hygiene review

  1. What is enamel?
    the protective outer layer of a tooth
  2. What is the pulp of a tooth?
    the soft tissue in the center of the tooth where the nerve and blood are located
  3. What is dentin?
    the part of the tooth making up most of the tooth, harder than bone
  4. what is plaque?
    a sticky film containing germs that forms on teeth
  5. What is nearsightedness?
    a vision problem in which one cannot see clearly far away
  6. what is farsightedness?
    a vision problem in which one cannot see clearly up close
  7. What is the iris?
    the colored part of the eye
  8. What is the pupil?
    the opening in the eye that lets in light
  9. What is the lens?
    located behind the pupil, it is curved and clear and focuses images
  10. What are rods?
    part of the retina which allows you to see black and white
  11. What are the cones?
    parts of the retina which allows you to see colors
  12. What is the optic nerve?
    the nerve that sends images to the brain from the eyes
  13. What is the eardrum?
    a membrane that vibrates when sounds travel down the ear canal
  14. What is the cochlea?
    a part of the inner ear; shaped like a snail shell
  15. What is the middle ear?
    contains the hammer, the anvil, and the stirrup
  16. What is the dermis?
    the layer of skin just below the epidermis
  17. What is the epidermis?
    the protective outer layer of the skin
  18. List three ways you can tell food is spoiling.
    • 1. Food is discolored or smells bad
    • 2. Fruit or vegetable is bruised
    • 3. Bulging, leaky, or dented cans that are past their expiration date
  19. What is a fad diet?
    a diet that is popular for a short time but may be bad for you
  20. What is a stroke?
    a sudden destruction of brain cells, caused by lack of oxygen
  21. How can a stroke be prevented through nutrition?
    • stay at a healthy weight
    • eat a low fat diet
  22. What is diabetes?
    inadequate insulin, which causes too much sugar to stay in your blood
  23. How is diabetes affected by what you eat?
    Being overweight contributes to the disease

    An imbalance of carbohydrate from food and available insulin causes diabetics to have high blood sugar
  24. How often should you exercise?
    3 to 4 times a week for 30 to 60 minutes
  25. What is the best kind of exercise?
    The kind you will do!
  26. Give five benefits of exercise.
    • 1. weight control
    • 2. helps build and maintain healthy bones, muscles and joints
    • 3. helps lower blood pressure and cholesterol
    • 4. more energy, feel better
    • 5. better sleep
  27. What does "hygiene" mean?
    the process of maintaining and practicing cleanliness
  28. Why is it important to practice good hygiene?
    helps you stay free of disease
  29. What should you do to practice good dental hygiene?
    • Brush and floss twice a day.
    • Visit the dentist twice a year.
    • Limit sugar to reduce bacteria and plaque growth.
  30. Describe good skin care.
    • Wash your body regularly with soap and water. Wear sunscreen with an SPF of 15 when exposed to sun.
    • Use bug spray.
  31. Describe good ear hygiene.
    • Wear protective ear plugs around loud noises.
    • Do not use Qtips in the ear canal, only around the ear area.
  32. What is good eye care?
    • Wear protective goggles in sports or when working with hardware.
    • Don't look directly at the sun.
    • Wear sunglasses with SPF.
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hygiene review
quiz review