Polymers Part II-Dr. Newman

  1. What are the three methods for addition polymerization? What method is the most common.
    The three methods of addition polymerization are Anionic, Cationic and Free Radical. Free Radical is the most common and uses a vinyl (C=C) to carry out the reaction.
  2. Would a cationic method be useful for addition polymerization in the mouth? Explain.
    The cationic method of addition polymerization would not be effective in the mouth unless the area was dried thoroughly. This is because the cationic method for addition polymerization is water sensitive.
  3. Which of the three addition polymerization methods. Anionic, Cationic or Free Radical is sensitive to the environment?
    Anionic is the addition polymerization method that is sensitive to the environment.
  4. Anionic and Cationic addition polymerization techniques are require electron groups. If an anionic addition polymerization requires an electron withdrawing group what does a cationic polymerization reaction require?
    A cationic addition polymerization requires an electron donating group.
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Polymers Part II-Dr. Newman
10/1/10 lecture on dental materials