ABSITE ch 35 small bowel.txt

  1. Portion of duodenum with 90% of ulcers
  2. Portion of duodenum with ampulla of Vater and duct of Santorini
  3. Retroperitoneal portions of duodenum (2)
    Descending and transverse (2nd and 3rd)
  4. Blood supply of duodenum
    GDA, pancreaticoduodenals

    • Portion of small bowel where maximal absorption occurs
    • Jejunum
  5. Portion of small bowel with long vasa recta and circular muscular folds
  6. Vascular supply to jejunum
  7. Portion of small bowel with short vasa recta
  8. GI cells that secrete mucin
    Goblet cells
  9. GI cells that contain secretory granules and enzymes
    Paneth cells
  10. GI cells that release 5-hydroxytryptamine
    Enterochromaffin cells
  11. GI cells with alkaline solution
    Brunner�s glands
  12. Lymphoid tissue in GI tract, particularly in ileum
    Peyer�s patches
  13. Antigen-preserving cells in the intestinal wall
    M cells
  14. Most important hormone in migrating motor complex (MMC)
  15. Conglomerations of TAGs, phospholipid, cholesterol and protein; released into lymphatics
  16. Primary bile acids (2)
    Cholic, chenodeoxycholic
  17. Secondary bile acids (2)
    Deoxycholic, lithocolic
  18. Test to check for B12 absorption (via radiolabeled B12 in urine)
    Schilling test
  19. Amount of small bowel needed to survive off of TPN
    75cm (50 cm if ileocecal valve competent)
  20. causes of nonhealing fistulas (7)
    foreign body, radiation, inflammatory bowel disease, epithelialization, neoplasm, distal obstruction, sepsis/infection
  21. % of fistulas that close spontaneously
  22. common causes of SBO
    hernia, adhesions, cancer
  23. % of SBO that are successfully treated conservatively
  24. air in biliary tree + SBO = ?
    gallstone ileus
  25. Meckel�s diverticulum: true or false diverticulum?
  26. Cause of meckel�s diverticulum
    Failure of closure of omphalomesenteric duct
  27. Most common ectopic tissue found in Meckel�s
  28. Most common presentation of Meckel�s in adults
  29. From most to least common, order of diverticula in each portion of small bowel
    Duodenal > jejunal > ileal
  30. First peak of Crohn�s incidence (ages)
  31. extraintestinal manifestations of Crohn�s disease
    arthritis, arthralgia, pyoderma gangrenosum, erythema nodosum, ocular diseases, growth failure, megaloblastic anemia
  32. most common anal symptom in Crohns
    anal skin tags
  33. diagnostic techniques for Crohns
    colonoscopy + biopsy, enteroclysis
  34. pathologic findings in Crohn�s
    transmural, skip lesions, cobblestoning, narrow deep ulcers, creeping fat
  35. medical treatments of Crohns (6)
    5-ASA, sulfasalazine, steroids, azathioprine, methotrexate, remicade
  36. % of Crohns patients who eventually need an operation
  37. surgical indications for Crohns (5)
    obstruction, abscess, megacolon, hemorrhage, anarectalvaginal fistulas
  38. complications from removal of terminal ileum
    dec B12 uptake, dec bile salt uptake, dec oxalate binding
  39. cell types that produce serotonin
    Kulchitsky cells
  40. Breakdown product of seratonin that can be measured in urine
  41. precursor of serotonin
  42. intermittent flushing and diarrhea caused by bulky liver mets
    carcinoid syndrome
  43. study to localize carcinoid tumor not seen on CT scan
    octreotide scan
  44. most common site for carcinoid tumor
  45. treatment of appendiceal cardinoid
    appendectomy (if <2cm), right hemicolectomy (if >2cm)
  46. medical treatment for carcinoid (3)
    streptozocin, 5FU, octreotide
  47. treatment of flushing associated with carcinoid syndrome
    alpha blockers
  48. treatment of bronchospasm in carcinoid syndrome
  49. most common benign small bowel tumor
  50. benign tumors of small bowel that most commonly occur in ileum
  51. genetic syndrome causing jejunal and ileal hamartomas, mucocutaneous melanotic skin pigmentation
    Peutz-Jeghers syndrome
  52. Most common malignant small bowel tumor
  53. Most common portion of small bowel to have adenocarcinoma
  54. Area of small bowel that most leiomyosarcomas occur
    Jejunum, ileum
  55. Area of small bowel that most lymphomas occur
  56. Most common subtype of lymphoma that occurs in small bowel
    NHL B cell type
  57. Patients predisposed to bowel lymphoma (6)
    Wegeners, SLE, Crohns, sprue, AIDS, post-transplantation
  58. Obstruction rate in loop ileostomies
  59. most common stomal infection
  60. decrease in short chain fatty acids in Hartmann�s pouch
    diversion colitis
  61. treatment of diversion colitis
    short chain fatty acid enemas
  62. most common cause of stomal stenosis
  63. most common cause of fistula near stoma site
    Crohns disease
  64. Findings on CT scan consistent with appendicitis
    Diameter >7mm, wall thickness >2mm, fat stranding, no contrast in appendiceal lumen
  65. Most likely area appendix perforates
    Midpoint of antimesenteric border
  66. Most common cause of appendicitis in children
  67. Causes of appendicitis
    Hyperplasia, facalith, cancer
  68. Treatment of walled-off perforated abscess
    Perc drainage, interval appy
  69. Most common cause of acute abdominal pain in 1st trimester
  70. Trimester when appendix is most likely to rupture (in pregnancy)
  71. % fetal mortality when appendix ruptures during pregnancy
  72. causes of ileus (6)
    surgery, electrolyte abnormalities, peritonitis, ischemia, trauma, drugs
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ABSITE ch 35 small bowel.txt
ABSITE small bowel