Entomology quiz 3

  1. Image Upload 2Image Upload 4
    Order: Ephemepoptera

    • Small to med
    • reduced mouthparts
    • Large compound eye
    • small bristlelike antennae
    • Large triangular forwing and smaller rounded hindwing
    • 2 or 3 long caudal filaments

    Family Caeindae found in Hawaii
  2. Image Upload 6Order
  3. Dragonflies and damselflies
    • Nymphs have rectal gills
    • Aquatic larvae
    • Two membranous pairs of wings w/ lots of cross veins
    • Elongate slender bodies often brightly colored with patterned wings
    • Large compound eyes
    • Minute antennae
    • Megalagrion in Hawaii
    • 3 families found in Hawaii
  4. Image Upload 8Suborder

    • More delicate tja drogon flies
    • Front and hind wings almost idential
    • wings directed dorally and posteriorly
    • Family:Coenagrionidae
  5. Image Upload 10Suborder

    • Dragon flies
    • Large hind wing broad at base
    • Wings horizontal at rest
    • Nymphs are aquatic with internal rectal gills
  6. Image Upload 122 families
    1) Family Aeshinidae

    • Eyes touching at top of head
    • Triangle of the forwing runs along the wing axis

    • 2)Family Libellulidae
    • Usually brightly colored
    • Eyes very close together at top of head but not touching
    • Triangle of wing axis points down
  7. Image Upload 14Order

    • Stoneflies
    • Four families only known from the Southern Hemisphere
    • Highly endemic
    • Dorsoventrally flattened
    • 2 pair of membranous wings
    • Wings fold at rest
    • Three tarsal segments
    • Long filiform antennae
    • Nymphs aquatic – tracheal gills and two long cerci
    • Two tarsal claws
    • None in Hawai’i
  8. Image Upload 16Order

    • Cockroaches
    • Dorsoventrally flattened
    • Head hypognathous
    • Forewing if present hardened
    • 5 seg. tarsi
    • Cursorial legs
    • Long filiform antennae
    • Prothorax with large shield like pronotum
    • 3 families to know:
    • Blattidae
    • Blattellidae
    • Blaberidae
  9. Image Upload 18Family

    • American Cockroach
    • Middle and hind femurs have numerous strong spines
    • Male genital plate symmetrical with widely open styli
    • 10-13 mm
  10. Image Upload 20Family

    • German Cockroach
    • Mostly small species
    • numerous similiar spines on femurs
    • 3-10 mm
  11. Image Upload 22Family
    • Blaberidae
    • Mostly large species, variable spines on hind and mid femurs
    • male subgenital plate is asymmetrical
    • from 10-60mm
  12. Image Upload 24Order

    • Termites, white ants
    • Soft bodied
    • Two pair of membranous wings (reproductives only) that are equal
    • Wingless worker caste
    • Eusocial
    • Moniliform or filiform antennae
    • Chewing mouthparts
    • Decomposers
    • Nest building
    • Sharing of gut symbionts
    • No native species
    • 8 pest species in Hawaii
  13. Image Upload 26Order

    • Praying mantis
    • Predaceous
    • Mandibulate mouthparts
    • Raptorial front legs (elongate coxa)
    • Elongate prothorax
    • 5 seg. Tarsi
    • Forewings hardened as tegmina
    • Hindwings membranous
    • Wings reduced or absent in females
    • Eggs laid in an ootheca
    • Widely distributed
  14. Image Upload 28Order

    • Earwigs
    • Omnivorous primarily decomposers
    • Nocturnal
    • Elongate
    • Winged or wingless
    • Forewings at tegmina
    • Cerci modified to forceps
    • 3 seg. Tarsi
    • Maternal care of offspring
  15. Image Upload 30Order

    • Crickets, grasshoppers, katydids
    • Mandibulate mouthparts
    • Usually two pair of wings but some wingless
    • Hindlegs adapted for jumping
    • Pronotum with large descending lobes
    • Medium to large
    • Singing
    • Most phytophagous
    • Cryptic colouration
  16. Image Upload 32Name 3 families of this Suborder
    Suborder: Ensifera

    • Family Tettigoniidae
    • Family Gryllidae
    • Family Gryllotalpidae
  17. Image Upload 34Family
    Family Tettigoniidae

    • Antennae with 30 segments
    • 4 segmented tarsi
    • forewings are hardened tegmina
    • LargeIsually green but sometimes brown
    • Wings present although usually small
  18. Image Upload 36Family

    • Antennae with more than 30 segments
    • 3 segmented tarsi
    • Most are winged
    • flattened dorsoventrally
    • High diversity in Hawaii
  19. Image Upload 38Family
    Family Gryllotalpidae

    • Mole crickets
    • Thick bodies somewhat cylindrical
    • Large eyes
    • front legs broad and spade like
    • Short antennae
    • Fly
  20. Image Upload 40Name 2 important families of this suborder
    suborder: Caelifera

    • Family Acrididae
    • Family Tetrigidae
  21. Image Upload 42Family
    Family Acrididae

    • Short horned grasshoppers
    • antennea shorter than 30 segments
    • all legs have 3 seg. tarsi
    • hind tibia has 4 apical spurs
    • pronotum not extended over back of abdomen
  22. Image Upload 44Family
    Family Tetrigidae

    • Pygmy grasshoppers
    • small
    • usually grey black or mottled
    • pronotum extends back to end of abdomen to a point at end
    • Tarsi 2:2:3
    • Antennae relatively short
  23. Image Upload 46Order

    • Long slender cylindrical
    • Large to very large
    • Prognathous head
    • Antennae short to long and slender May have more than 100 segments
    • Eyes small and antero-lateral
    • Ocelli present in some wingless species
    • Mandibulate
    • Short prothorax
    • Elongate mesothorax
    • Able to regenerate lost legs!
    • Phyllidae -leafy
    • Phasmatidae –stick like
  24. Image Upload 48Order

    • Web-spinners
    • silk glands in foretarsi
    • Forebasitarsal seg. elongate
    • Live in silk galleries
    • Wings elongate, sub equal and membranous
    • Apterous females Males winged or apterous
    • Mandibulate
    • Tarsi 3 segmented
    • Cerci 2 segmented
    • Oligotomidae
  25. Image Upload 50Order

    • book-lice
    • Bulbous protrusion on "face"
    • Often very long filiform antennae
    • 2 pair of membranous wings
    • Small insects
    • 2 or 3 tarsal segments
    • Hindwings smaller than forewings
    • Soft-bodied
    • No cerci
  26. Image Upload 52Order

    • Biting and chewing Lice
    • Apterous
    • Flattened
    • Mandibulate or piercing and sucking mouthparts
    • Ectoparasites
    • Adaptations of tarsi to clinging to hair or feathers
    • Fairly host specific- host helps to identify family
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Entomology quiz 3
enomology order family