Chapter 8

  1. Amphipathic Molecules
    both hydrophilic and hydrophobic region
  2. Fluid Mosic Model
    Cell membrane is both fluid and made of many parts
  3. Davson-Danielli
    proposed sandwich model in 1935, proteins on both sides of membrane but not through it
  4. Singer-Nicolson
    proposed that proteins were dispersed over surface and embedded in 1972
  5. Freeze Fracture
    test used to split the membrane into the two layers
  6. Membrane Fluidity
    rapid lateral movement of lipids in membrane

    • - Temperature
    • - Saturated/Unsaturated Levels
    • - Cholesterol - restrains fluidity when warm, maintains it when cool
  7. Glycolipid
    connected directly to membrane
  8. Glycoprotein
    connected to carbohydrate in protein
  9. Peripheral Protein
    attatched to one side or the other of membrane, not embedded
  10. Integral Protein
    transmembrane protein, embedded, reinforces shape
  11. Asymmetrical Orientation
    distinct inside/outside faces in membrane, begins during synthesis
  12. Protein Functions
    • Transport
    • Enzymatic Activity
    • Signal Transduction
    • Intercellular Joining
    • Cell-Cell Recognition (Carbohydrates)
    • Cystskeleton/ECM Attatchment
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Chapter 8
Chapter 8 - Membrane Structure and Function