
  1. What is respiration?
    Process by which body cell’s supplied with oxygen and CO2 I removed as waste.
  2. What three processes is respiration dependent upon?
    Ventilation, gas exchange and perfusion
  3. What is Ventilation?
    Mechanical movement of air from the atmosphere into and out of the lungs
  4. What is Gas Exchange?
    Exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide to and from the alveoli and blood
  5. What is Perfusion?
    Movement of oxygenated blood from lungs to tissues
  6. What can diffusion be impaired by?
    • Alveoli collapse
    • Fluid, pus or blood
    • Damaged or blocked pulmonary vessels
  7. What does adequate oxygenation require?
    • Patent airway
    • Intact thoracic cavity
    • Adequate compliance and recoil
    • Intact CNS & respiratory center
  8. What is GERD?
    Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease
  9. What is difference between hypoxia and hypoxemia?
    Hypoxia is not enough oxygen in tissues and hypoxemia is in the blood
  10. What are signs of hypoxia?
    • Tachypnea, tachycardia
    • Dyspnea, shallow respirations, retractions, accessory muscle use
    • Restlessness, confusion
    • Cyanosis (late sign)
    • Lethargy, clubbing (chronic)
  11. What is pradypnea, apnea?
  12. What are Kussmaul Respirations?
    Deep and rapid, attempt to blow off CO2
  13. What is Cheyne-Strokes Respirations?
    Deep to shallow, periods of apnea, seen with CHF and CVA patients
  14. What are Biot’s respirations?
    AKA cluster breating, shallow with periods of apnea
  15. What is a partial obstructed airway?
    Snoring, stridor, adventitious breath sounds
  16. What is complete obstructed airway?
    Extreme inspiratory effort with no chest movement
  17. What are causes of obstructed airway?
    Secretions, pus, fluid, tongue, foreign object
  18. What are some causes of respiratory distress?
    • Cardiac failure
    • Pneumonia
    • COPD
    • Exposure to chemicals
    • Anemia
    • Injury
    • Medications
    • Pain
  19. What are rales?
    Crackles, wet sounds
  20. What is ronchi?
    Coarse rattling sound
  21. What is a V/Q Scan?
    Checks to see if ventilation and perfusion are matched
  22. Why is a V/Q scan used?
    Looking for pulmonary embolism
  23. Four interventions for improving pulmonary function?
    • Maintain patent airway
    • Maintain/improve ventilation and oxygenation
    • Decrease the work of breathing
    • Improve ability to participate in activity
  24. What is included in the order for oxygenating a patient?
    Concentration and delivery method
  25. When may a nurse administer O2 without a doctor’s order?
    In an emergency
  26. What is magnesium sulfate used for?
    Relaxing smooth muscle, dilation of bronchi
Card Set
Fundies lecture on Oxygenation