Unit 2

  1. Common Law
    Reflected customs and principles establiched over time
  2. Magna Carta
    Written demands presented to King John
  3. Contract
    An agreement between two or more parties, especially one that is written and enforceable by law
  4. Due Process of Law
    To have the law work in known, orderly ways
  5. Parliament
    England's national legislature
  6. Divine Right
    Claim that a king's power came from God
  7. Tyranny
    Absolute power, especially when exercised harshly or unjustly
  8. Universal Gravitation
    Law that states that every object in the universe attracts every other object
  9. Social Contract
    The agreement in which people create a strong government which Hobbes said was necessary to have order
  10. Montesquieu
    Argued in favor of the seperation of powers among different branches of government to check the power of any one individual or group
  11. Galileo Galilei
    The Catholic Church put him on trial for supporting the ideas of Copernicus
  12. Federal System
    Power is divided in U.S. Constitution between national and state government
  13. Francis Bacon
    Criticized heavy reliance on the conclusions of Aristotle and urged scientists to use empiricism
  14. Philosophes
    French social critics who believed that people could apply reason to all aspects of life
  15. Enlightenment
    A new intellectual movement that stressed reason and thought and the power of individuals to solve problems
  16. Scientific Revolution
    A new way of thinking about natural world based on careful observation and a willingness to question accepted belief
  17. John Locke
    Believed that people are born free and equal all with these natural rights-life, liberty and property
  18. Checks and Balances
    American system based on ideas of Montesquieu to prevent a too powerful central government
  19. Isaac Newton
    Believed that God was the creator of the orderly universe and developed a single theory of motion
  20. Jean Jacoues Rousseau
    Believed that the social contract should be among free individuals to create a society and a government
  21. Salons
    Places where intellectuals gathered in Paris to discuss ideas
  22. Bill of Rights
    Federalists promised to add this to the U.S. constitution to gain support for it
  23. Geocentric Theory
    The earth-centered view of the universe
  24. Scientific Method
    A logical procedure for gathering and testing ideas
  25. Parliament
    American colonists argued they could not be taxed because they had no representation here
  26. Heliocentric Theory
    Belief that the stars, the earth, and other planets revolve around the sun
  27. Voltaire
    He often used satire against his opponent, which frequently included the clergy (church officials), aristocracy and the government
  28. René Descartes
    Relied on mathematics and logic instead of expirementation. Believed that everything should be doubted until proven by reason.
  29. Enlightened and Despots
    Monarchs who embraced Enlightenment ideas and made reforms based on them
  30. Age of Reason
    Another name given to Enlightenment
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Unit 2