arch history slides 6-9

  1. Palace Complex (“Palace of King Minos”), Knossos, Crete, ca. 1700-1380 BC
  2. Citadel at Tiryns, Peloponnesus, Mycenae, ca. 1300 BC
  3. Megaron, Palace at Pylos, 13th century BC
  4. Citadel and Palace of Mycenae, Greece, ca. 1600-1250 BC
  5. ashlar
    -- hewn stone masonry with even faces and square edges laid in horizontal courses with vertical joints – as opposed to rubble or unhewn stone straight from the quarry
  6. corbel
    parallel masonry layers, each projecting beyond the one below.
  7. corbel arch
    • a “false” arch constructed by progressively cantilevering or corbelling from the two
    • sides with horizontal joints.
  8. cushion capital
    in pre-Classical Greek architecture, a simple rounded capital carved from a block of stone, resembling a round cushion or pillow.
  9. cyclopean stones
    • in pre-Classical Greek architecture, masonry constructed of very large irregular blocks
    • of stone. The later Greeks believed such masonry was the work of a race of giants, the Cyclopes.
  10. dromos
    a long, high-walled, sloping entrance passage to a Mycenaean tholos tomb.
  11. jamb
    the vertical face of an archway, doorway, or window.
  12. labyrinth
    a building with, or arrangement of, winding and confusing passageways
  13. megaron
    the principal hall of an Anatolian, Cretan, or Mycenaean palace or house. It is rectangular in plan, with a circular central hearth and a front porch formed by the prolongation of the side walls
  14. postern
    a small gateway, sometimes concealed, at the back of a castle, town, or monastery.
  15. propylaeum
    an entrance-gateway to an enclosure (usually to a temple or palace precinct).
  16. relieving arch
    • an arch, usually of rough construction, placed in a wall above an arch or any opening, to
    • relieve it of much of the superincumbent weight.
  17. tholos
    • (pl., tholoi) a round tomb. In Mycenaean architecture, a round, corbel-vaulted tomb;
    • also referred to as a “beehive” tomb.
  18. acroterion
    . acroteria) ornament placed at the apex or end of a pediment.
  19. anta
    • a pilaster not conforming to the order used elsewhere in a building, usually placed at
    • the ends of the projecting walls of a temple portico or pronaos.
  20. cella (or naos)
    the sanctuary of a Greek temple, which houses the cult statue.
  21. entasis
    literally, swelling. A slight convex curve to the profile of a column.
  22. opisthodomos
    a false rear porch of a Greek temple.
  23. Order
    • in classical architecture, a column with base (usually), shaft, capital, and entablature,
    • decorated and proportioned according to one of the accepted modes (e.g., Greek Doric, Ionic, or Corinthian).
  24. pediment
    • in classical architecture, a low-pitched gable above a portico, formed by running the
    • top member of the entablature along the sides of the gable.
  25. peristyle
    single colonnade surrounding a building or courtyard
  26. pilaster
    • a shallow pier or rectangular column projecting only slightly from a wall, and, in
    • classical architecture, conforming with one of the orders.
  27. portico
    • a roofed space, open or partly enclosed, forming the entrance and center-piece of the
    • façade of a temple, house, or church, often with detached or attached columns and a pediment. It is called prostyle or in antis according to whether it projects from or recedes into a building.
  28. pteroma
    in a Greek temple, the space between the walls and the colonnades.
  29. pronaos
    antechamber before the naos.
  30. stereobate
    a substructure of masonry visible above ground level
  31. stylobate
    a continuous flat coping or pavement on which a row of columns is supported.
  32. tympanum
    the triangular space enclosed by the mouldings of a pediment.
  33. stylos
  34. ptero-
    feathered, winged, or a row of columns.
  35. in antis
    having columns placed between two pilasters (antae) on end of projecting walls.
  36. prostyle
    • (from Greek, stylos, meaning pillar) having columns across front of temple, but
    • not between the projecting walls.
  37. amphiprostyle
    same as prostyle, but with columns at both ends.
  38. acropolis
    Greek, “high city.” The upper citadel of a reek city, usually the site where important temples were erected.
  39. caryatid
    • a sculptured female figure used as a column, as on the Erechtheion at the Acropolis of
    • Athens.
  40. Chalcotheca
    armory at the Acropolis in Athens, holding the arms of the goddess Athena, as well as votive offerings
  41. crepidoma
    in Greek architecture, the stepped platform upon which the superstructure of a building is erected. The uppermost level of the crepidoma is the stylobate. The lower levels are called the stereobate
  42. entasis
    slight convex curve to the profile of a column.
  43. kore
    Greek, young woman. An Archaic Greek statuary type depicting a young woman.
  44. kouros
    Greek, young man. An Archaic Greek statuary type depicting a young woman.
  45. peplos
    a simple long woolen belted garment worn by ancient Greek women.
  46. Pinacotheca
    Greek, picture gallery. At the Acropolis of Athens this room of the Propylaea
  47. polis
    -- Greek, city.
Card Set
arch history slides 6-9
slides 6-9