Mounce Ch 15 Verbs

  1. What are Verbs?
    words that describe an action or a state of being
  2. Verbs that describe and action may what 2 things?
    transitive or intransitive
  3. What is transitive?
    having a direct object
  4. What is intransitive?
    having no object (or direct object)
  5. What 2 names are verbs that describe a state of being called?
    Linking verbs


    Copulative verbs
  6. What 2 things do verbs have?


  7. In verbs how many persons are there? and what are they?
    First Person - (Indicates speaker as the Subject)

    Second Person - (Indictaes person spoken to as subject)

    Third Person - (Indicates someone or something else spoken about as subject)
  8. What two things can the number be?


  9. Every verb has a subject.

    What do we need to remember about the relationship of these 2?
    The verb and subject must agree

    in Person and in Number
  10. Regarding Time and Aspect, what 3 things do verbs have?


  11. Tense in English is only a matter of time.

    In Greek, what does tense primarily involve?
  12. What does aspect refer to?
    the kind of action
  13. Aspect refers to the kind of action.

    What 3 actions are there?
    1 - Linear action

    2 - Punctiliar or Undefined action

    3 - Perfective action
  14. 5 things you need to know about a verb in order.
    • 1. Tense
    • 2. Voice
    • 3. Mood
    • 4. Person
    • 5. Number
  15. Aspect refers to the kind of action.

    What is Linear action?
    An action that is ongoing, continuous.
  16. Aspect refers to the kind of action.

    What is Punctiliar or undefined action?
    An action, which is without respect to continuity or action across time.
  17. Aspect refers to the kind of action.

    What is Perfective action?
    Signifies a past action that has produced a resultant continuing state.
  18. In Verbs, what is Voice?
    the relation between the subject and the verb.
  19. Voice is the relation between the subject and a verb.

    What 3 voices are there?


  20. Voice is the relation between the subject and a verb.

    What is the Active Voice?
    The subject does the action or is in the state indicated by the verb.
  21. Voice is the relation between the subject and a verb.

    What is the Middle Voice?
    The subject is somehow involved in the action, which reflects back on itself.
  22. Voice is the relation between the subject and a verb.

    What is the Passive Voice.
    The subject is acted upon by a third party, who does the action of the verb.
  23. In verbs, what is Mood?
    Mood is the relation that verbs have to reality, from factuality to mere possibility.
  24. Mood is the relation that verbs have to reality, from factuality to mere possibility.

    What is the mood of greatest reality?
    The indicative.
  25. Mood is the relation that verbs have to reality, from factuality to mere possibility.

    What is the indicative Mood?
    the Indicative Mood states something that is considered as factual, contrary to fact, or is questioned as to its factuality or reality, either past, present, or future.
  26. Mood is the relation that verbs have to reality, from factuality to mere possibility.

    Which is the only mood in which tense has an element of time as well as of aspect?
    The Indicative Mood.
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Mounce Ch 15 Verbs
Things to know for quiz on Wed 10-6-2010