independent-vary with 1 factor

    dependent-change in response to the independent variable
  10. motor neurons
    carry ongoing information from the cns to the bodies tissues
  11. hippocampus
    process memories and facts and episodes
  12. sympathetic nervous system
    arouses and expands energy
  13. parasympathetic
    conserves energy as it calms you
  14. circadium
    the biological clock, regular body rythm, 24 hour cycle
  15. narcalepsy
    a person who can fall asleep in the midst of a heated arguement
  16. sigmund freud
    believes dreams are latent content or hidden meaning

    dreams are symbolic fulfillmet of erractic wishes
  17. suprachaismetric neucleus
    cluster of brain cells that control the circadion rhythm
  18. heredity
    predisposes aspects of personality known as temperment
  19. fraternal twins
    develope from a seperate fertilized egg
  20. identical twins
    develope from a single fertilized egg
  21. biopsycnosocial approach
    approach to understanding individual development

    • biological influences
    • psychological influences
    • social influenses
  22. conception
    zygote-fertilized egg with 100 cells by 14 days to zygote turns into an embryo

    9 wks embryo turns into a fetus
  23. teratogens
    chemical and viruses, that can reach the embryoor fetus during prenatal development and cause harm
  24. cognition
    refers to all the mentsl abilities associated with thinking, knowing ,remebering and communication
  25. assimilation
    incorporated new exsperience into curret understanding (schema)
  26. accomodation
    the process of adjusting a schema and modifying it
  27. egocentrism
    when you can not percieve things from another point of view
  28. basic levels of moral thinking


  29. preconventional
    before age.. sho morality to avoid punishment and gain reward
  30. conventional
    by early adolescence... social rules and laws are upheld for there own sake
  31. postconventional
    affirms formulate there own beliefs
  32. fluid intelligence
    ability to reason speedily
  33. crystaline intelligence
    accumilated knowledge and skill
  34. biological psycologist
    study abnormalities in depressed patients
  35. neural networks
    learning occurs as exsperience strengthens certian connections in cell work
  36. autonomnic nervous system
    controls the glands and the muscles of the internal organs
  37. somatic nervous system
    CONTROLS THE BODIES skeletal muscles (voluntary movement)
  38. hypothalamus
    reward center of the brain,is linked to emotion keeps the bosy internal enviroment steady by regulating thirst hunger and body temp
  39. components of autonomic nervous system

  40. sensory neuron
    information carried from the tissues to the central nervous system to the body

    transmit signals to the motor neurons
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psyc exam 1
exam 1 psyc class