
  1. Distress
    This is a negative stress. It is a physically and mentally damaging response to the demads placed upon the body.
  2. Eustress
    This is a positive stress that produces a sence of well-being
  3. Define Stress
    Nonspecific response to demads placed on the body.
  4. Symptoms of Bulimia
    • 1. Cuts and calluses on the finger joints
    • 2. broken blood vessels around the eyes from strain of vomiting
    • 3. Damage to tooth enamel from stomach acid
  5. Symptoms of Anorexia
    • 1. Absent mmenstruation
    • 2. Dry skin
    • 3. Excessive hair on the skin
    • 4. Thining of scalp hair
  6. What are good stress management techniques
    • 1. Deal with the cause
    • 2. Put the situation into perspective.
    • 3. Pace yourself
    • 4. Laugh at life and at yourself.
    • 5. Develope quality relationships
    • 6. Time management needs to be life management.
    • 7. Look at situations and people in a differnt light
    • 8. Balance fun and responsibility.
    • 9. Exercise and east sensibly.
  7. What happens to the body under stress?
    • Stress is not the cause of illness, but when it goes on for
    • a long periods of time it can weaken the immune system.
    • Results can be coronary heart disease, high blood pressure, ulcers, irritable
    • bowel syndrome,, migraine headaches, insomnia.
  8. Arteriosclerosis
    a term used to describe the thickening and hardending of the arteries. This can increase the risk of an aneurysm.
  9. What is Cardiovascular Disease?
    it is a "catch all" term that includes several disease processes including various dieses of the heart, strok, gigh blood pressure, congestive heart failure, and atherosclerosis.
  10. what are the two components of Muscular fitness
    • Muscular strenght and muscular endurance.
    • Muscular strength is the force or tension and muscular endurance is the ability or capacity of muscle group.
  11. UP or down in exercise
    • Stoke volume (up)
    • Resting Heart rate (down)
    • Co Lateral cirrulation (up)
    • Blood Pressure (down)
    • Body Fat (down)
  12. What is FITT?
    • F= Frequency. The number of exercise sessions per week.
    • I= Intensity. How hard you are working
    • T= Time.
    • T= Type. Or Mode of exercise.
  13. What is the best way to help someone with an eating disorder?
    Be patient, supportive and not judge the individual.
  14. Atherosclerosis
    This is a type of arteriosclerosis. Atherosclerosis is the long-term buildup of fatty deposits and other substances such as cholesterol, cellular waste products, calcium, and fibrin on the interior walls of arteries.
  15. Peripheral Vascular disease
    a disease of the peripheral vessels.
  16. Hypertension
    Or High Blood pressure, often called "silent killer" 139/89
  17. What is another name for Heart Attack
    Myocardial infarction. It occurs when an artery that provideds the heart muscle with oxygen becomes blocked or flow is decreased.
  18. Stroke
    or Brain Attack. This occurs when the vessels that supply the brain with nutrients become damaged or occluded and the brain tissue dies because of insufficent oxygen.
  19. Controllable risk factors of a stroke
    • 1. Cigarettes
    • 2. Hypertension
    • 3. cholesterol
    • 4. Inactivity
    • 5. obesity
    • 6. Diabetes
  20. Uncontrollable risk factors of a stroke
    • 1. Age
    • 2. Gender
    • 3. Heredity
  21. what is a physiological response to obeasity
    more blood vessels are needed to circulate blood. The heart has to pump harder, therefore increasing blod pressure. Extra weight can be tough on the musculoskeletal joints, causing problems with arthritis, gout, bone and joint diseases, varicose veins, gallbladder disease, as well as complications in pregnancy.
  22. What should your weist size be?
    Half of your height.
  23. What is osteoporosis
    • It is a disease characterized by low bone density and structural deterioration of bone tissue.
    • Sometimes called "silent disease" because there are no symptoms.
  24. What percent of Carbs should a persons diet be composed of?
    between 55% and 60%
  25. what is a bad carb?
    Simple carbohydrates, they are sugars that have little nutritive value beyone their energy content. Found in milk, fruit, honey, and some veggies. Empty calories, candy, pop, cakes ect..
  26. What is a good carb?
    Complex carbohydrates, whole grains breads, cerals, pastas, and grains.
  27. Recomended intake of fiber should be?
    25-30 g per day.
  28. what are micronutrient
    Regulate many bodily functions such as metabolism, growth, and development. They include vitamins adn minerals.
  29. Define antioxidants
    Compounds that come to the aid of every cell in the body facing an ongoing barrage of damage resulting from daily oxygen exposure, environmental pollution, chemicals and pesticides, additives in processed foods, stress hormones and sun radiation.
Card Set
Exam 1