MTEL Reading Foundations

  1. Repeated Reading
    The goal is to help students become more & more fluent by reading & rereading text that they are certain to be successful with
  2. Sustained Silent Reading (SSR)
    Children self-select their own reading materials to read during a certain period of time, to motivate them to read
  3. At - Home Reading
    A way to involve caregivers in the process of helping their children continue to read, provide guidelines to students and parents, independent reading levels to be provided
  4. Fluency
    • Automatic word recognition
    • Part of the reading to learn process
  5. Vocabulary Development
    • Structural analysis
    • Using context
    • Building background
    • Elaboration techniques
  6. Comprehenstion Levels
    • Literal
    • Inferential
    • Evaluative
  7. Literal Comprehension
    Identifying explicit main ideas, details, sequences, cause-effect, patterns; ex. Memory questions
  8. Inferentail Comprehension
    Identifying implicit main ideas, details, comparisons, cause-effect as well as drawing conclusions and making predictions ; ex. Interpretation questions
  9. Evaluative Comprehension
    Recognizing bias, distinguishing fact from opinions and part of the reading to learn process; ex. Evaluate the text
  10. Pre-Reading Strategies
    • KWL
    • Anticipation guides
    • Brainstorming
  11. While-Reading (Metacognive Strategies)
    • Think aloud
    • Story maps
  12. After-Reading (Elaboration Strategies)
    Perspectives for narrative and expository text
  13. Concepts about Print (CAP
    • 1. Parts of a book
    • 2. Print carries meaning
    • 3. Tracking print
    • 4. Words in sentences
    • 5. Letters within words
    • 6. Upper-case and lowercase letter names
  14. Spelling Development
    • Pre-Phonetic
    • Phonetic
    • Transitional
    • Conventional
  15. Pre-Phonetic spelling
    • Scribbling
    • Encoding specific sounds
  16. Phonetic spelling
    • Encoding initial and final sounds
    • Encoding medial vowels
    • Encoding sight words
  17. Transitional spelling
    • Encoding all dominat sounds
    • Writing by letter pattern
  18. Conventional spelling
    • Patterns to derivational affix
    • Complex word families
  19. Phonological awareness
    knowledge of the sound units (phonemes) used in a language, including the ability to hear and produce separate phonemes
  20. Phonemic awarness
    understanding that words are made up of sounds which can be assembled in different ways to make different words.
  21. Alphabetic principle
    understanding that there are systematic and predictable relationships between written letters and spoken sounds.
  22. Phonics
    helps children learn the relationships between the letters of written language and the sounds of spoken language.
  23. Informal reading inventories (IRI)
    • individually administered survey designed to provide insight into a student's reading level, made of 3 parts:
    • 1. Running record - oral reading in record form
    • 2. Comprehension check - can read great but may not understand what they read
    • 3. Survey Reading - ask kids what happens at home
  24. Running records
    allows you to assess a student's reading performance as she/he reads from a benchmark book, you mark the following: errors (E), self-correction (SC), substitution, omission, insertion, correct (check)
  25. Miscue analyses
    • a process of diagnosing a child's reading; part of running records
    • strenghts & weaknesses in word identification are noted
  26. Portfolios
  27. Norm-referenced tests
  28. Criterion-referenced tests
  29. Phoneme
    smallest speech sound in a language that is capable of conveying a distinction in meaning; m for mat
  30. Rimes
    same eneding sound: spot, dot, lot, slot - word families
  31. Directionality
    reading from left to right in a book
  32. Emergent writing
    developmental process that can start early, supported by modeling
  33. Structural analysis
    breaking apaort words to look for prefixies or suffixes
  34. One-to-One matching
    connecting written and oral language
  35. Context clues
    using the word in the sentence to define unknown words
  36. Synonym
    a word having the same or nearly the same meaning as another word; ex. big, large
  37. Antonym
    A word having a meaning opposite to that of another word; ex. big, small
  38. Homograph
    • (tear and tear)
    • One of two or more words that have the same spelling but differ meaning; tear (crying) or tear (rip)
  39. Homophone
    One of two or more words, such as night and knight, that are pronounced the same but differ in meaning
  40. Graphemes
    All of the letters and letter combinations that represent a phoneme, as f, ph, and gh for the phoneme /f/.
  41. Constonant Digraphs
    are “voiceless” combinations of two consonants: examples: st, sh, ch, th,wh
  42. Consonant Blends
    are “voiced” combinations of two or three consonants. Examples: fl, bl, sl, cl, pl, bl, gr, tr, br, cr, dr, pr, fr, wh, str, sw, sp, sc, sn, sm, sk
  43. Syntax
    formation of sentences; does it sound right
  44. Semantics
    meaning of a word, sentence, or other language form; does it make sense
  45. Dipthong
    a gliding monosyllabic speech sound (as the vowel combination at the end of toy); example are: oo, ou, oi, oy, ow, au, aw, ew
  46. Pragmatics
    is the study of the aspects of meaning and language use that are dependent on the speaker
  47. Prefixes
    is something attached to the beginning of something else; Pre means before and fix means to fasten or attach
  48. Suffixes
    something fastened underneath something else (in this case, behind the root); Suf is a variant of sub, below or under
  49. Schema
    help learners build schemata and make connections between ideas
  50. Graphophonic
    (letter/sounds) rules or generalizations
  51. Guided Reading
    • Teacher works with small groups who have similar reading processes
    • Teacher points are covered during & after the reading
  52. Reading Aloud
    • teacher reads aloud to entire class or small groups
    • variety of genres & represents our diverse society
  53. Shared Reading
    • enlarged text so that all children can see
    • children follow the text as the teacher points
  54. Independent Reading
    • children read on their own or with partners
    • wide range of materials
    • may be chosen from a special collection at students' own reading level
  55. Criterion-referenced tests
    testing a set of criteria or material or skills that have been taught to see if material is mastered; example: weekly spelling test
  56. Shared Writing
    • teacher & children work together to compose messages and stories
    • teacher supports process as a scribe
  57. Interactive writing
    • teacher & children work together to compose messages and stories (like shared writing)
    • shared pen technique is used to involve students in writing
  58. Guided Writing/ Writing Workshop
    • children engage in writing a variety of texts
    • teacher guides the process and provides instruction
  59. Independent Writing
    • children write their own pieces
    • includes: retelling, labeling, speech bubbles, lists, etc.
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MTEL Reading Foundations
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