American History

  1. Which of the following acts established the Department of Agriculture?
    Morrill Land Grant Act
  2. During industrialization, what was Lowell, Massachusetts known for
    Cotton mills
  3. Supporters of a laissez-faire form of government believed that government regulation of:
    • Business would
    • Harm economic growth.
  4. The Radical Republicans wanted Lincoln�s reconstruction plans to include
    a guarantee that African-American Southerners would have equality with whites.
  5. What action signified the end of the Civil War?
    the signing of surrender papers in Appomattox, Virginia
  6. Which of the following terms means farm building or a place to store grain?
  7. What group of people rented land to farm
    tenant farmers
  8. Which statement supports social Darwinism?
    The most talented people will come out on top.
  9. The Pinkertons were called to put down this strike.
    Homestead Strike
  10. Who built a large steel corporation in the 1800s?
    Andrew Carnegie
  11. The �New South� included
    plantations and factories to process the crops.
  12. What was the railroad track that began in Omaha, Nebraska and traveled West?
    Union Pacific Railroad
  13. In the late 1800s, most American wealth was held by what percentage of Americans?
    less than 10 percent
  14. Out of what material did many of the pioneer families in the Plains States build houses?
  15. _______ made money in the banking industry.
    John Pierpont Morgan
  16. Buying up businesses at each phase of the manufacturing process is called
    vertical integration.
  17. Which of the following was used to legalize discrimination against African-American Southerners?
    black codes
  18. What are informal business alliances among owners who manufactured similar products called?
  19. Many people established farms under this federal bill.
    Homestead Act
  20. Over __________ Confederate soldiers died during the Civil War.
  21. ______ replaced waterpower to run factories.
  22. Which of the following people went south looking for opportunities after the war?
  23. Which group did Samuel Gompers lead?
    American Federation of Labor
  24. Which union included many socialists as members?
    Industrial Workers of the World
  25. Who wrote an account of her life as a female factory worker?
    Harriet Robinson
  26. Whose theories improved industrial efficiency?
    Frederick Taylor
  27. In 1860, where were most factories were located?
  28. Under the Contract Labor Act manufacturers
    deducted money from workers to pay off passage to America.
  29. Who built the Standard Oil Company?
    John D. Rockefeller
  30. Why were monopolies used?
    to gain a competitive advantage
  31. Who was the cowboy that mapped a trail between San Antonio, Texas and Abilene, Kansas?
    Jesse Chisholm
  32. Who invented light switches?
    Thomas Alva Edison
  33. Whose steelmaking process allowed it to be mass produced.
    Henry Bessemer
  34. What were Andrew Carnegie, John D. Rockefeller, and Cornelius Vanderbilt called?
    robber barons
  35. In which of the following fights did American soldiers kill more than 200 Sioux?
    Battle of Little Big Horn
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American History
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