
  1. Image Upload 2
    simple columnar epithelium
  2. Image Upload 4
    simple columnar epithelium
  3. Image Upload 6
    simple cuboidal epithelium
  4. Image Upload 8
    cuboidal epithelium (kidney)
  5. Image Upload 10
    cuboidal epithelium (kidney)
  6. Image Upload 12
    transitional epithelium (penile urethra)
  7. Image Upload 14
    transitional epithelium (bladder)
  8. Image Upload 16
    stratified squamus epithelium (vagina)
  9. Image Upload 18
    stratified squamus epithelium
  10. ciliated pseudostratified columnar epithelium (nasal mucosa)
  11. ciliated pseudostratified columnar epithelium
  12. thick skin (palm)
  13. simple columnar epithelium
  14. ciliated simple columnar epithelium
  15. stratified columnar epithelium ( salivary excretory duct)
  16. loose connective tissue ( mesentary)
  17. loose areolar connective tissue
  18. dense irregular connective tissue
  19. reticular connective tissue(cortex of lymph nodes)
  20. adipose
  21. hyaline cartilage (trachea)
  22. hyaline cartilage
  23. elastic cartilage
  24. fibrocartilage
  25. ground bone
  26. stomach gastric pits and glands(fundic portion)
  27. wall of small intestine
  28. human blood
  29. cardiac muscle (heart)
  30. skeletal muscle
  31. smooth muscle
  32. motor nerve cell
  33. neurons
  34. ovary and its follicles
Card Set
tissue types