Cranial Cavity & Meninges / Blood supply

  1. Bones of the Cranium
    • Parietal (x2)
    • Temporal (x2)
    • Frontal
    • Ethmoid
    • Sphenoid
    • Occipital
  2. Layers of the calvaria
    • Inner = compact bone
    • Middle = spongy bone
    • Outer = compact bone
  3. Cranial sutures are _____ joints
  4. Where is the lamdoid suture?
    B/w occipital & parietal bones
  5. Where is the squamous suture?
    B/w temporal & parietal bones
  6. Which fontanelle is the last to fuse?
    Anterior (largest; closes @ 1.5 yrs)
  7. Clinical importance of the Pterion
    overlies anterior division of middle meningeal a.
  8. Bones of anterior fossa
    • Frontal
    • Ethmoid
    • Sphenoid
  9. Separates anterior/middle fossae
    Sphenoidal ridge
  10. Separates middle/posterior fossae
    Superior petrosal ridge
  11. Bone overlying the nasal cavity
  12. Attaches to the crista galli?
    Falx cerebri
  13. Which foramen transmits the emissary vein b/w superior sagittal sinus and the nasal cavity?
    Foramen Cecum
  14. Bones of the middle cranial fossa
    • Sphenoid
    • Temporal
    • Parietal
  15. Bones that articulate with the sphenoid bone?
    • Temporal (x2)
    • Parietal (x2)
    • Palatine (x2)
    • Zygomatic (x2)
    • Frontal
    • Ethmoid
    • Occipital
    • Vomer
  16. T/F: Sphenoid bone articulates with all the bones of the cranial cavity
  17. T/F: Internal carotid a. traverses thru the foramen lacerum
    False: Crosses over the top part of foramen lacerum
  18. Thru what bone do the greater & lesser petrosal nn. traverse?
    Petrous portion of the temporal bone
  19. Hiatus of the greater petrosal n. is also known as _____
    Facial canal
  20. Bones of the posterior cranial fossa
    • Sphenoid
    • Occipital
    • Temporal
    • Parietal
  21. Which bone is found in all 3 cranial fossae
    Sphenoid bone
  22. Major foramina of the posterior cranial fossa
    • Foramen magnum
    • Hypoglossal canal
    • Internal acoustic meatus
    • Jugular foramen
  23. What forms the jugular foramen
    • Occipital bone
    • Petrous part of temporal bone
  24. What veins bound the nerves as they traverse thru the jugular foramen?
    • Anterior = Inferior petrosal sinus
    • Posterior = Sigmoid sinus
  25. T/F: The foramen rotundum can be seen in both the cranial floor and the base of the skull
    False: Not seen in the base of the skull as it communicates w/ the pterygopalatine fossa
  26. Four partitions formed by inner layer of dura
    • Falx cerebri
    • Falx cerebelli
    • Tentorium cerebelli
    • Diaphrgma sellae
  27. Attachments of the Falx Cerebri
    • A) Crista Galli of Ethmoid
    • P) Tentorium cerebelli
  28. What structure contains the occipital sinus?
    Posterior border of falx cerebelli
  29. Attachments of the tentorium cerebelli
    • Ant. / Post. clinoid processes of the sphenoid
    • Along sulcus for transverse sinus (posterolaterally)
  30. Infundibular stalk of the hypothalamus passes thru what structure?
    Diaphragma Sellae
  31. T/F: Arachnoid mater is vascularized?
  32. CSF is found in which meningeal space?
  33. Where are the arachnoid granulations primarily found?
    Protruding into dura w/in the sup. sagittal sinus & transverse sinuses
  34. Three groups of veins related to the cranial cavity
    • Emissary veins
    • Diploic veins
    • Dural sinuses
  35. Function of the Emissary veins
    Pass thru foramina of skull to form anastamoses b/w veins external to skull and the dural sinuses
  36. T/F: Emissary veins do not contains valves
    True! Blood can flow in either direction
  37. KREUGER 14
    card 14
Card Set
Cranial Cavity & Meninges / Blood supply
Exam 4