Minimum age for Hep B Vaccine
Minimum age for Rotovirus Vaccine
6 weeks
Minimum age for Diphtheria and tetanus toxoids and acellular pertussis vaccine
6 weeks
Minimum age for Haemophilus influenzae type b conjugate
6 weeks
Minimum age for Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine
6 weeks
Minimum age for pneumococcal pooysaccharide vaccine PPSV
2 years
Minimum age for inactivated poliovirus
6 weeks
Minimum age for influenza vaccine: trivalent inactivated influenza vaccine TIV
6 months
Minimum age for live, attenuated influenza vaccine LAIV
2 years
Minimum age for Measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine
12 months
Minimum age for Varicella vaccine
12 months
Minimum age for Hepatitis A vaccine
12 months
Minimum age for meningococcal conjugate vaccine MCV4 and meningococcal polysaccharide vaccine MPSV4
2 years
# of doses of Hepatitis B Vaccine ages 0-6
- 3 doses
- -dose #1 at birth
- -dose #2 at 1 to 2 mo
- if 6 weeks or less - monovalent HepB Vaccine
- older than 6 weeks may receive movalent or combination vaccine
- -dose #3
- no earlier then 24 weeks (6 mo)
# of doses of Rotavirus Vaccine ages 0-6
- 2 or 3 doses (2 mo intervals)
- - dose #1 at 6 to 14 weeks
- - if Rotarix is given at 2 and 4 mo, third dose not indicated
The maximum age to give Rotavirus vaccine
- dose #1 - 14 wks 6 days
- final dose - 8 mo 0 days
# of doses of Diphtheria, Tetanus, Persussis ages 0-6
- 5 doses
- - dose #1 to 3 bimonthly starting at 2 mo
- - dose #4 may be given as early as 12 mo if 6 mo have passed since
- - dose #5 is given between age 4 to 6 yrs
# of doses of Haemophilus influenzae type b ages 0-6
- 2 or 3 doses
- - dose #1 recommened at 4 mo
- - dose #2 recommened at 6 mo
- - dose #3 recommened at 12 to 18mo
- - if PRP-OMP is given at 2 and 4 mo then on 2 doses needed
Hib vaccine that should not be administered at ages 2, 4, or 6 mo
- TriHiBit DTap/Hib
- Hiberix PRP-T
When should TriHiBit (DTap/Hib) or Hiberix (PRP-T) be given
ONLY as the final dose at 12mo to 4yrs.
# of doses of Pneumococcal ages 0-6
- 4 doses PCV
- - does #1 to 3 recommened bimonthly starting at 2 mo
- - dose #4 recommened at 12 mo
Pneumococcal vaccine is recommended for
all children < 5yo
If healthy child aged 24mo (2yrs) to 59mo (<5yrs) are not completely vaccinated for Pneumococcal vaccine then
give 1 dose PCV
pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine or PPSV administeration is recommened for
2 or more mo after 4th dose of PCV for children with underlying medical conditions including cochlear implant who are 2yrs or older
# of doses of inactivated poliovirus ages 0-6
- 4 doses IPV
- - dose #1 recommened at 2mo
- - dose #2 recommended at 4mo
- - dose #3 recommended between 6mo and 18mo
# of doses of influenza
yearly 6 mo to 18 years
LAIV should not be given to children who
2 to 4 yo with wheezing in past 12mo
for children younger then 9 yo who have never received flu vaccine before give
2 doses separated by 4wks
Doseing for children receiving TIV
- 6mo to 35mo - 0.25mL
- 3yo or older - 0.50mL
# of doses of Measles, Mumps, Rubella ages 0-6
- 2 doses
- - dose #1 recommended at 12mo - 15mo
- - dose #2 recommended at 4yrs to 6yrs
# of doses of Varicella ages 0-6
- 2 doses
- - dose #1 recommended at 12mo - 15mo
- - dose #2 recommended at 4yrs to 6yrs
- (may be given <4yrs if 3mo has passed since 1st)
# of doses of Hepatitis A ages 0-6
- 2 doses (6 mo intervals)
- - dose #1 recommended at 12mo to 24mo
- - dose #2 recommeneded 6mo post 1st dose
# of doses of Meningococcal ages 0-6
2 dose
Meningococcal vaccine is given to individuals who are
- 2 to 10yo with
- - persistent complement component deficiency
- - anatomic or functional asplenia
- - other condictions making pt high risk
At birth children of mothers that are HBsAg positive should receive
- Within 12 hours of birth
- -Hepatitis B vaccine
- -0.5mL of hepatitis B immune
At birth children of mothers that have an unknown HBsAg status
- Within 12 hours of birth
- -Hepatitis B vaccine
- Test mother for HBsAg if positive administer
- 0.5mL of hepatitis B immune within 1 week of birth
Infants born to HBsAg positve mothers should be
- tested 1 to 2 mo after 3rd HepB vaccination for
- - HBsAg +
- - antibody to HBsAg
Vaccines contraindicated in pregnancy, immunocompromissed conditions, HIV wtih CD4 count <200cells/uL
- Varicella
- Zoster
- Measles, mumps, rubella
Minimum age for Tetanus and diphtheria toxoids and acellular pertussis vaccine Boostrix or Adacel
- 10yrs Boostrix
- 11yrs Adacel
Give Tetanus and diphtheria toxoids and acellular pertussis vaccine booster to