Music Study Cards 105

  1. Pitch
    The relative highness or lowness we hear in sound
  2. Tone
    a musical sound that has a definite pitch frequency, there are seven basic tones in music from A to G
  3. Interval
    The distance in pitch between any two intervals
  4. Octave
    a special type of interval between two tones in which the higher tone has twice the frequency of the lower one
  5. Pitch range
    The distance between the highest and lowest tones that a given voice or instrument can produce
  6. Dynamics
    degrees of loudness and softness in music
  7. Tone Color
    quality of sound that distinguishes one instrument or voice from another
  8. Rhythm
    The ordered flow of music through time, the pattern of durations of tones and silences in music
  9. Beat
    regular, recurrent pulsation that divides music into equal units of time
  10. Meter
    Organization of beats into regular groupings (double, triple, ect..)
  11. Tempo
    basic pace of the music (how fast or how slow)
  12. Syncopation
    The emphasis of a note at an unexpected time, such as between two beats
  13. Melody
    Series of single tones that add up to a recognizable whole, the tune we hear in music
  14. Phrase
    a smaller part of a melody
  15. Legato
    Smooth and connected
  16. Staccato
    Short and detached
  17. Chord
    combination of three or more tones sounded simultaneously
  18. Harmony
    The structure of chords (and how they follow each-other)
  19. Consonance
    A harmony that is stable and restful
  20. Dissonance
    A harmony that is unstable and tense
  21. Resolution
    A movement from a dissonance to a consonance
  22. Scale
    a set series of tones, scales make up the basic melodic and harmonic substance of musical works
  23. Key
    the central scale or chord within a musical work, there are two basic types of keys. Major and Minor
  24. Modulation
    A change of key within a single piece of music
  25. monophonic texture
    Single melodic line (without chords)
  26. polyphonic texture
    two or more melodic lines occurring at the same time ( with of without chords)
  27. homophonic texture
    one main melody accompanied by chords
  28. Voices
    • Female (Alto, Mezzo soprano, Soprano)
    • Male (Bass, baritone, tenor)
  29. Strings
    • Bowed strings ( violin, viola, cello, double bass)
    • Plucked Strings ( harp, guitar)
  30. Woodwinds
    Flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, saxophone
  31. Brass
    trumpet, french horn, trombone, tuba
  32. percussion
    • pitched- timpani, glockenspiel, xylophone, chimes
    • unpitched- snare drum, bass drum, tambourines, triangle, cymbals, gong
  33. Keyboard
    piano, harpsichord, organ, accordion
  34. electronic
    tape studio, synthesizers, computers
  35. Gregorian chant
    melodies set to sacred latin prayer texts, sung without accompaniment, monophonic in texture
  36. Organum
    Gregorian chant plus one additional melodic line
  37. Mass
    sacred vocal composition set to roman catholic church texts. main sections include gloria, kyrie, credo, sanctus, and agnus dei
  38. Motet
    Sacred vocal composition set to a sacred latin text other than that of the mass
  39. Madrigal
    Secular vocal composition for several voices set to a short poem, usually about love
  40. Music of the middle ages and the renaissance
    Gregorian chant , organum, mass, motet, madrigal
  41. Music of the baroque period
    Basso continuo, movement, concerto, ritornello form, fugue, opera, aria, recitative, chorus, overture, libretto, suite, church cantata, chorale, oratorio,
  42. Basso continuo
    a type of accompaniment made up of a keyboard and a low pitched instrument such as the cello
  43. movement
    a self contained piece of music that is actually part of a larger work ( such as a concert or symphony)
  44. concerto
    composition for instrumental soloist and orchestra, usually in three movements
  45. ritornello form
    a prominent musical form of the baroque period in which a refrain comes back again and again
  46. fugue
    a type of complex polyphonic composition in which one main melody enters again and again in different ways
  47. opera
    a drama that is set to music
  48. aria
    song for solo voice with accompaniment, usually expresses an outpouring of emotion, has a clear melody and meter
  49. recitative
    type of song that imitates the natural inflection of speech, and generally does not have a clear sense of melody or meter.
  50. chorus
    a large group of singers, or a musical composition for a large group of singers
  51. oveture
    short musical composition for orchestra, no singers, that opens an opera and sets the dramatic mood
  52. libretto
    the text of an opera
  53. suite
    set of dance inspired movements
  54. church cantata
    a musical work in several movements for singers and instruments that accompanied the lutheran church service
  55. chorale
    hymn tune sung to a german religious text, a standard part of a church cantata
  56. oratorio
    large scale composition for voices and instruments that is set to a sacred narrative text, similar in structure to opera, but lacking acting , scenery, and costumes.
Card Set
Music Study Cards 105
Music Class