Skin, Hair, Nails Assessment

  1. What is cornification?
    Epithelial cells are differentiated between nail, hair and skin
  2. When do eccrine glands mature?
    2 months of age
  3. What does eccrine gland secrete?
    Dilute Saline solution
  4. What does apocrine gland secrete?
    Milky white substance that interacts with surface bateria and produce odor
  5. What do sebaceous glands secrete?
    Lipid-rich sebum to keep skin and hair from drying out
  6. What degree of burn has intact dermis and epidermis?
    1st degree
  7. What degree of burn has intact dermis but epidermis is damaged?
    2nd degree
  8. What degree of burn has damaged dermis and epidermis and exposed adipose tissue?
    3rd degree
  9. When do hair follicles develop?
    3 months gestation
  10. What is striae gravidarium?
    Stretch marks
  11. What is physiologic cause of … in older adults?
  12. When is skin assessment performed?
    Throughout the exam
  13. What kinds of subjective data are collected during skin assessment?
    • History of skin disorder
    • Change in pigmentation
    • Change in a mole
    • Excess dryness/moisture
    • Excess bruising
    • Rash/lesion
    • Wound healing changes
    • Hair loss
    • Changes in nails
    • Medications
    • Environmental hazards
    • Health promotion practices
  14. What is vitiligo?
    Absence of melanin pigment in patchy areas
  15. What is turgor?
    Elasticity of skin
  16. What signs are you looking for when assessing lesions?
    • Color
    • Pattern
    • Elevation
    • Shape
    • Size
    • Location
    • Exudate
    • Odor
    • Palpate lesions
  17. What is annular lesion?
    Round lesion
  18. What is a target lesion?
    Looks like a target (Lyme disease)
  19. What is confluent?
    Hives, coming together
  20. What is discreet?
  21. What is macule?
    Flat, nonpalpable – solely color change, less than 1 cm
  22. What is patch?
    Macule > 1cm
  23. What is a papule?
    Elevated, palpable less than 1 cm
  24. What is a plaque?
    Elevated, > 1cm
  25. What is a wheal?
    Raised, erythematous, irregular
  26. What is urticaria?
    Wheals join to form an extensive reaction
  27. What is a vesicle?
    elevated cavity containing clear fluid < 1cm
  28. What is a bulla?
    – elevated cavity with clear fluid > 1cm
  29. What is pustule?
    Elevated cavity containing pus
  30. What is a cyst?
    encapsulated fluid filled cavity in dermis or subcutaneous layer
  31. What is petechiae?
    Pinpoint hemorrhage, non-blanchable
  32. What is purpura?
    Larger areas of subQ bleeding. They are palpable, not blanchable.
  33. What is ecchymoses?
    Bruising, non-blanchable
  34. What is the incidence of basal cell carcinoma?
    1/8 americans
  35. Which skin cancer is the most prevalent?
    Basal cell carcinoma
  36. What are the early signs of melanoma?
    • A – asymmetry
    • B – border
    • C - color
    • D - diameter
    • E – elevation/enlargement
    • 2 or more present need to be referred
  37. What is the difference between friction and shear?
    • Friction is on the outside of the skin from movement
    • Shear occurs under the skin when skin is pullover bone
  38. What is deep tissue injury?
    Purple or maroon localized area of discolored skin or blood filled blister
  39. What is unstageable ulcer?
    Full-thickness tissue loss in which base of ulcer is covered with slough
Card Set
Skin, Hair, Nails Assessment
Health Assessment lecture on skin, hair and nails