Humanities 3

  1. The landmark work that marked the birth of the Romantic movement was:
    Lyrical Ballads
  2. Which Romantic was not British, but German?
  3. Wordsworth's perception of nature as sublime was most closely echoed in the paintings of:
    C.W. Turner
  4. Transcendentalism:
    valued intuition and self-reliance
  5. Which characteristics describe the Romantic personality?
    • Often experiences "the spontaneous overflow of feelings."
    • Is a champion of life and liberty.
    • Cultivates the world of imagination.
  6. Painters of the Sublime often viewed nature as:
    an awesome power that is overwhelming
  7. Constable's paintings usually focus on:
    everyday life
  8. In his Diary, Napoleon places great emphasis on the power of:
  9. Prometheus was a favorite fictional hero because:
    he defied the Greek gods
  10. Pushkin's general attitude toward Napoleon was:
    admiration for his heroic actions
  11. In My Bondage and My Freedom, Douglass confesses that he stole food:
    on the grounds of morality
  12. The protagonist in Goethe's Faust is:
    a scientist with an unlimited thirst for knowledge
  13. Mary Shelley's Frankenstein parallels the tragedy of which mythological hero?
  14. What tragic ending does Goethe's Young Werther meet?
    He commits suicide.
  15. In Wagnerian opera, a leitmotif is:
    a musical phrase used to identify a particular person, object or idea
  16. Which Romantic artist created a series of prints focusing on the brutality and horror of war?
  17. Gros' works depicting Napoleon are considered:
    a means of propaganda focusing on the heroism of Napoleon
  18. 19th-century American architectural structures such as the Smithsonian Museums in Washington and portions of the Harvard and Yale campuses reflect the period's interest in:
  19. In Delacroix's Liberty Leading the People, the "people" does not include:
    the aristocracy
  20. Cordier's African and Nash's Royal Pavilion were expressions of nineteenth-century:
  21. John Stuart Mill argued that, traditionally, men have wanted women to be:
    devoted to submission and meekness
  22. The new historicists brought critical and controversial study to the field of:
    religious history
  23. In the Communist Manifesto, Marx and Engels envision as the new ruling class:
    the proletariat
  24. In Ibsen's Doll's House, Nora leaves Torvald because:
    she wishes to stand alone and make her own decisions
  25. The artist who said "Show me an angel and I'll paint one" was:
  26. Daumier's "Third Class Carriage" emphasizes the:
    dehumanizing reality of travel for the poor
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Humanities 3
chapters 27-30 of the Humanistic Tradition by Gloria Fiero