Poertry Term

  1. lyric
    highly musical verse that expresses the observations and feelings of a single speaker
  2. narrative
    poem that tells a story
  3. dramatic
    poetry that uses techniques of drama
  4. ballad
  5. sonnet
    fourteen-line lyric peom, usually written in rhymed iambic pentameter
  6. concrete
  7. epic
    long narrative or narrative poem about the deeds of gods or heros
  8. haiku
    three-line verse form. first and third lines contain five syllables and the second line contains seven
  9. tanka
    consists of five unrhymed lines with pattern of 5,7,5,7,7 syllables
  10. villanelle
    lyric poem written in three-line stanzas, ending in a four-line stanzas
  11. blank verse
    poetry written in unrhymed iambic pentameter lines
  12. free verse
    poetry not written in a regular rhythmical pattern or meter
  13. onomatopoeia
    use of words that imitate sounds
  14. oxymoron
    putting two contradictory words together
  15. alliteration
    repition of initial consonant sounds
  16. repitition
    use of any element of language, -sound, word, phrase, clause, or sentence- more than once
  17. rhythm
    pattern of beats, or stesses, in spoken or written language
  18. rhyme
    repitition of sounds at the ends of wordsface
  19. assonance
    repitition of vowel sounds followed by different consonants in two or more stressed syllables
  20. conconance
    repitition of similar consonant at the end of accented syllables
  21. couplet
    pair of rhyming lines, usually of the same length and meter
  22. meter
    rhymical pattern of a poem
  23. iamb
    foot with one unstressed syllable followed by a stressed syllable
  24. trochee
    foot with a stressed syllable followed by an unstressed syllable
  25. anapest
    foot with two unstressed syllables followed by one strong stress
  26. dactyl
    foot with one strong stress followed by two unstressed syllables
  27. spondee
    foot with two strong stresses
  28. monometer
    one foot
  29. dimeter
    two feet
  30. trimeter
    three feet
  31. tetrameter
    verse written with four-foot lines
  32. pentameter
    verse written with five-foot lines
  33. hexameter
    verse written with six-foot lines
  34. heptameter
    verse written with seven-foot lines
  35. metaphor
    figure of speech in which one thing is spoken of as though it were somthing else
  36. simile
    figure of speech in which like or as is used to make a comparison between two basically unlike ideas
  37. personification
    type of figurative language in which a nonhuman subject is given human characteristics
  38. hyperbole
    exaggeration or overstatement
  39. symbol
    anything that stands for or represents something else
  40. understatement
    understate the obvious
  41. imagery
    discriptive or figurative language used in literature to create word pictures for the reader
  42. allusion
    reference to a well known person, place, event, literary work or work of art
  43. analogy
    comparison of two pairs which have the same relationship
  44. paradox
    two opposing ideas
  45. synecdoche
    one uses a part to represent the whole
  46. metonymy
    substituting a word for another word closely associated with it
  47. apostrophe
    inversion of the normal syntactic order of words
  48. euphony
    soothing pleasant sounds
  49. cacophony
    harsh, discordant sounds
  50. theme
    central message or insight into life revealed through a literary work
  51. diction
    word choice
  52. denotation
    dictionary meaning, independent of other associations that the word may have
  53. connotation
    set of ideas associated with it in addition to its explict meaning
  54. speaker
    imiginary voice assumed by the writer of a poem
  55. tone
    writer's attitude toward his or her audience for the main character
  56. mood
    feeling created in a reader by a literary work or passage
  57. purpose
Card Set
Poertry Term
types, sound, language, terms