Group Implications

  1. Cross cultural differences affect three areas
    Status and culture, Social loafing, Group Diversity
  2. Status and culture
    • Different cultures have different importance for status. For example, French are highly status conscious. Another difference amongst cultures is the criteria that create status. In Latin American and Asian countries status is derived from familiy position and formal roles in
    • organizations. Here, in the U.S. it is different, it is conferred for accomplishments rather than titles or family trees. This is why it is important to understand this cultural differences when interacting with someone who is not from your same culture.
  3. Social Loafing
    • Social Loafing is a theory that says that people put less effort into their work when they are working in
    • groups. However, this is a theory that only works seems to work in the Western world where people are motivated by self-interest. Studies comparing U.S. employees with employees from the People’s Republic of China have shown this. It actually demonstrate that these people worked better in groups than they did individually.
  4. Group Diversity
    • Appears to create conflicts at the early stages of a group when people are beginning to meet each other. Studies have shown that diverse groups can work equally well as homogenous groups but people in the diverse groups are less satisfied with their results. It is believed though,
    • that if a group is able to over the diversities at the beginning stage, they
    • will work better.
  5. Types of diversity
    • surface level is what you can
    • observe at first sight (origin, race, and gender), deep level diversity deals with attitudes, values, and
    • opinions.
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Group Implications
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