
  1. Complimantary colors?
    two hues directly opposite of eachother on the color scheme like red and green.
  2. Analogous colors?
    color schemes are based on color adjacent to one another on the color wheel such as a color scheme of yellow-green, green, and blue-green.
  3. Primary colors?
    red, yellow, blue, no colors can be mixed to make these.
  4. Secondary colors?
    orange, green, violet, two primary colors mixed to make a secondary color.
  5. Representational?
    depicts the appearance of things (represent).
  6. Abstract?
    works that depict natural objects in exaggerated ways.
  7. Trompe Loil?
    french for "fool the eye" paintings sp real to be just paintings.
  8. Monochromatic?
    a scheme with black and white, or white or black.
  9. Linear Prespective?
    representing three-dimensional object in a two dimensional surface.
  10. Atmospheric Prespective?
    giving an illusion of depth (more than you see).
  11. Composition?
    two dimensional art such as painting and photography.
  12. Symmetrical Balance?
    the left and right sides are the same.
  13. Asymmetrical Balance?
    the left and right sides are not the same.
  14. Hierarchy of Scale?
    use of unnatural proportions to show the relative importance of figures.
  15. Focal Point?
    that area is a specific spot or figure.
  16. Expressive Theory?
    the creator must play a role in the creative process.
  17. Sociocultural Theory?
    the economic system, the cultural values, and even the politics of the time.
  18. Formal Theory?
    the formal organization of the work is the most important factor in evaluating.
  19. Paints consist of three componenets?
    Pigment, binder, and vehicle.
  20. Pigment?
    provides color.
  21. Binder?
    mixes with the pigment to hold the pigment particles toghether and to attach the pigment to the surface.
  22. Vechicle?
    spreads together the pigment.
  23. Watercolor?
    painting made by applying pigments suspended in a solution of water and gum arabic (a resin from acacia tree) to white paper.
  24. Oil Paint?
    pigment mixed with various vegitable oils, such as linseed, walnut, and poppyseed.
  25. Tempera?
    used for the water based paints such as poster paints or paints with binders of glue or casein.
  26. Acyrlic?
    a clear plastic used as a binder in paint and as a casting material in sculpture.
  27. Glazes?
    thin transparent layers of color.
  28. Impasto?
    thickly applied paint.
  29. Catacombs?
    under ground tunnels.
  30. Byzantine Empire?
    empire that was split in two for an emperor in Rome and Constantinople.
  31. Constantine?
    an emperor Byzantine which later became known as Constantinople.
  32. Mosaic?
    ceramic tile, glass, marble.
  33. Altarpiece?
    an altar that remembers somone or honors somone.
  34. sfumato?
    the soft blurring of the edges.
  35. Chiaroscuro?
    the gradations of light and dark values in two dimensional imagery.
Card Set
Exam #1