English Poetic Devices

  1. *Rime (old spelling of rhyme)
    repetition of licke sounds at regular intervals
  2. *Patterns of Rhyme
    in analysis, within a unit of verse, each end rhyme is represented by a letter (ex abab; aabb)
  3. End Rhyme
    rhyme occurring at end of verse line, most common rhyme form
  4. Internal Rhyme
    rhyme contained within a line of verse
  5. Masculine Rhyme
    rhyme in which only the last, accented syllable of the rhyming works correspond exactly in sound
  6. Feminine Rhyme
    rhyme in which two consecutive syllables of rhyme-words correspond, the first syllable carrying the accent: double rhyme
  7. Half Rhyme
    imperfect, approximate rhyme
  8. Assonance
    repetition of two or more vowel sounds within a line
  9. Consonance
    repetition of two or more consonant sounds within a line
  10. Alliteration
    repetition of two or more initial sounds in words within a line
  11. Onomatopoeia
    the technique of using a word whose sound suggests its meaning
  12. Euphony
    the use of compatible, harmonious sounds to produce a pleasing melodious effect
  13. Cacophony
    the use of unharmonious sounds in close conjunction for effect; opposite of euphony
  14. Metaphor
    figure of speech which makes a direct comparison of two unlike objects by identification of substitution
  15. Simile
    a direct comparison of two unlike objects using like or as
  16. Conceit
    an extended metaphor comparing two unlike objects with powerful effect
  17. Personification
    figure of speech in which objects and animals have human qualities
  18. Apostrophe
    addressing a person or personified object not present
  19. Metonymy
    the substitution of a word which relates to the object or person to be named, in place of the name itself (ex a spotted shaft is seen (a snake))
  20. Synecdoche
    figure of speech in which a part represents the whole object or idea (ex not a hair perished (a person)
  21. Hyperbole
    gross exaggeration for effect, overstatement
  22. Litotes
    understatement for effect
  23. Irony
    the contrast between actual meaning and the suggestion of another meaning
  24. Symbolism
    the use of one object to suggest another hidden object or idea
  25. Imagery
    the use of words to represent things, actions, or ideas by sensory description
  26. Paradox
    a statement which appears self-contradictory but underlines a basis of truth (a phrase)
  27. Oxymoron
    contradictory terms brought togethre to express a paradox for strong effect (only two words)
  28. Allusion
    a reference to an outside fact, event, or other source
Card Set
English Poetic Devices
Poetic Deviced for British Poetry Unit *not positive these will be on test