PA 406

  1. Bureaucracy definition
    A large, hierarchically structured organization that preforms specific functions to implement polity
  2. What bureaucracy does
    It focuses on translating political decision into authoritative actions through predictable, rule-bases process
  3. How and why American bureaucracy has grown over the years
    • Size of gov grown, more entitlement programs (medicare and Medicaid) --Baby boomers are now at their age where they need these programs. Civil service program
    • Expansion of third party (must some some sort of bureaucracy to accommodate).
    • Civil war , = growth in gov
    • New Deal, and WWII = expansion bureaucracy
  4. Webers 3 types of authority
  5. 1. Traditional: Patriarchalism, monarchy
    • 2. Charismatic: Religious leaders, dictators
    • 3. Rational-legal: Administrative staff
  6. Policy implementation
    • 1. making rules
    • 2. putting rules in action
  7. Rule-making process
  8. 1. Fed. Registered Act (1935) - formal publishing
    2. Administrative Procedure Act 1946 - Allows others to participate in drafting law
  9. Electronic rule-making
    public participates more via internet
  10. Enforcement functions and tools: Tools-->
    contracts, info service, loans (cash for clunkers)
  11. Ensuring public comply with policy by...
  12. -Adjudicating specific cases
    • -Enforcing laws
    • -Running programs
  13. Ways that organizational structure can influence bureaucratic behavior:
    • Asks questions like...
    • -whos going to do what?
    • -who makes decisions, who has authority?
    • -How the groups relate to each other?-- sharing resources, info flow
  14. Types of Organization
    • Functional
    • Divisional
    • Matrix
    • Horizontal
    • Modular
  15. Functional
    Focus on type of work/skill; vertical
  16. Divisional
    Focus on product/customer; fairly decentralized (but often vertical within divison)
  17. Matrix
    Mixture of functional, divisional; joint control
  18. Horizontal
    Focus on processes; highly decentralized
  19. Modular
    Focus on outsourcing; highly decentralized
  20. Goal vs Task
    • Goal: future end-state being sought
    • Task: specific action taken in pursuit of the goal
  21. Gov. goals often too vague to define tasks bc-->
    real-life trail and error help shape instead
  22. Situational Imperative
    An ‘overriding concern’ with which an operator has to cope in doing tasks
  23. Peer Expectation
    Rational self-interest
  24. Types of Beliefs
    • Attitude
    • Experiences
    • Professional norms
    • Political ideology
  25. Capture
    An agency whose actions are substantially influenced by outside interest groups
  26. Most vulnerable to capture when.
    agencies with strong interest group backing (client agencies)
  27. Organizational Culture
    describe the psychology, attitudes, experiences and beliefs and values (personal and cultural) of the organization-- what shall we do? what shall we be?
  28. Sense of Mission
    • when employees, managers (really), support a particular culture
    • -Managers often try to create a sense of mission but if they don't, employees control
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PA 406
First test