Sporoza and Phylogeny

  1. What is the importance of class Sporoza?
    The importance of this class is that it shows the pathway for the differentiation of the sexes and the beginning of sexual reproduction.
  2. In the Plasmodium falciparum what is the sexual phase called?
    The sexual phase is called SPOROGONY and occurs in the mosquito.
  3. What is the asexual phase called?
    The asexual phase is called SCHIZOGONY occuring in man.
  4. Explain the life cycle of the Plasmodium
    • 1. Man is bitten by an infected mosquito (Anopheles).
    • 2. During the blood meal sporozites are injected into the blood of man from the salivary glads of the mosquito.
    • 3. The sporozites then migrate to the liver for an incubation period where they undergo futher schizogony to form a number of merozites.
    • 4. The merozites may repeat schizogony within the liver some merozites are able an do infect human red blood cells where they undergo further schizogony.
    • 5. In the red blood cells of man these merozites differentiate and become gametocytes.
    • 6. These gametocytes are ingested by a mosquito during a blood meal. In the mosquito they differentiate into microgametocytes(male) and macrogametocytes(female).
    • 7. The gametocytes fuse to become a special zygote called ookinete in the belly of the mosquito.
    • 8. The ookinetes then penetrate the stomach wall of the mosquito where they become oocyts.
    • 9. Within each oocyts sporogony (multiple fission) occurs to for a number of sporozites.
    • 10. When the oocyts burts the sporozites are liberated and migrate to the salivary glands of the mosquito.
  5. What is Pylogoney?
    Phylogeny is the term referring to the evolutionary development and relationship among Protozoans.
  6. Which class do the most primitive Protozoans belong to?
    They belong to class Mastigophora/Flagellata which includes the Euglena: organisms having both plant and animal characteristics. If, the Euglena were to develop a cell wall the organism would be unquestionably plant. If, however, the Euglena were to lose their chloroplast then the organism would be animal.

    It is easy to understand why a Euglena type organism may have been evolutionary ancestor to all other Protozoans.
  7. Which class is the highest evolutionary developed?
    The most representative is class Ciliata because of it's structure and function of organelles comprising the slipper organism.
  8. What are the other members of class Sarcodina?
    Include marine foms such as Radiolarians and Foraminiferons. These are considered the oldest Protozoans and are characterized by their peculiar exo-skeletons which are present in sedimentary rocks or oceanic sediments.
  9. Name the other members of class Sarcodina.
    They make include members of the genus Entamoeba which are parasitic causing serious human dieseases.
  10. What are the other members of class Mastigophora?
    Trypanosoma which is responsible for a African sleeping disease and Trichomonas which is a sexually trasmitted human disease.
Card Set
Sporoza and Phylogeny
the class sporoza and evolutionary relationship between protozoans